Archive for the tag 'beth'


  1. Attributes: This is a picture from a KitKat ad
  2. Theme: Advertisement/Desire
  3. Description: I really like this add partially because I really love KitKats. I also really like how the lighting is really simple (just some white light from the side), but it’s super effective in highlighting the detail of the chocolate which, because we already know how good KitKats are, makes it look really appealing

Lighting Observation #7

Date/Time/Location: Wednesday, March 30 at 7:15 from the 12th floor lounge on Constitution

Objective Description: A pastel sunset over the city and the light it gives in my window

Subjective Description: Thy is alight with softer pink, fading into a warmer light blue. The surrounding clouds are a bit of a softer pastel orange color. The sun itself is a vibrant red, made brighter by the surrounding clouds which make it seem much bigger than it is. From my position in Constitution, the sun encompasses half the city in its rich, red orange glow. That same city is made a light pink/orange-tinted gray rather than deeper gray or black it is because of both the distance from my window and the light from the sun. As it reaches the window, it reflects slightly off the wall just beside it and fills my room with, yet again, a soft, pinkish glow. The room is covered in it. Where normally the inside of the room look a little bit drab and boring, now there’s a bit of an ethereal feel to the furnishings and the walls

Lighting Observation #6

Date/Time/Location: March 17 at 12:15 am in my dorm

Objective Description: My desk lamp shining on my desk (particularly on a packaged Hot & Spicy bowl of ramen)

Subjective Description: The desk lamp shines on my ramen bowl specifically. There are other things it hits, of course–a few papers, my mask, a water bottle–but the Hot & Spicy ramen is particularly in focus. The light of the lamp is ever so slightly warmer than my ceiling light, so I much prefer it even though it is darker. The ambience it gives the room is very cozy and warm. A sort of softness the ceiling light is unable to provide. It feels like the kind of light you could curl up in a blanket with a loved one under and watch a really crappy tv show. But in this case, it seems more to be putting a strange amount of emphasis on my uneaten bowl of ramen than to be making my room super nice and cozy. It’s really bright on the packaging, drawing my attention further towards the bright, almost garish colors on the ramen rather than helping me relax into the warmth the lack of bright light provides the room

St. Patrick’s Day Picture

  1. I found this on google images
  2. Theme: St. Patrick’s Day
  3. I chose this picture partially because of the color and partially because of the juxtaposition between the light and the surrounding area. I also like how the green of the light is so much brighter than everything else. There’s no other light at all in the picture, so it’s really clear what the focus of the image is

Lighting Observation #5

Date / Time / Location: March 11 at 10:50,  vaguely the horizon line

Objective Description: a lot of orange-tinted lights that sit right up next to the horizon line

Subjective Description: The orange lights sit right up next to the horizon line. They’re really the last things you can see before the world fades black in the night. Because of the distance, the lights seem to flicker and change, looking like tiny candles across the scene. They are regularly distanced across the view, so it’s likely they’re part of a parking lot or something, but the orange color is more comforting and warm than is typical

Single Artificial Light Source

  1. I found this image on google
  2. Theme: Single Artificial Light Source
  3. The flower is lit by a single purple light. There’s no haze or anything, so the beam of light is only apparent because of how it lights the petals up. The wider wash of the light gives the image a bright purple glow

Night Life

Attributes: Time Square (google)

Theme: Night Life

Description: I chose this because I think the really bright lights from the screens and reflecting off the ground perfectly display night life. The many colors across the scene combined with the number of people in the picture really remind me of a party, especially the way each of the colors reflects off the ground. Those vibrant, but blurry reflections really embody the lights in a party or a club to me

Lighting Observation #3

Date/Time/Location – 2/25/22 at 9:33pm on the windows of Vanderpoel

Objective Description – The lights reflected around Hofstra are reflected off of the windows of Vanderpoel

Subjective Description – The light reflecting off the windows of Vanderpoel directly across from my building looks like a miniature night sky. They twinkle and glow like stars seem to on a slightly cloudy night and the different colors of the lights look like the different colors of the stars when you look through a really good telescope. Some of the lights are really big and bright, but some you can only see the tiniest hint of, just peeking out through the brightness of the other lights surrounding them. There are smaller clusters of lights that look a little like unnamed constellations and pieces of the window that look dark like they’re affected by light pollution. We may not be able to see the stars from here, but by looking at those windows I can get a glimpse of the night sky from home

Cold Photo Observation

Attributes: found from google

Theme: Cold

Description: I chose this photo because the whole scene is overwhelmingly white and is in colder tones. The way that everything is coated in snow and the snow is illuminated by the light gives the whole image a kinda foggy, monotone appearance that I always associate with the cold

Lighting Observation #2

Date/Time/Location: 8:06 on February 17 in my dorm

Objective Description: The lights outside through the fog

Subjective Description: The lights I can see from my window at night are generally really crisp, bright, and clear. Tonight, though, their glow is dimmed slightly because of the fog rolling across the area. They’re still clearly visible, but they look a little blurred and fuzzy, and almost like they’re fading in and out instead of keeping steady. Across the skyline, the clouds lighten up just a little bit with a slightly warm-tinted glow and if you look just to the left, you can see some of the lights of the city very faintly in the distance.

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