Archive for the tag 'Streetlights'

Lighting Observation

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: Wednesday, 2/26 at around 5:30am in my room

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION:  It was still dark outside when I woke up. 

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: As I looked out of my east-facing window and rubbed my eyes, the sky was still dark. The streetlights near the Coliseum were orange and white, and seemed to mock me in my exhausted state. 

Lighting Observation #3

1- 7 Feb 2020, 3AM, my room

2- OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION- a dark room, with very bright streetlights streaming in through horizontal blinds.

3- SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION- This is a sight I see relatively often, as I often struggle to fall asleep at night. The campus is so bright and, while I appreciate the safety of everything, the light peering in through my window can be irritating. It feels sometimes as if I’m being mocked by fluorescent white streetlights for the simple crime of wanting a good night’s sleep. Once again, they watch me fail.

Photo Ob #10

  2. owner:Fresnatic, time lasp over Seattle

Magical Seattle from 12th Street Bridge

3. Nature vs City

4. the two different light sources allow for contrast but there is a harmony between them that isn’t always achieved. Often city lights are so bright and intense but can’t compare to the immense beauty and magnitude of a sunset. The location blends the blues on the horizon grab your eye and pull you through to the white at the bottom of the photo. It shows that even people who live in cities are surrounded by nature and can enjoy it. The snow also gives a special quality to the photo. Instead of just a brown lifeless ground it becomes reflective. In a perspective that you would think a clear divide would happen the boundaries are fuzzed between the cars and sky or ground. This photo is alive. Its bright with colors that can never be recreated.


Lighting Moment #8

1.Tuesday March 20th 11:30pm Hempstead Turnpike

2. The sources were headlights, streetlights, stop lights, and store lights/advertisements which came through the fog.

3. Though I drive home every night via this route I have never noticed the amount of light surrounding me. Because it was foggy it restricted visibility to only 100 feet in front of you but the lights showed through creating a tunnel effect. It made a highway somehow more intimate but restricted and dangerous. There were very few cars on the road but those that did emerge out of the gray wall were surprising cause it was if a curtain had been pulled. This light path seem to go on forever and constantly revealing another light, and thankfully for me the next green light. My next observation was the temperature difference between all the headlights and streetlights. Though they are all made from the same basic parts they glow slightly different. This individualism is what created the path vs asylum affect. If they had all been uniform it would have been creepy as opposed to the inviting light leading me home.


Light Observation

It was Sunday night at around 2 in the morning when some idiot in my dorm building burned popcorn and the alarms drove us all out of the building to await the permission of the fire department to go back inside. Standing outside  in the cold, I noticed the way the emergency lights from the fire truck were flashing and lighting up the area.

In frigid air under an almost starless sky, the kind only found near big cities, a bunch of listless college students were milling about. All around them the trees were being lit up in blues and reds flashing and pulsing like strobe lights in the dark. The light hit the bare branches of the trees drawing the outlines of the empty space, making it seem deeper, darker.  Even beneath the street lamp, the colors from the emergency vehicles danced on the pole and played in the branches. As the wind blew the branches seemed to jump from place to place rather than sway under the influence of this unnatural lighting.

Lighting Observation 9 A

1.) Mindnight ish 3/30 or tech 31/11 Street outside my house

2.) Naked tree branches with water droplets on the interestingly modeled by light from a street lamp

3.) After parking my car last night I was walking home and had a lighting moment! There was a tree with no leaves but teeming with small droplets of water, too light to fall but heavy enough to hang a little off the branch. What was really interesting was the angle the streetlamp hit the tree the tips of the branches were glowing which was enhanced by the light being refracted in the water drops. It not only gave the branches dimension, but almost a holy or angelic feel to it because of the mystic glow that backlit it.

Light Observation Devin Gee

1)   3/22/11- about 1:30 am- walking between the student center and enterprise hall.

2)   The night was foggy and the street lamps were on.  They shined into the sky and lit up and area larger than normal.

3)   This moment was interesting because the fog allowed you to visually see the direction the light travels in.  Usually when you see a streetlight on a clear night for the most part all you see lit up is the ground and area underneath the light.  In this particular moment you could see the sky lit up above the street light and there was a sort of orb of light all around the street lamp.  This light was very spooky and was both white and yellow because of the different street lamps.  The light as it shined though the fog was very ominous and something you would expect to see in a haunted house during Halloween.  Though the yellow light was vaguely similar to an early sunrise, the spooky feel to it mostly overpowered that similarity.  This lighting seemed very dramatic to me just because we use this kind of lighting in theatre a lot and with the hazer like in War of the Roses it resembled the fog and everything perfectly.


Light Observation 6 B

1.) 3/10/11 – 11:30 pm ish – LIE between the exit for the Clearwater Expressway and the exit for the GCP

2.) Streetlights reflecting along warped asphalt creating distorted, S- shaped reflections

3.) Driving home last night I noticed the streetlights reflected on the road, but it was especially interesting because it had been warped by so many cars driving on it each day, which distorted the light into this cool S- shape. It looked like impressions made in the sand by a particular desert snake that rather than slithers will propel itself in a circular motion over vast sandy dunes. Or the wavelike rifts on a sandy plain after so much time the wind sliding across the malleable surface. It was really really cool.

Beja Light Observation:

Date, Time, Location: Thursday Mrch 10th, 2011; 10:00 PMish, in a car

Objective Description: red traffic light hitting raindrops on my car windshield

Subjective Description: As the car was coming to a full and complete stop, I noticed the rein droplets and light around it. The tops of the rain were red and it faded to orange with the streetlamps on the side, finally fading to a neutral clear. This fading effect was interesting to see, and gave me an energetic feeling.


Beja Photo Observation

What, Where:  A local Seven Eleven street light at night.

Theme: Vibrant, Colorful, Saturated

Description: when I think of vibrantly colorful and saturated things, I immediately think of neon street sign advertisement. On my way home one day I took this picture. In it the main focus is indeed the Seven Eleven® logo. Although the sign is not emitting much light onto its surroundings the street lamps are. What I found interesting with the lamps was the colors and location. Around the store and sign are white vibrant lights, but around the surrounding street are salmon tinted lights. If you were to avoid the lamps it would appear that the sing is emitting all the light starting from its base and fading into a olden style background.

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