Archive for the tag 'Sunlight'

Photo Observation

Theme: Summer

I took this picture myself at Universal. This has a really summery feeling to me because of the way the sunlight is hitting the brick walls, which are already a very warm color as it is. All the light bouncing off the brick walls and shining through the skylights gives it a very warm welcoming tone. Overall it just feels like the atmosphere is sort of like the peak of the summer where you can see the heat rising off the streets/

Light Observation

6:10 AM  April 12, 2017   My room, Hofstra University

Light coming in from the window during the sun rising.  A soft orange color lightly coloring the inside of my room and shining through the window.  Very warm and subtle light.

At a time in which I am about to fall asleep the angelic light gracefully touches my room.  The bed is lightly grazed with soft orange sunlight that glows from the window.  Leaving the shutters completely open had allowed the sun to come in unfiltered.  It freely expanded into the room with the subtle hint that the day had begun.

Photo Observation

Photo taken by me


The harsh sunlight brightly washes over the scene.  The colors of the flowers stand bright with the fun reflections of the pin reminding me of the place I always go in the summer.  A mini golfing place right down the street to me has the same wooden boundaries with brightly colored flowers and little metallic pinwheels.  There’s something really fun about the pinwheel, it’s a cheesy addition to the beauty of nature right next to it.

Photo Observation #10


  1. This photo came from a fruit salad blog post at
  1. Summer
  1. Sunlight from the bright sunny day outside is streaming in through the window and onto the neatly set table, ready with a cool refreshing snack for a break from the heat of the summer day. The warm, bright light, reflects off the cool, clean cutlery and the juicy fruit giving the image a happy, jubilant, and refreshing feeling.

lighting Observation

  1. Thursday Morning in my dorm room.
  2. Sun light shining under my blinds and hitting my coffee in just the right way.
  3. I despise mornings, I need an hour and about 4 coffees to really feel human, but I’ve decided I need to wake up earlier.  So, Thursday I woke up with enough time to make coffee in my dorm instead of buying on my way to class.  My blinds are all the way down but the golden sun light is creeping under the lower edge and landing in a sharp oblong trapezoid shape on my desk. I set down my coffee in the pool of morning sun light and the way the light hit the curve of the cup. It looked so soft and cozy, it was everything that was right about mornings.

Photo Observation


2) This photo was taken by me in the summer hanging out in botanical gardens.

3) Theme: Single subject, Single light source

4) I chose this photo because the sunlight on the middle right side catches the eye. I like how the color is white and it is bright, warm, and inviting. If you look closely you can see the right side of my face slightly brighter than my left side as the sunlight reflects on my face. It is a simple selfie.

Lighting Observation #6

  1. Student Center back dining room, 3/9/17 in the evening
  2. I was eating lunch with a bunch of my friends and there was a strip of sunlight on my friend’s face.
  3. After having a really rough day on Thursday, this one ray of sunlight on my friend seemed like the light at the end of a tunnel. It was really relaxing and overall just made me feel a lot better about the type of day I was having.

Photo Observation #6

  1. My camera roll
  2. Happy!
  3. my friends and I hadn’t seen each other for a while and when we saw each other again outside of Davison, my friend Kyra hugged our friends, Meghan and Meghan, and the whole moment was just really happy and the lighting was really perfect and emphasized the happiness of the moment.

Lighting Observation #12: A Tree’s Bark in the Sunlight

4/25/16-10:23am-Outside the Spiegel Theater

The sunlight warmly hits the bright green leaves of this tree that looks sort of like a weeping willow but has branches hanging down with bright green spade-shaped leaves. The shadow cast on its bark reflects the spade-like shape of the leaves and only some direct sunlight comes through in varying amounts to hit the bark. Thus, the bark is illuminated with different intensities of sunlight.

The light colors the bark of the tree and accents the lines of the bark. The bark looks like it might just erupt into circular-like shapes like the shadows that gently fall onto it from the branches above. The movement of the shadows with the gentle swaying of the breeze create a dream-like feeling. The tree bark shimmers like psychedelic orbs that make the tree glow with different shades as the light and shadow change how intense the light is on the bark constantly. As the shadow and sunlight move, there is green, teal, brown, gold, grey, amber, and silver on the bark. The whiteness of the light of the sun has the greenness of the leaves and the shades of the nearby plants reflect onto the bark allowing for this rainbow. It is a creative light with its colors and intensities. Every leaf looks more like a heart than a spade with the shadow that is created by the sunlight hitting it. The lighting is artistic, it is natural, it is soft, and it is dynamic. The overall feeling of the light is one of confusion, fun, and bedazzlement. It changes between these naturalistic colors and is constantly moving like the light cannot make up its mind how to shine on the tree, but it is also fun with the varying spots of intensities and colors reflected back. This movement and change in the amount of light hitting the bark is bedazzling like a disco ball in the night. It is fun though; It’s fun in the confusion and in dazzling qualities.

Lighting Observation #11: The Sun Hitting a Fence and the Pathway that emerges

4/18/16 – 8:30am – Outside Colonial Square on Path Towards Student Center

The morning sun shines through the temporary black plastic fencing lining the sidewalk. It casts a shadow across the width of the sidewalk making it patterned with oval-ish shapes.

When one stared at the lighting and pathway too much, the shadow and light on the sidewalk had this hypnotic feel. It was mesmerizing and was dizzying to look at it. The lighting that cast this shadow made the path feel like it belonged in Alice in Wonderland since the path looked like it was trying to be an optical illusion. The intensity of the morning light made the shadow dark and the light that shined through to hit the pavement bright; there was a sharp distinction between light and shadow just like the colors had been black and white instead of black and golden lit grey-tan pavement. The lighting moment and mysterious effect on the path would not have been the same without this intensity. The stark contrast created made it seem like this pathway must be leading to some sort of black and white timeless dimension. The shape of the holes in the fence made the spots of bright light on the sidewalk curious ovals. In my mind, the path swirled for some reason due to the pattern cast upon it. It was like a moiré effect. Walking across it was like being on a boat. The mood that the lighting created was surreal.

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