Archive for the tag 'library'

Lighting Observation

  1. DATE/TIME/LOCATION: 3/16/22 10:06pm Library 2nd floor
  2. OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: Sitting by the windows doing homework and I can see my reflection in the dark windows but I can also see the cars driving by on the road outside.
  3. SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: I like how I can sort of see outside through my reflection. It feels like a main character movie scene where there would be something being described about the character over top. I like the contrast of the brighter light inside the library against the pitch black sky outside. I like that the headlights speeding by outside almost relate to the fluorescent lights inside the library. It feels eerie and ghostly, as if I’m overseeing what’s going on outside instead of actually experiencing it, or perhaps I’m just sleep deprived.

Light Observation #4

1) DATE/TIME/LOCATION: 2/20/2020, 11:39pm, Axinn Library Ground Floor

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The florescent lights beam down onto the scanner/copier machines and water fountains in front of the desk I am sitting at. The lights are illuminating the corner of this particular section of the library. There are two panels of lights evenly spaced in the ceiling to perform this action.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The florescent lights in the ceiling make me feel like I’m at the dentist’s office. They’re muddy and gray and don’t add anything to this corner of the library. This is my view from the place I sit at work study and it’s extremely depressing. 

Lighting Observation #8

March 28th / Axinn Library 10th Floor

Objective Description: The Sun is slowly setting and its light is directly behind someone’s head, creating a silhouette.

Subjective Description: Looking up from my book, all I could see is the outline of my friend. The Suns rays would have been beaming into my eyes if my friend hadn’t been sitting there and their long shadow hadn’t been cast. The image was nearly biblical.

Lighting Observation: 4/29

Date: 4/26/16

Time: 4:15 pm

Location: Axinn Library corner study across from the Reference Desk.

Objective Description: The harsh fluorescents of the Axinn Library are always on during visitor hours, however, as the sun disappeared by the window and clouds covered the natural light streaming in, the library gained an entirely new atmosphere of a much darker and desolate origin.

Subjective Description: The last beams of natural light covered by a mask of grey puffed clouds that bring with it tears of dark exhaustion. The bright and well-populated library darkens even under the harsh effects of the sometimes blinding, bright fluorescent lights. The temperature in the room has undoubtedly remained the same, however, with the disappearance of the sun and its golden shine, the empty air of the library feels much colder and the cool gray and blue tones add to the dark and gloomy atmosphere overcast in the sky and spreading into Axinn. A dark and tired day, as a result of a dark and tired sky.

Light Observation!

27 February, 2012
South Campus, near the library
Around  7:15 am

I’m walking to my room early in the morning, after the sun has risen and lit the campus with morning light. As I’m heading towards the library from the western side of south campus, I have a perfect view of the tower that is the Axinn Library. The early morning light hits the western face of the building, turning it gold.

Coupled with the stark blue of the morning sky with no clouds to be seen, it made for an easy representation of Hofstra Pride. After having pulled an all-nighter, it was kind of like a little boost of encouragement from the architecture, the bones of the school itself. Yes, it’s worth the time and effort, if only so you can share in the unifying little moments of pride like this one. I’ll admit, I was slightly delirious from lack of sleep and an overabundance of water coloring, so I might not have been entirely awake. But it was a nice moment, and I’m glad that my tired self didn’t miss or ignore it.

Lighting Observation 2 (Week 3)

1) Thursday Feb 17, 10th floor of the library, 5:30 PM

2) Sun setting over the west side of campus as seen from the top of the library.

3) I kinda set myself up for this one because I knew it would probably be good. I was looking at the sunset and there was a very large dark cloud low on the horizon. The sun was barely peaking over it casting its last golden yellow rays. The cloud was very dark blue purplish and provided an excellent contrast to the clear yellow/pink sky right above it. The sun cast reflections on hundreds of cars, windows, and buildings make lots of bright golden specks. This was a very happy scene and created a kind of introspective final moment of the first warm day of the year. It was a beautiful and relaxing scene.

Lighting Observation 2 (Week 2)

1) 2/8/2011 – about 10pm – 10th floor of library

2) Looking out over Long Island and seeing city lights at night.

3)  Late at night and from a high advantage point I realized that looking down upon the city gave me the feeling of quiteness and peace.  There is something about the yellow light of the streetlights and how they were evenly spaced that created a relaxed feeling for me.  Also looking down and seeing an occasional light inside a house that spilled out of a window was also calming because I associated it with winding down and geting ready for bed at the end of a day.  The other interesting dynamic of this moment was that the New York skyline was in the background and the way it was brightly lit gave me the opposite impression.  I felt as though there was a high contrast with a calm and tranquil city in the foreground and a background that felt busy and chaotic.  The skyline was bright and had some bold colors which I believe helped create this feeling, as well as the fact that the light was very concentrated too.

Lighting Observation 2

1)  Today (Thursday February 3rd, maybe like 5PM) Outside bits

2) Sunlight striking the side of the library as it was setting.

3) As the sun was setting, it cast an amber light upon the mighty Axinn Library, the towering edifice of Hofstra University. Bathed in a warm golden light, the library looked inviting and safe rather than cold and oppressive as it normally does. The light fell in such a way that only the library was lit, all the other buildings on campus were in shadow, but the library stood like a beacon, bright against the otherwise dark campus. The reflection of the setting sun off the widows created an aesthetic glare. The library looked beautiful in a rare warm winter light. It almost made me want to go in and study.