Archive for the tag 'Streetlights'

Lighting Observation 2 (Week 3)

1) 2/16/11- about 11:40 p.m.- In the car on the way to the rink

2) A series of street lights lined up

3)  I observed the many street lights on Hempstead Turnpike and I noticed that they all lined up very nicely and made a perfect picture in perspective.  The lights got gradually shorter, the farther they were away and also dimmer.  The lights also moved, as in grew taller and brighter as we moved in the car towards them.  The interesting thing I realized is that the lights are all yellow and it is a kind of yellow that does not speak caution or danger but is softer and sleepier.  I wonder why this type of light is used?  The other interesting thing is that when at the right angle I realized that the row of lights looked as though it never ended and I thought that was an interesting trick that the lights did.  I was really impressed and amazed at how light can show so much depth and really help you compare distances.

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