Archive for the tag 'pretty'

Photo Observation 8



3) Spring

4) This is a photo of a flower because flowers always remind me of spring. The blue petals and the yellow inner section of the flower makes me feel like a breath of new life is coming. The water droplets on the petals give me a sense of liveliness. Spring time is a time of happiness and joyous times and this flower reminds me of just that.  the way the sun reflects off of the droplets makes me feel happier inside because there is a sense of brightness to nature

photo observation #6?–4d2f301f747d0.jpg

vibrant, colorful, saturated

I love this picture because these colorful spheres are bright, shiny, vivid colors and they have all different designs. But in the shiny ones there are reflections of trees. I love how something as unnatural as these spheres try to camouflage themselves in trees and grass.  I feel like they are trying this disguise but their shapes and colors distort the trees so try as they might these spheres will never really be natural.

Photo Observation 3


Iowa State University Dept of Physics & Astronomy

3. THEME: Vibrant, Colorful, Saturated

4. I’ve always been fascinated aurora borealises, I think it’s crazy that such a beautiful phenomenon can just exist in the natural world! The neon greens, blues, purples and pinks look as though they would be better suited to a street in downtown Tokyo than in the flat lands of Iowa! I’ve never been witness to so beautiful an event, but truthfully I would probably withstand a trip to Iowa- or another equally wretched state- in order to see one! Seeing these colors in nature, I start to think about why neon colors are so popular for different things; these colors at first remind me of early teenagers, then the eighties, then a big Eastern/ Oriental city- like Tokyo or Hong Kong. Yet, long before dyes or neon lights and glow sticks were even conceived of, the earth’s magnetic fields have been trapping gases and whatnot to produce this stunning and vibrant display.