Archive for the tag 'summer vacation'

Summer Days (P5)


Photo by Mahmoud Hiepo. Direct link here. Flickr page link here.


A drop of sweat beads full and trickles down the back of your neck as you lay sprawled out on the lush summer grass, gulping down ice cold water in between heaving breaths as you come down from your giggle fit. The bright beams of the late afternoon summer sun twinkle down upon the scene of your fun-filled summer day. As the sun hits the slide, the reflection illuminates the wide, giddy grins stretching across your best friend’s and your blotchy, flushed faces. You notice the light reflecting oddly onto the side of a house, beyond a line of saplings at the edge of the park – it looks like water. You turn a wicked grin towards your best friend, and seeing a similar mischievous sparkle in their eyes, you set off running across the grass, ripping your clothes off as quick as you can, yelling, “Last one in walks home without shoes!”