Four Seasons Light Lab
- Fall Sunset in Hawaii
I chose this picture and the lights I did because I really like the purples and dark reds, and oranges that are made up in the sunset in Hawaii. I’ve never gotten to experience a sunset that has purple or creates purple and it really made me want to be right there.
- Light Used:
- Gel: P35600
- Intensity: Full
- Angle/Type: -37 degree elevation angle, direct back light
- In relation to model: Centered on model, 8’ downstage of model
- Light Used:
- Gel: R347
- Intensity: 50%
- Angle/Type: 24 degree elevation, 37 degree side angle
- In relation to model: 12’ SL of model, 16’ DS of model
- Light Used:
- Gel: AP3180
- Intensity: 75%
- Angle/Type: 13 degree elevation, 21 degree side angle
- In relation to model: 6’ SL of model, 16’ DS of model
- Light Used:
- Gel: No color
- Intensity: 25%
- Angle/Type: 54 degree elevation, direct back light
- In relation to model: centered on model, 8’ DS of model
- Light Used:
- Gel: G270
- Intensity: 50%
- Angle/Type: 13 degree elevation angle, 21 degree side angle
- In relation to model: 6’ SR of model, 16’ DS of model
- Light Used:
- Gel: 67/95
- Intensity: 60%
- Angle/Type: 24 degree Elevation, 37 degree side angle
- In relation to model: 12’ SR of model, 16’ DS of model
- Backdrop:
- Top: G290 Full, AP3180 20%,
- Bottom: G280 20%, G980 50%
- Spring Sunrise on Long Island
I chose this picture because I really liked the contrast between the yellow and the blue and the way they blended together so seamlessly. I tried to incorporate that into the way that the model is lit.
- Light Used:
- Gel: AP6900
- Intensity: 75%
- Angle/Type: 37 degree elevation angle, direct sidelight
- In relation to model: 12’ SL of model
- Light Used:
- Gel: R321
- Intensity: 75%
- Angle/Type: 13 degree elevation, 21 degree side angle
- In relation to model: 6’ SL of model, 16’ DS of model
- Light Used:
- Gel: G870
- Intensity: Full
- Angle/Type: 37 degree elevation, direct sidlight
- In relation to model: 12’ SR of model
- Light Used:
- Gel: R384
- Intensity: 50%
- Angle/Type: 0 degree elevation, direct sidelight
- In relation to model: 12’ SR of model
- Light Used:
- Gel: RE008
- Intensity: 75%
- Angle/Type: -31 degree elevation, 37 degree side angle
- In relation to model: 6’ SR of model, 8’ downstage of model
- Backdrop:
- Top: L104 75%, L716 25%,
- Bottom: G848 75%
- Noon on a hot Summer day in New England
I chose this because I really liked the warmth that these colors provided me event though they are cool colors. There may be a lot of blue and white but the brightness of it makes me feel warm just looking at it.
- Light Used:
- Gel: 0/13
- Intensity: 25%
- Angle/Type: 0 degree elevation angle, direct sidelight
- In relation to model: 12’ SL of model
- Light Used:
- Gel: G720
- Intensity: 75%
- Angle/Type: 37 degree elevation angle, 56 degree side angle
- In relation to model: 12’ SL of model, 8’ DS of model
- Light Used:
- Gel: R2006
- Intensity: 50%
- Angle/Type: 13 degree elevation angle, 21 degree side angle
- In relation to model: 6’ SL of model, 16’ DS of model
- Light Used:
- Gel: L021
- Intensity: 75%
- Angle/Type: 13 degree elevation angle, 21 degree side angle
- In relation to model: 6’ SR of model, 16’ DS of model
- Light Used:
- Gel: AP7400
- Intensity: 75%
- Angle/Type: 37 degree elevation angle, 56 degree side angle
- In relation to model: 12’ SR of model, 8’ DS of model
- Light Used:
- Gel: 67/67
- Intensity: 75%
- Angle/Type: 0 degree elevation, direct sidelight
- In relation to model: 12’ SR of model
- Backdrop:
- Top: AP4300 50%, R69 80%,
- Bottom: No color 75%, AP3900 50%
- Winter afternoon in Alaska
I chose this picture because I liked how you cans see the yellow light coming from the side and just dusting the picture while the blue and white are also there. They accent each other nicely and the colors make and way it I lit my model make me feel cold.
- Light Used:
- Gel: LHT132
- Intensity: 75%
- Angle/Type: 27 degree elevation angle, Direct sidelight
- In relation to model: 12’ SL of model
- Light Used:
- Gel: L101
- Intensity: 80%
- Angle/Type: 43 degree elevation angle, direct sidelight
- In relation to model: 12’ SL of model
- Light Used:
- Gel: R07
- Intensity: 75%
- Angle/Type: 35 degree elevation angle, direct back light
- In relation to model: centered on model, 16’ DS of model
- Light Used:
- Gel: L285
- Intensity: 60%
- Angle/Type: 54 degree elevation angle, direct back light
- In relation to model: centered on model, 8’ DS of model
- Light Used:
- Gel: L279
- Intensity: 75%
- Angle/Type: 43 degree elevation, direct sidelight
- In relation to model: 12’ SR of model
- Light Used:
- Gel: L781
- Intensity: 40%
- Angle/Type: 17 degree elevation angle, 37 degree side angle
- In relation to model: 12’ SR of model, 16’ DS of model
- Backdrop:
- Top: L159 80%, L767 10%
- Bottom: 130 80%, L161 75%
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