Archive for March, 2011

4 Seasons Project

AP 7550 @ 17%, 6 feet above deck, 12 feet stage right of model, 8 feet downstage of model, 14 foot throw, 56 degree side angle.

AP 7750 @ 28%, 1 foot above deck, 12 feet stage right of model, direct sidelight to model, 13 foot throw, -23 degree elevation angle.

AP 7550 @ full, 1 foot above deck, 12 feet stage left of model, direct sidelight to model, 13 foot throw, -23 degree elevation angle.

AP 7750 @ 28%, 6 feet above deck, 12 feet stage left of model, 8 feet downstage of model, 14 foot throw, 56 degree side angle.

AP 7750 @ 29%, 17 feet above deck, 6 feet stage left of model, 8 feet upstage of model, 15 foot throw, 48 degree elevation angle, 37 degree back angle.

AP 7550 @ 90%, 17 feet above deck, centered on model, direct down light on model, 11 foot throw.

AP 6300 @ full, 17 feet above deck, centered on model, 8 feet downstage of model, 14 foot throw, 54 degree elevation angle, direct backlight.

AP 4150 @ 87%, 17 feet above the deck, centered on model, 16 feet downstage of model, 19 foot throw, 35 degree elevation angle, direct backlight.

— I focused on the yellowish aspect of the sunset.  I also wanted to blend a little bit of red in to the mix as well.  I think a sunset includes the colors yellow, red and orange which creates the sunset feel of lighting.  I really focused on the sky and how it fades from an intense yellow to an almost light blue. I thought this lighting depicted a sunset pretty well.

AP 4650 @ 59%, 1 foot above deck, 12 feet stage right of model, 8 feet downstage of model, 15 foot throw, -19 degree elevation angle, 56 degree side angle.

AP 4650 @ 60%, 1 foot above deck, 12 feet stage left of model, 8 feet downstage of model, 15 foot throw, -19 degree elevation angle, 56 degree side angle.

NC @ 21%, 6 feet above deck, 12 feet stage right of model, 8 feet downstage of model, 14 foot throw, 56 degree side angle.

NC @ Full, 17 feet above the deck, 6 feet stage right of model, 8 feet downstage of model, 15 foot throw, 48 degree elevation angle, 37 degree side angle.

NC @ 10 %, 6 feet above deck, 12 feet stage left of model, 8 feet downstage of model, 14 foot throw, 56 degree side angle.

NC @ 49 %, 1 foot above deck, 12 feet stage left of model, direct sidelight to model, 13 foot throw, -23 degree elevation angle.

—  The easter sunrise in a gothic church seemed to have a white, blueish and pink color to it.  The sunlight that comes in to the church is basically white but with the stained glass windows I thought and easter sunrise would mostly have subtle hints of blue and pink.  I thought the overall light should be bright and I think the hint of blue also makes it feel like a sunrise.

NC @ 63%, 1 foot above the deck, 12 feet stage right of model, 8 feet downstage of model, 15 foot throw, -19 degree elevation angle, 56 degree side angle.

AP 4680 @ 86%, 6 feet stage right of model, 8 feet downstage of model, 12 foot throw, -31 degree elevation angle, 37 degree side angle.

AP 4680 @ 27%, 6 feet stage left of model, 8 feet downstage of model, 12 throw, -31 degree elevation angle, 37 degree side angle.

NC @ 22%, 1 foot above the deck, 12 feet stage left of model, 8 feet upstage of model, 15 foot throw, -19 degree elevation angle, 56 degree back angle.

AP 4680 @ Full, 17 feet above deck, centered on model, 8 feet downstage of model, 14 foot throw, 54 degree elevation angle, direct backlight.

NC @ 12 %, 17 feet above the deck, 3 feet downstage of model, 16 feet downstage of model, 20 foot throw, 34 degree elevation angle, 11 degree side angle.

NC @ 31%, 17 feet above the deck, 3 feet stage left of the model, 16 feet downstage of the model, 20 foot throw, 34 degree elevation angle, 11 degree side angle.

—  A hot summer day in the Caribbean is depicted by bright white light and a very small hint of sky or light blue.  The key to creating this kind of lighting was to use lots of white light because a hot summer day will be very bright and have a lot of white light.  Again I focused on the sky and the color it turns in the particular setting.  In this case it is white and a very clear light blue which I think represents a hot summer day.

AP 2330 @ Full, 6 feet stage right of the model, 8 feet downstage of the model, 12 foot throw, -31 degree elevation angle, 37 degree side angle.

AP 2330 @ Full, Centered on model, 8 feet downstage of the model, 10 foot throw, -37 degree elevation angle, direct back light.

AP 2330 @ Full, 6 feet stage left of model, 8 feet downstage of model, 12 foot throw, -31 degree elevation angle, 37 degree side angle.

NC @ 7%, 17 feet above the deck, 3 feet stage left of the model, 8 feet downstage of model, 14 foot throw, 52 degree elevation angle, 21 degree side angle.

NC @ 95 %, 17 feet above the deck, 3 feet stage right of the model, 8 feet downstage of model, 14 foot throw, 52 degree elevation angle, 21 degree side angle.

—  A winter afternoon just before snow appears to me as a very grey/ white kind of lighting.  The clouds start to hover, creating that grayish color and the white comes from the sun trying to shine light through the clouds.  I think a stark white and a musky gray are the two primary colors that can make up this kind of lighting for this atmosphere.


