Archive for March 24th, 2011

Photo Observation

Photo found on, taken by LCSTRAVELBUGGIN

THEME: Power

DESCRIPTION: The strong backlight against this subject makes it seem to eminate power, as well as give it an ominous feel. The color scheme also adds to this, because the lack of color diversity seems to make the dark subject more imposing in the photo.


Lighting Observation

1) March 23rd, 7:48, NAB

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: Behind the curtain of the NAB, there is very little lighting, it is very dim. There is a rack where the seats are usually hung when they are not in use up against a wall. The bars on the second layer of this are casting a very interesting shadow against the wall. Although the bars are all parallel, they have created a criss-cross patterned shadow.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: What is interesting about this light is that it looks like this shadow should be impossible. The shadow is lying’ based off of this shadow alone, the rack should have some crossed bars on top, but when looking at the rack, it is apparent that this is not so. The shadow created by the light is lying about the object who casts it.

4) ASSIGN CATEGORY & TAGS: Category should be “Lighting Observation”. Include your first name as at least one tag, other optional tags can be added to describe the post.

Photo Observation: Power


Theme:  Power

When I think of something powerful, I think of mountains.  I found this picture of a mountain casting a shadow because it expresses the grandness and solidity that is a mountain.  I liked that you could see other mountains and valleys in the distance bathed in light and then the strong triangle of shadow that is the giant mountain.  The shadow looks so rough and imposing in contrast to the soft yellow light on the horizon.

Photo Observation

From best pictures of the decades


This is a very powerful picture. The lighting creates a very rigid and powerful silhouette. The shape of Castro can is made of sharp lines, and he is obviously in this picture a person who is in control, and who holds power. The light is dark on both sides of him, so that his face is defined by little more than a thin beam of white light splitting the black, but instead of this making him look frail, it emphasizes how solid he is, and how thick the air around him is.

Lighting Observation 2, Week 8

Location/ Time:  Residential side of campus, 3:30pm

Objective Description:  The clear, blue sky.

Subjective Description:  The sky was clear and blue for the first time in days and it looked perfect and pure.  The light from the sun was incredibly bright and made everything look beautiful and colorful.  The sky looked fresh and life-giving, and made it pleasant to be outside.

Lighting Observation 1, Week 8

Where/ When:  Mineola Train Station, 7pm

Objective Description:  Streetlight in the rain.

Subjective Description:  The lamp created a soft orange glow that was reflected off of the falling rain.  The light looked like a beacon of peace in a chaotic world with wind, rain, and rushing trains.  The light gave a certain warmth to the air surrounding it, which contrasted the cold, greyness that enveloped the rest of the train platform.


Photo Observatio 8

1.) From this website/link

2.) Power

3.) First of all, not much can top the sheer power of a nuclear explosion, and this is the Tsar Nuclear explosion which was apparently the most powerful device ever detonated. It was really interesting going onto this site because a video of this explosion automatically plays, and the force of destruction of this thing is absolutely insane! But all that aside, the light from the explosion is so powerful, the blinding mushroom cloud is pretty incredible and the arrays of reds and oranges and shocking yellowish white is so powerful it just jumps off the page!

“Power” Photo Observation


2) Blog

3) Power

4) This photo represents power because of the red glow the fire casts on to the tree.  The color is strong and allows the trees to stand out. Your able to see almost all of them individually instead of as a group which is more often in a forest. The light radiates throughout the picture.

Lighting Observation 8 B

1.) 3/24/11 – 5 pm – they sky outside my bedroom window

2.) Big fluffy clouds moving across the sky, shafts of light coming through

3.) This light is really awesome, there are giant dark grey clouds shrouding the sun but it’s so bright that the back and edges are white and silver. I’ve always heard the expression “silver lining” and known this is what is was referring to, but have never actually cared to look for it, but now I’m looking out my window and there it is! These clouds are modeled in the coolest way, the bottoms are dark but the tops are huge and fluffy almost as I would image Mount Olympus to look like in Greek mythology. What’s also really cool is that there are these breaks in the clouds where the sun breaks through in perfect beams, it’s so beautiful and happy, and definitely optimistic!

Lighting Observation 8 A

1.) 3/24/11 – 12:15 ish – outside Dempster, near Breslin

2.) Sunny light on a patch snow and daffodils

3.) This was the quintessential “Spring” moment for me, it was bright and sunny, a pale yellow morning/ spring hue beaming happily on tiny little daffodils smiling up at the light. And on the ground nearby was snow melting, dissipating in the soft warmth of midday sun. It was everything spring symbolizes to me in that moment, the softness of spring and new birth in that pale yellow light encouraging the life of the flower and overcoming the biting snow with its warm beams. It made me feel happy and warm. 🙂

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