Archive for the tag 'Cassidy Reed'

Lighting Observation

Photo Attribute: Google Images

Theme: Summer

Description: I chose this photo because it reminds me of vacation. Often my family and I will go on vacation upstate each summer. We always enjoy swimming in the lake so this photo made me feel nostalgic. I like how the person doing a flip into the water is almost aligned with the sun. The sun acts as a back light for the person jumping.

Lighting Moment

Date/Time/Location: 5/5 Student Rep Dress

Objective Description: The black box is dark and buzzing with pre-show jitters. I’m sitting in my seat waiting to watching my choreography, among many other works. The first piece ends and then a blue light just barely lights the space so that the dancers/crew can quickly remove several boxes from the stage.

Subjective Description: The blue was very ominous and reminded me of a percolating storm. It was interesting because just moments ago the dancers were dancing in a whole different “atmosphere” and now they were just people removed props from the stage. I liked how pedestrian this seemed.


Photo Observation

Attribute: Google Images

Theme: Wildcard?

Description: I chose this photo because I thought it was unique that there was a person walking by in the foreground. I like how it looks like the person is in motion and simply passing by the full moon in the background. I also like how the person and the trees are a silhouette and the sky in the background is still blue, seemingly after the sun has set. The moon is the brightest part of the photo so it drew me in first. Then my eyes adjusted and took note of the rest of the details. The image without the person would still be beautiful but the addition of something just passing by gives it more of a story line.

Lighting Moment

DATE/TIME/LOCATION: 4/23/2022 Playhouse Tech Rehearsal 3:00pm

OBJECTIVE: The house lights are down and it’s very dark on stage. There are many people in the theater besides my cast, SM, and the tech crew. As the lights are being adjusted we are marking through the main parts of the piece and walking through molding the piece to the stage.

SUBJECTIVE: This made me realize how empty the space is when there isn’t an audience. Even thought this wasn’t my first time in a tech, I liked the way it felt to be on the stage with no audience. The way the seats look in the dark with no one in them gave a sense of potential energy that I hadn’t noticed before. I think because this piece is particularly high energy it was more prominent.


Lighting Moment

DATE/TIME/LOCATION: Wednesday 4/27/2022 Residential Side of Campus 3:11pm

OBJECTIVE: It’s a sunny warm afternoon. The trees are shifting in the breeze and the shadows from the trees are reflecting the movement of the trees.

SUBJECTIVE: I like watching the branches and how they move and dance in the breeze. I like the gradient of different intensities of shadows on the ground. The shadows of the treasure reminiscent of the roots that are below the surface of the ground. It feels like I’m looking at the ancestry of the trees that are near each other because you can. see how their shadows are intertwined.

Light Observation

DATE/TIME/LOCATION: Elevator in the Library on 4/13/22 at 8:15pm

OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The doors of the elevator closed and my friend and I were in the small creaky elevator while it went down a few floors. The only light source is the fluorescent lights overhead.

SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The elevator felt very eerie and creaky. If I wasn’t used to the short ride down to the main floor I wouldn’t have noticed how the inside of the elevator looks archaic. As we arrive on the main floor, the lobby is quiet and dim. Most people have left by now so the lobby is quite poorly lit. The artificial glow disappears behind us as the elevator doors swallow up every bit of light. Simultaneously, the hum of the fluorescent lights nearly drops to an inaudible whisper.

Four Seasons: Virtual Light Lab Project

1) A Fall sunset in Vermont:

I chose to use an amber backlight from both upstage corners. I also used three lights with a dotted gobo, I used a golden color because the of the time of year and the time of day. I thought these spots looked like leaves. I looked up pictures of Vermont sunsets and theres lots of trees, so I places the lighting instruments at three of the top corners because I wanted them to be stretched across the majority of the stage to emulate the trees/nature. I also used one more light to light the actor from above. I felt that this was necessary to continue the glow of the sunset.

2) Easter sunrise in a Gothic Cathedral

I chose to use the window gobo (4 lights) to present something looking similar to stained glass windows behind the actor. I chose purple and yellow to tie into the Easter sunrise. I also left the lights a bit dim since its sunrise. I chose to have two side lights and one top light lighting the actor with a yellow-ish color.

The front of the actor is lit because the sun in coming up through the windows in front of them so the reflection of the stained glass is also refracted behind the actor.

3) Noon on a hot Summer day in the Caribbean

I chose to use lights only on the right side to emulate where I thought the sun would be at this time of day. I have 6 lights all lighting up different sizes of rings in different shades of yellow. I wanted the middle to be the most saturated yellow color so that it felt like a magnifying glass starting a fire. I lit the cyc with a cooler tone on the top and a warmer tone on the bottom. I wanted the top to be lit but not blend in to all the yellow I already had lit. I also had one more light down stage right that I used to light the actors body/face a little better.

4) Winter afternoon just before the snow

I chose to use a lot of cool tones, mostly blue, for this scene. I used the spotted gobo again (3 lights) to try and create a stormy affect. I wanted it to look like shadows of clouds or snow flakes falling. I chose to keep it pretty dimly lit because I always imagine winter as very sad and dark, even though this takes place in the afternoon. I using one top light and to sides to create a blue color on the actor. I wanted it to feel ominous of a big snow storm so I gave the top light a sharper focus and softened the gobos so that the actor appears to be alone.

Lighting Moment

Date/Time/Location: 4/8 3:37pm, My bedroom

Objective Description: Laying in my bed recharging before the rest of my day. The sun is coming through my half-lifted blinds and shining on my plants. There is one aloe plant, a spider plant, a jade plant and an orchid. They are all by the window in a different orientation, receiving different amounts of sun in the moment.

Subjective Description: The only light coming in is from the two windows located on either side of the room. It’s one of the first days where it’s thankfully been above 60 degrees. As I’m laying down allowing my body to rest, I’m looking at my plants (which are frankly in need of water) and they look like a mosaic of sunshine and green. I like the way the pattern from the blinds lands on the plants and how its not neat/organized. My aloe plant has a leaf that looks like its reaching out in desperation (probably because it thinks I’ve forgotten about it). I also like the idea that as the sun continues to move throughout the day this “mosaic” will be ever changing and the same one I saw this afternoon may never be recreated.

Photo Observation

Attribute: Google Images |

Theme: Spring

Description: I chose this photo because of the colors as well as the angle of the photo. I wanted to choose a photo that had a different angle than just flowers straight on. This angle stood out to me because it looks like the person taking the photo was laying down in the flowers. I like the yellow flowers and how the sun shining through their petals make them less opaque. The sun is very bright and reminds me of a one-point perspective drawing in art class because you can’t tell if the sky ends where the sun is or if it keeps going. I also really like how the blue in the sky has an ombre effect as you look closer at where the sun is.


Lighting Moment

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: 3/29 11:45am Black Box

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: I was up on the grid focusing lights with the rest of our stage lighting class. All of the work lights are off so its very dark except for the instruments being adjusted.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The set is lit up below. The warm glow seeps up into the grid. The faces around me are only recognizable from their tell tale features. It feels like we are spying on the “scene” below. Also, the light from below illuminates the faces around me in a way that is eerie because they are all being lit from below.

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