4 seasons assignment


AP 7800/75% : 17 feet above deck, 12 feet stage right, 8 feet upstage, 18 feet throw, 37 degree elevation angle, 56 degree back angle. AP 6700/75%: 17 feet above deck, 3 feet stage right, 8 feet downstage, 14 feet throw, 52 degree elevation angle, 21 degree side angle. NC/50%: 17 feet above deck, 3 feet stage left, 8 feet downstage, 14 feet throw, 52 degree elevation, 21 degree side angle. AP/7800: 12 feet above deck, 12 feet stage left, 8 feet upstage, 16 feet throw, 23 degree elevation angle, 56 degree back angle.

* I really liked the cool Fall colors that this picture has. I chose the back drop because of the colors as well as the sunset in the background. I also thought the sun was in just the right spot to light the character on stage and give the feeling of a crisp fall day coming to an end.


AP 6700/25%: 10 feet above deck, 6 feet stage right, 16 feet downstage of model, 18 feet throw, 13 degree elevation angle, 21 degree side angle. AP8550/75%: 17 feet above deck, centered on model, 8 feet downstage, 14 feet throw, 54 degree elevation angle, direct back light. AP6100/50%: 10 feet above deck, 6 feet stage left, 16 feet downstage, 18 feet throw, 13 degree elevation angle, 21 degree side angle.

*The cathedral is bright and that’s what I think of on Easter morning. I really thought this would be a good back drop to use and helped aid in the lighting of the character on stage.


R310/50%: 17 feet above deck, 12 feet stage right, 8 feet upstage, 18 feet throw, 37 degree elevation angle, 56 degree back angle. R310/50%: 17 feet above deck, 12 feet stage left, 8 feet upstage, 18 feet throw, 37 degree elevation angle, 56 degree back angle.

*The caribbean is very bright and I feel like the lighting I chose for this portrayed that well. The character is lit with bright light at a high intensity and to me if feels like a warm sunny afternoon in the bahamas.


G109/75%: 15 feet above deck, 12 feet stage right, direct sidelight to model, 15 feet throw, 37 degree elevation angle. NC/70%: above deck, centered, 8 feet downstage of model, 14 feet throw, 54 degree elevation angle, direct back light, G109/25%: 1 feet above deck, 12 feet stage left, 8 feet downstage, 15 feet throw, 19 degree elevation angle, 56 degree side angle.

*This back drop gave me the cold winter feeling I was looking for. The dry, cool “hay” like figure in the back ground made me think of winter and the dark, shadowy lighting I chose to emphasis I feel like gave this, “just about to snow” effect too.

Light Observation

1) 3/24/11-5:30pm- Dempster Studio A

2) While on a film shoot in we were setting up to lights, I was the Camera Operator, the Grip was deciding how high the second key would go.  One of the keys was making the face of the actor too hot, so they were turning it on and off to find the right height.

3)While the light was being turned on and off, it reminded me of “Two Face” from The Dark Knight.  While the light was on  she looked normal with little shadows.  When the light was turned off half her face became dark and her long hair created shadows which added an element of fear.

Photo Observation

2) Godfather Part II

3) Power

4) This is from the Godfather Part II when Michael tells his brother Alfredo he knows what he did.  Michael who standing creates a shadow that is cast over his brother Alfredo.  This shadow and the POV shot from Michael looking down at Alfredo makes Michael have the power over Alfredo.

Light observation

Light Observation

Power Observation

2)Theme: Power

3) When I think of power I think of some force pulling you in. The source appears brighter and stronger as yit pulls you  in. You gravitate towards the center in this photo. The color is not very alarming, but powerful. It can be a friendly force, but it is also strong and can be deadly. Green is connection to life, and this gives off the feeling of a powerful life force.


What, Where: One of my friends old photo projects, friend against trees

Theme: Power

Description: This picture portrays Power, as the model is in a stance of aggression and dominance. What is interesting is the shadows behind her in the trees from the sun. it makes a green, white, and black speckled design contrasting her in the front area. Although her face doesn’t tell much of the story, the single light source helps contrast her from the background giving her stance on the grass.

Copyright All rights reserved by ashleynicastro

Beja Light Observation:

Date, Time, Location: Wednesday March 23rd, 2011; 9:30PMish, driving home from school

Objective Description: snow at a stoplight on the window.

Subjective Description: As I decelerate at a stoplight more snow from the top of my car roles to the front window. Before I whipped it off my lighting moment occurred. as the roads were very slipper and misty, the only thing you could see at night was darkness, and car lights illuminating the five feet in front of them. On my stop I noticed a floury of white firefly like bulbs glowing surrounded by a clump of burning red snow. This gave the feeling that the fireflies were “chilling” in club red on my windshield.

Beja Light Observation:

Date, Time, Location: Tuesday March 22nd, 2011; 6:10 PMish, driving home from work

Objective Description: driving away from sunset, with raindrops drying on my side view mirror.

Subjective Description: on my journey home from a splendid day of work, I noticed the sunset. It was any usual sunset fading from blue to orange to pink, but it had an extra tint of orange through the mirror. Also the drying raindrops accentuated some spots in the colors, bringing out those colors in the sky. This gave a peaceful effect with an added joyfully spontaneous feeling


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