Archive for the tag 'Cassidy Reed'

Photo Observation

1) Google Images, Nike Ad

2) THEME: Advertisement

3) DESCRIPTION: The photo shows Simone Biles flying through the air in the middle of executing a back flip. The space behind the gymnast is dark, the top of her body is lit as if she is floating.

Lighting Observation

  1. DATE/TIME/LOCATION: 3/16/22 10:06pm Library 2nd floor
  2. OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: Sitting by the windows doing homework and I can see my reflection in the dark windows but I can also see the cars driving by on the road outside.
  3. SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: I like how I can sort of see outside through my reflection. It feels like a main character movie scene where there would be something being described about the character over top. I like the contrast of the brighter light inside the library against the pitch black sky outside. I like that the headlights speeding by outside almost relate to the fluorescent lights inside the library. It feels eerie and ghostly, as if I’m overseeing what’s going on outside instead of actually experiencing it, or perhaps I’m just sleep deprived.

Lighting Photo

Attributes: From CNN website, taken by Sarto Roberto
Theme: St. Patrick’s Day
Description: Italy’s Leaning Tower of Pisa was lit green on Monday March 16th 2015 for St. Patty’s Day. I like how the light is hitting this building from below. I thought this was interesting and unique because when I’m watching things onstage I’m not normally seeing things being lit from bottom to top. I also really like the contrast of the bright green against the rest of the dark night. 
The light in my photo is in the front so I assumed then the lighting instrument would be close to the ground directly in front of the building at some type of upward angle.

Lighting Observation

  1. Thursday 3/10 9:45pm LH Comm Dance Studio
  2. The dance studio has bright fluorescent lights that contrast the, now dark, windows. It’s striking to me how the room had no feeling in contrast to all the different types of dancing I had done in there throughout the day.
  3. The studio is darker than it was at 9:40am. The tall mirrors reflect the stark artificial fluorescent light throughout the space and the ceilings seem to tower over the large cast of dancers. It brought me a sort of deja vu feeling. Maybe it was the exhaustion but the feeling of the fluorescent lights evoked a sense of repetition and cyclical nature. I could picture a Groundhog Day like scene happening in front of me.

Photo Observation: Single Artificial Light Source

Attributes: Adobe Stock

Theme: Single Artificial Light Source

Description: I chose this photo how the light source is coming from the center part of the top of the space. I like how it looks like the light source is showering the space with golden light. I noticed how this, in the context of a performance, could be perceived as the sunshine or some type of heaven sequence. I like the warmth that the artificial light source provides and how once it reaches the ground it blends seamlessly into the darkness.


Lighting Moment

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: Student Center, 7:55pm

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The street lights in the parking lot closest to the residential side of campus. The lights cast a superficial and almost worthless glow into the darkness. The night seems to swallow the light after a few feet, leaving a trail of glowing round white lights lining the perimeter of the parking lot.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: It’s almost time for work and the sun. has long since set. The atmosphere is eerie and damp. The air is crisp and has an aggressive bite tonight. Long Island feels small this time of night. Theres no one around except for students leaving the student center from a last minute trip to Starbucks. Suddenly its just me and my shadow staring into the darkness, being lured along the sidewalk by the glow of the streetlights.

Photo Observation #2

Attributes: Unsplash

Theme: Night Life

Description: I chose this photo because of the contrast of dark and light. I think the crowd of people against the warmth of the fireworks is striking and stood out to me. It reminds not necessarily of clubbing night life but of nostalgic nights with friends or family. I really enjoyed the silhouette in this picture.


Light Observation #1

DATE-TIME-LOCATION: 2/23/22 2:45pm RSR booth

OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: Very bright light from the sun casting through the windows and in between the cracks in the blinds.

SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: It had barely been an hour of work and it was so hot. The fan was not working and the heat would not give up. The sun was piercing through the window and made me feel like I was under a magnifying glass. It felt like the tiny little room I was in was about to start boiling or combust all at once. The shapes the sun made on the desk as it crept through the blinds reminded me of shards of glass.

Photo Observation #1

Photo Attributes: Yvonne HC

Theme: Cold

Description: I chose this photo because of the gray overcast, the cooler/darker tones in the buildings and structures outside the window, and the rain. I like how there’s a focus on the raindrops on the window but you can still vaguely see the rest of image. The small raindrops compared to the big buildings were also something that stood out to me. The overall dark and gloomy appearance of photo makes it feel cold to me. Although this image isn’t innately cold I feel that it provides a cold atmosphere.


Lighting Moment 2

  1. DATE-TIME-LOCATION: 2/16/22 – Bedroom, fairy lights
  2. OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: In my bedroom there is a long string of fairy lights that run along my ceiling. They are just high enough so that when you walk they hang above your head. Each light is small enough so that the string runs in one smooth line, rather than a bulky string of Christmas lights.
  3. SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: My favorite time to light them is at night right before bed. The lights have a soft warm glow that help to ease the stress from a long day. They aren’t bright like the harsher overhead light in my bedroom. They are quite dim but provide enough brightness to see the outline of the shapes in the room. They make me feel calm and are nice to fall asleep to.

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