Archive for the tag 'Megan Axton'


Attribution: me

To me, summer means late nights spent outside next to a fire.

Four Seasons


There are three moving lights on the subject, using gels R017, L141, and R15. The bottom of the cyc is lit with gel R020.

The most iconic and identifiable color of a sunset is orange; the same can be said for fall in New England with the changing of the leaves. Both sunset and fall signal the coming of darker times.


There are once again three moving lights on the subject. It is lit from SR with gel L201, SL with gel R68, and from the top with gel R51 and the breakup gobo. The cyc is lit with gel L201.

Winter is bright and white, but there is texture in the snow and North Dakota gets a lot of snow.


There are three moving lights on the subject, all SL, with gels L192, L328, and the third with gel R51 and a window gobo.

Sunrises and spring have a pink tint to them. Gothic Cathedrals have very prominent windows, through which a sunrise would be beautiful.


The subject is lit from the front using moving lights with gel L201 and from the top with a moving light with gel R002. The cyc is lit with gel R077 from the bottom and R082 from the top.

During part of the year, shadows seem to completely disappear around noon in places like Hawaii because the sun is directly above the objects.

Lighting Moment

Date: 4/10/23

Time: 7:10 P.M.

Location: Utrecht House

Objective: a sunset through the blinds on the window to my dorm room

Subjective: I could barely see the sun and the sky was still mostly blue, but I was in a call with my friend who was describing his view of the sunset, making my own feel prettier than it was


Attribution: bing

an unusual color combination that doesn’t naturally happen often– if at all

Lighting Observation

Date: 4/7/23

Time: 10:52 a.m.

Location: Utrecht

Objective Description: sunlight coming through the window of my dorm room falling onto the light grey rug in the middle of the room

Subjective Description: the soft light coming through the blinds onto the grey rug and white wall was a peaceful sight


Theme: Advertisement/Desire


The amber colors lighten the woman’s skin and draws attention to her eyes and eyelashes, which the ad is intending to point out to you and impress you with, should you not read the text.

Light Moment

Date: 3/16/23

Time: 9:19 P.M.

Location: the Playhouse

Objective: two actors down center stage. there is a dark blue wash over the stage and a spot on each actor

Subjective: it’s a very calming scene. the characters sing a song about falling in love and everything is at ease

Single Source

Theme: Single Source

Attribution: bing

Description: two cars on a street light by a single street lamp

Lighting Moment

Date: 3/10/23

Time: 8:54 P.M.

Location: the Playhouse

Objective: there’s a string of paper lanterns and a single spot on an actress on the otherwise dimly lit stage

Subjective: I run the spot for that scene and spotting that actress on that stage for that scene brings me much joy

Bizarre Photo

Theme: Bizarre

Attribution: Megan Axton 6/9/19

Description: there’s a really bright light in the center, but the image still manages to look and feel dark. There are also people, but you cannot see them.

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