Photo Observation 3
Theme: Hot
I wasn’t sure how to begin the hunt for photos this time around. The theme was broad and “hot” wasn’t something I felt confident typing into Google Image Search. So I scanned my memories for the hottest places I have ever visited. The winner is a rather long and tiring second grade field trip to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. (Fun fact: Close seconds are the walk along the reflecting pool in D.C. and a very hungry day in Epcot.)
This image is from vantage point of Little Round Top, overlooking Devil’s Den. This picture brings up sensation memories for me. I can imagine a tiny version of me, in a little red shirt emblazoned with a rhinestone version of the American flag and white shorts, kneeling on the floor of Little Round Top so that the stone building cools my knees and shins. I can feel myself dreading the shadeless walk ahead of me. The daylight over Devil’s Den is so white and unforgiving that I can picture myself there, too, sprawled under the shade of a rock until the chaperone calls us together for a brief history lesson. The nearly cloudless sky and the overlook of the wide nothingness has me hoping for the quick return of the air-conditioned tour bus.
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