Archive for the tag 'nightlight'

Lighting Observation 2 (Week 4)

1) In the hallway in my suite, 1am, Thursday night

2) Light from a nightlight shining. It’s one of those green ones without a bulb that glow in the dark sort of.

3) As I was lying down to go to sleep, I noticed the door to my room was open slightly. I went to close it and I could see the very dim light of the nightlight glowing. In front of the light was my bike. The light illuminated the bike with a sickly green, almost ghostly glow. The light also reflected off the wall and floor slightly. The bike reflected some of the greenish light taking on a very creepy and strange alien-esque light as it was lit from below. The whole room was dark except for the faint glimmer of the nightlight and created an eerie sight. Shadows splayed on the floor from the spokes of the bike wheel creating an interesting pattern. The scene created a strange and unearthly feeling.