Archive for the tag 'morning'

Light Observation

Time: Some morning a couple days ago, probably around 11 am

Objective Description: Sunlight hit my jar of liquid marbles, illuminating them and scattering purple light nearby.

Subjective Description: I woke up one morning because it was so bright in my room, even with the blinds closed, that I couldn’t possibly sleep any longer. It was annoying because I wasn’t necessarily ready to get up, but the sight I saw on my windowsill made up for it.

I have a glass jar of purple liquid marbles (those tiny beads that you soak in water and they get bigger; primarily used as a substitute for soil for plants, does anyone actually know what I’m talking about? I’d really appreciate if you at least humored me and pretend you do) sitting on my windowsill. They are clear enough to allow light to pass through, and I happened to notice that the sunlight escaping through the blinds was hitting them in such a way that tiny specks of purple light were thrown all over my windowsill. The marbles were illuminated right down to the bottom of the jar and looked so sparkly and bright. There is nothing like light hitting a translucent surface. I tried to replicate it so I could take a picture, but it seems that the magic of that moment is something that could only be produced organically, which made it even more special.

Photo Observation 4



One of my happiest memories took place on the morning after a sleepover at my grandparents’ house when I was very young. My two cousins and I slept on an old foam mattress that converted into a couch. We slept huddled together with a fuzzy peach blanket. Some time in the early morning, I woke up while everyone was asleep. I looked above the TV at a window covered in a thin sheer curtain, and I could tell by the soft blue light coming in the window that it was morning. I was filled with energy and life, but there was also a quiet, slow, gentleness in the moment that I think this picture captures well. The room is dark and easy on the eyes, but the window lets through a soft notice that the day has begun and there is potential for adventure.

Light Obsv.

1) My dorm room, 8:25 AM, Thursday April 10th, 2014

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: Light was streaming through the blinds on the windows.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: I was lying on the floor, about to do the morning crunches that Anna Watts told me would benefit my health. Still groggy, I looked up. What was before me was a square of crystals plastered on my wall. The fresh morning sun pulsated against my window, which were still covered by the blinds. The slit in the blinds, however, mixed with the branches from the trees outside, created a gobo of fantastical qualities. Each panel held a sparkling, bright diamond of light. I finished my crunches, and went outside to explore this new day before me.

Light Observation #7

1. Tuesday, March 11, 2014: 8 am

2. I woke up (rather late, unfortunately) and didn’t think it could be the time it was because it was rather dim outside.

3. I looked out the windows and just felt exhausted. Not because I hadn’t slept, but because the overcast heavy sky just felt sleepy. The clouds muted the world around them and everything felt heavy. It was almost unsettling, the claustrophobic feeling that came across me with this heavy, bright but not bright, dark but not dark feeling. It was strange – just not right. I kept waiting for the sun to shine through or something so that the world wouldn’t seem so shut off and desolate.

Lighting Observation #3 – Max Cerci

1) February 12 2014 8:45am

2) The sunrise and sunlight hitting the trees and buildings as well as reflecting off of the white snow.

3) As the sun was rising and the rays began hitting the snow, it looked almost as if the snow was a mirror. I could see the sky in the reflection of the snow and the world around me seemed unusually brighter than normal. Similarly, the way the sun was hitting the buildings and trees seemed to cast shadows onto the snow and ground causing everything to look much more 3 dimensional than usual.

Light Observation #1

1. 7:15 AM, Wednesday, January 29th 2014. 614B Portsmouth House, Colonial Square.

2. Sunlight filtering through semi-opened blinds and hitting the floor and bed.

3. Eyelids twitching open from the unexpected brightness, I was suddenly awake with blinding beams of light biting into my eyes. The more awake I became, the more the room became a warm, peachy color.

Lighting Observation 1

1) Thursday 1/30/14, 7:41 AM, my dorm room

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: At the back wall of our dorm room, there is a window which looks out to Oak Street. This morning, the light from the newly risen sun was streaming in through the blinds.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: As I looked at the window, I noticed a bright white light streaming in through between the blinds. The light stretched its fingers across the floor, creating a magnificent piece of artwork on the stained blue carpet on the floor. The light appeared pure white, like the color of a freshly fallen snow. To wake up to this beautiful image was a sign that today was going to be a good day.

Photo Observation #1


2) From:×768-pixel.html

3) THEME: Sunrise/Sunset

4) DESCRIPTION: As the day commences, the sun begins to rise, casting its first beams of the day. Stretching out from the sun’s white center are beams of yellow, like a mane around a lion’s head. On the water, the light is reflected, appearing as almost a golden pathway to the sun. Above, the day sky has begun to arrive, the faintest of blue tones beginning to appear. Where the new sky meets the beams of light, there is an almost green hue, as often happen when blue meets yellow. Through the light, the shadow of a sailboat is revealed, its details still masked in shadow.


Light Observation 11

1) 4/14/13 4:30 A.M. Parking lot outside the towers

2) A light glow of lamp posts with the fuzzy pseudo darkness of the very early morning

3) Most of what happens in the extreme hours of the night goes un-noticed. There’s a lot ideas of what late night light, or lack thereof, can hold, but most of the time we have no idea. It’s neither harsh nor happy. It’s just kind of there. It’s not morning but too early to be night, just like how there’s light but it’s still dark. It’s a sort of limbo state of being.

Light Observation #4

  1. 7:30 AM, February 19th, 2013 Netherlands Hague 314 A
  2. A single light source from the sun is shining through my window blinds which are partially closed.
  3. I woke up to the warm, bright light shining through my window. Long radiant rays of gold light shone through each blind straight like that of meticulous lines on the page of a notebook. There was no class that day. I enjoyed not being awoken by the harsh screams of my alarm clock but rather, the gentle kiss from the sun’s rays as they slowly seeped through my window like syrup that gently encompasses a warm, risen pancake. The warmth from the welcoming light gently woke me and it was not harsh nor rushed; It was sweet and beautiful. The light filled the room like the energy that fervently started to run through my veins preparing me for the remainder of the day. The amber orange and yellow light truly shined exuberantly and set a joyful mood for the rest of the impending day.

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