Archive for the tag 'Emily'

Spring Photo

This is a photo I took in April 2020. Flowers obviously signify spring, but the white, pink and green colors really get across the fact that it is the spring time. The white light coming out from the sky reminds of the “rebirth” feeling of spring. The brightness and vibrance of the photo really pop and emphasize feelings of spring time. If I edited the photo to make it paler or darker, I do not think the vibe of the photo would be the same.

Lighting Observation

Science Innovation Center  – 3:34 PM

Objective: There are lots of white overhead lights lighting up the grey and silver walls. Everything in the room looks science-y and new, and the lights show off the technology clearly. It looks just like hospital lighting.


Subjective: The bright lights and silver walls make the room look futuristic. It makes me feel like the technology in the science innovation center is going to come to life like a robot sci-fi film.

Bizarre DeChristine

This photo was online, from an online website called They are an online store selling gobos. For me, gobos really work well to create bizarre lighting, just because you can take something and make it look really unnatural and jarring. For example, the human is this photo looks offputting with the holes in the skin made from the gobo. Also the black and white color makes it seem even more dramatic and bizarre.

Lighting Observation March 1st

My room March 1st 5:35PM

Objective: My lights are off and all that is lighting up my room is the outdoor lighting. It is getting to the point where my room is getting pretty dim, and my eyes are re-adjusting to the darkness. Yet, it is still bright enough to not have to turn my lights on.


Subjective: It is gloomy and a depressing lighting. The dimness of the room make the walls look grey. It almost makes the room seem smaller and it makes everything look washed out. As soon as I turn the lights on, the room will feel totally different and have color again.

Lighting Observation from 2/16

Hofstra Concerts Event in the Pride Den

Objective: Someone is playing the guitar and singing up in front of the room. The usual main bright lights are off, and there are dim blue LED lights surrounding the front of the room with a harsh circular spotlight on the person singing. When people walk by the spotlight, you can see their shadow cover the singer.


Subjective: It is a calm intimate environment because of the dim blue LED lights, however, it is really easy to look at the singer because the spotlight is so bright in comparison. It really draws attention to the singer and the lighting makes it feel like they are the only person in the room.

Night Life Photo Observation

This is a photo I took on February 13th at a concert at The Paramount. Something about the color purple just always reminds me of “night life”, and even if a photo is taken during the day but has hints of purple lighting, it very much signifies night time for me. The dark shadows on the saxophone player also create a feeling that it is night time.

Cold Photo Lighting Observation

This is a photo I took 2 years ago in January on the ride from Staten Island to Long Island. The lighting is overall blue, which creates a feeling of being cold. Also, the silhouette of the tree without any leaves against the blue lighting really signifies the fact that it is winter. The clouds are a bit darker, and in all, you can feel the coldness from the picture.

Romance Photo

Hofstra Fitness Center Weight Room 5:16 PM Friday Feb 9th

Objective: There are fluorescent lights all over the gym, so it is very bright. The lights are white, and it is overall pretty evenly lit. However, there a lot of windows, and the sun was beginning to set. So, along with the fluorescent lights from above, there was a beam of yellow light coming from the windows. It was quite blinding and uncomfortable to look at from certain angles, but it created shadows with some of the gym equipment.


Subjective: The moment felt like nature trying to break through something artificial. Although the room is surrounded by unpleasant “doctor’s office” type lights, there is this bright ray coming from outside, trying to break into the room and cut through the artificial lighting.

Sunset Photo

Sunset Photo

This is a photo that I took last February 24 at 6:04PM. The sunset matches the colors of the lights on the building perfectly, and it really makes the tower seem tall. It feels like the building is growing out of the sunset, which makes it hold power and focus. The sunset also draws more attention to the crescent moon up in the sky. I chose this photo not just for the sunset itself, but because it highlights the other parts of the setting.

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