Archive for the tag 'Rych'

Photo Observation: Sunset

Hawaiian Sunset


Theme: Sunset/Sunrise

I picked this photo because I just booked tickets to spend a week in Hawaii after the semester ends. Staring at this photo helps make the current weather drift away a little, dreaming of being away from the snow, ice and sub zero temperatures.  I have a calming feeling of sitting at a luau with a coconut filled with some exotic Hawaiian drink and a little umbrella. The silhouette of the palm trees against the orange purple sky has a very majestic feeling.


Photo Observation: Cold

Photo taken by Rychard Curtiss. 2/13/2013

Photo taken by Rychard Curtiss. 2/13/2013


This picture was taken moments before sundown. It was getting darker and then all of the sudden there was this weird moment when the light hit the bark of this tree outside my living room window and it seemed to brighten up into this cold white light. There is a gel that I often use to take the warmth out and gives the stage a stark cold feeling; it is called “Winter White”, inset in photo, and I’d never actually seen it occur except when I’ve used it. I was sitting on the couch and looked up at the right moment , immediately felt a shiver go down my spine. The contrast between the warm lights going on in the neighbors windows accentuated the effect, along with the barren branches bereft  of it’s leaves. I shuddered and was frozen, both figuratively and literally while somewhere in the back of my mind a voice kept repeating “Get a picture, get a picture, before it’s too late…” I managed to shake off the shivering feeling and grab my camera. It was a mere 30 secs or so after I took this photo and the moment was gone as the sun disappeared for the evening.

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