Archive for February, 2011

Light Observation 2, Week 4

When/ Where:  At my desk in my dorm room, 2pm.

Objective Description:  Sunlight reflecting off a ring.

Subjective Description:  When I sit at my desk in the early afternoon the sun shines directly onto my left hand when I’m on my laptop.  What I notice is that when the light hits my ring it reflects little spots of white light all over the wall behind my desk.  The reflected light looks like tiny stars in an off-white sky.  This makes me happy because it reminds me of those little sun catcher things that I had when I was a child.  No matter how many times this happens, it always catches me off guard because the light that’s reflected is so bright.

Light Observation 1, Week 4

When/ Where:  1am, my fiance’s apartment

Objective Description:  Blueish light on the ceiling from charging Wii remote.

Subjective Description:  When the lights were turned off in the room and you looked up at the ceiling from the bed you could see a triangle of blueish light on the right 1/3 of the ceiling.  The rest of the room was quite dark in comparison.  What was interesting about the light was in one eye you could see the blue light, but in the other it was dark enough that you couldn’t see anything, so in this moment I felt like I was half blind.  Between the feeling of not being able to see out of one eye and the weird color from the charger the ceiling looked very eerie and scary to me.  The light made me so uncomfortable that I had to unplug the charger in order to go to sleep.

Lighting Observation for 2/25

1) February 22nd, 2011 in the NAB Blackbox

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The inner doors of the blackbox are wide open, but the outer doors are closed. Light is showing through around every edge and the seam of he doors. The color between the inner and outer doors is lit and painted with a warm yellow color, but the light escaping through the seams is a very bright bluish light.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION:It seems as though the inner doors are protecting from the unknown beyond them. The outside seems like it would be otherworldly and forbidden, but the doors look as though they are begging to be opened.

Lighting Observation 1 (Week 4)

1)  Sunday Feb 20th, maybe around 2 am, in my dorm

2) Streetlight coming through the blinds in my window

3) As I was about to fall asleep, I noticed that it had begun to snow that night. I could see a very orange, foggy, light coming in from the lights in the parking lot. The blinds made the light look striped creating an interesting pattern. The light lit the snow falling closer to my window from behind, silhouetting it, while the snow falling on the other side of the light was a pale orange-white. This was in interesting contrast. Snow had also started to gather on the tree limbs outside the window. The whole scene was mostly peaceful and serene, but the feeling was offset by the strange orange glow of the light. The orange color added an element of suspense and a sort of eerie anxiety to the situation.

Light Observation 2 (Week 4)

1)   2/23/11- 10:00 pm- My Dorm Room

2)   Long streaks of light on walls being produced by the gaps in between the blinds.

3)   Right before I was about to go to sleep I noticed a lighting moment.  There was a yellowish light that shined in through our window, and the blinds are usually closed during the night so as a result it created uniform lines on our walls.  The light shined in through the gaps in between the blinds and it created a very distinct blind image on our wall.  The reason I liked this moment was because it make me think of a gobo and how it does the same thing.  What is interesting is that if the image on the wall was a little more distinct and had a different color, I could easily mistake it as the actual window and not just the light/ shadow being made by one.  Adding the yellow light did not contribute to it looking authentic because the yellow does not look natural but rather very artificial.  The color made it very hard to attach an emotion, time of day, etc. because it was so fake looking and didn’t really go with a particular feeling or notion.  Either way the pattern and light was interesting from a practical stand point and I will remember it for when I use gobos.

Modeling Photo

2) Found photo on PBS website in news article about the moon

3) Modeling photo

4) I was really looking for a picture that can show the importance of shadows in revealing what an object or features look like. This picture of the moon’s surface has numerous craters, rocks, and bumps that are all highlighted by the light. The light is casting shadows in such a way that they reveal all the contours and shapes of the features in the picture. Any and every indent or bulge is highlighted and can be identified due to the presence of light and shadow. I like the picture because it is very deceptive in the realm of scale. In fact, the main crater is 19 miles across. The picture creates a feeling of insignificance when you realize the true size of what you’re seeing. The picture also creates a very desolate, lonely, and isolated feeling by the nature of the gray color and barren, rocky, landscape.

2nd lighting observation

1) Feb. 19th – 6:06 p.m – On a bus traveling south to D.C: I had my lighting “moment” on the bus traveling to D.C this past Saturday.

2) The sky was split in a light yellowy, orange and a beautiful blue color as I was on the bus down to D.C on Saturday evening. We were some where in Baltimore when this particular moment happened as I was riding.

3) I was sitting on the bus down to D.C on Saturday when I was noticing the sky and the light it was emitting. I had a window seat and had a straight on view of this beautiful picture that the sky was creating. The sky looked like it was split in half. The bottom half was yellow and orange. They’re was a heat to this saturated color. The upper portion of the sky was a nice, calming dark blue. It gave me some what of a cold, dark feeling, like night was coming and it was close behind us, catching up to us. Also something that added to this moment was the fact that trees were lined on the highway that we’re bare. It was like a picture out of a magazine taken from an end of winter scene. The branches of the trees made the colors stand out even more. The twisting dark branches, and the dark shadow that fell upon them made them eerie looking/feeling. However, they whole scene was so beautiful with all the colors and the defined branches.

Photo Observation 4

2) I took this photo at a car show.

3) Theme: Modeling

4) I chose this picture for modeling because I really liked how the light shines on the car to show off all of its curves.  I found it interesting how these kinds of events are lit because the light is really bright so that you can see the cars shine in their perfection and beauty.  It seems contradictory because normally you would use lower light to hide imperfection but in this case they are trying to show off all of the fancy curves and overall flow of the cars.  I picked this car in particular because of its numerous amounts of curves and the particular glimmers of light that reflect off the car to expose these individual curves.  When I looked at this picture I immediately thought of how a cylinder is lit and how, like we discussed in class curved surfaces reflect light in a very specific way so that we can identify it is 3D even in a 2D picture.  The other thing I found interesting about this picture is that the hood is a consistent color, white for that matter and the light is really bright. (Minimal shadows)  Despite these factors you can still see that there is dimension to the hood and there are curves within it.  It  seems to me that the highlights of light on the car are making the car seem 3D rather than the shodows.

Light Observation 1 (Week 4)

1)   2/21/11- 1:30 am- My Dorm Room at night.

2)   The light from a laptop shining on my roommates face at night and changing intensities.

3)   This lighting moment seemed like a given, considering I witness it every night but for some reason I never realized the interesting nature of this kind of light until now.  The light from the laptop shines on my roommates face just like when you sit around a campfire late at night and all you can see is the other people’s faces glowing in the blackness.  In this moment the light is white and it changed intensities constantly depending on what is on the screen.  It is a spooky kind of light nonetheless just like the campfire light.  The fact that it only glows on his face and nothing else is also a factor in the mysterious aspect of this light.  The changing intensities, similar to a strobe light at some points also creates a scary feeling because there are split seconds where everything goes dark and you never know what will light up next. (A sudden change of expression from happy to crazy)  This light is also very dynamic and creates really deep shadows.  These shadows in conjunction with everything else also contribute to the overall frightening sensation of this light.  It is amazing where you find some of the most fascinating light.

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