Archive for March, 2021

Lighting Observation

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: March 29th 2021, 6:14 PM, my dorm room.

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The sunlight bouncing off of my roommates makeup bag that is covered in silver sequins.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The sunlight bounces off of each sequin, casting tiny dots of light on the wall above the bag. The dots start out tiny and then get longer and more dim the further they move away from the bag. The small speckles of sunlight remind me of twinkling stars in the night sky. The silver makeup back reflects the sunlight in a way that makes it look like a mushed disco ball.

Lighting Observation

DATE-TIME-LOCATION:  Sometime around 11 pm on the Garden State Parkway on February 27th 

OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The high beams of the pick-up truck on the opposite side of the highway 

SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: I am blinded. The white light pierces my retinas as I try to see on the parkway as I am driven home. I think headlights like that should be illegal. 


lighting observation

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: 11am, Scene shop, hofstra

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: the fluorescent lights shining overhead

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The humming of the lights above serenade me trying to make up for the pain it causes. My head aches and eyes strain as a try to move out of the way, to save myself from the wrath of fluorescents.

photo observation

Theme: sunset

Description: This is a photo I took of the Spiegel. You can see the sun setting behind it on the other buildings while Spiegel is in the shade.

photo observation

Theme: nightlife

description: The playhouse being lit by the red lights inside and the lamp posts outside. The light is also being reflected in the water in front of the steps.

photo observation

Did You See the Full Blue Halloween Moon? - The New York Times

Theme: Romance

Description: The moon and stars lighting up the night sky and the clouds below. I see the moon as very sensual and romantic. I imagine a couple on a date walking the beach with just the moonlight.

Photo Observation

Theme: Cold

Description: This is a gingerbread house my sister and I made this year. The light is warm but it makes the outside of the house seem cold. Like the light inside is a fireplace.

Photo Observation

Theme: Artificial light

Description: My sister in the car being lit by the tail light of the car in front of us.

13 Photography Ideas You Need to Try in Spring | Iceland ...

Theme: Spring

Description: The sun is shining from the corner on a deer who is center

Lighting Observation

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: 3 am, the neighbors house behind me, last tuesday

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The light was coming from a single window at m neighbors house directly behind my house. I am assuming it was the laundry room.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: I wake up in the middle of night to complete darkness. I am confused and half asleep from my slumber but a curioisity takes over my cloudy mind. I turn my head to look at the window and see my neighbors window. It was so dark outside that I could not even see the house. But what I did see was an orange square glooming through the earyness. The single light created a story in my head. Imagining my neighbor doing late night laundry and forgets to turn the light off. I think my head was going through a series of thinking and questioning; Probably the same thinking my neighbor went through to then forget to turn the light off. The orange souffle color of a light gave me enough energy to tire my  eyes, lay back down, and doze off back to sleep.


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