Date.Time.Location-3/13/19.12:00 AM. My bedroom.
Objective Description- I’ve recently made a purchase for a new lamp for my bedroom. Experimenting with the lamp settings one night I decided to run it on the dimmest setting. This dim lighting managed to fill my bedroom entirely in its dull and yet powerful yellow light.
Subjective Description- When the sun fully returns to its place of rest as the moon begins to spread its radiant silver light across the expansive and dismal sky, my bedroom has the potential to be enveloped in complete pitch blackness should the light switch remain off. This small lamp though its light remained dim, managed to provide a special kind of yellow tint to the room, the darkness remained but it was tinted and almost supplanted by this subtle and yet all too powerful yellow aura. This stood as a concrete reminder to me of how the darkness is never really darkened because there is always some form of light messing around in it waiting to be discovered. This yellow tint filled me with a sense of amazement and curiosity at just how much light can mesh with darkness to create these layers of dim light. The possibilities are truly endless and they are all right at my fingertips, they are mine to discover!
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