Archive for the tag 'Choma'

Lighting Observation

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: 5/5/2021 – 8:00 pm – Alumni House

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: Fifteen rectangular overhead lights shine down on the eleven plexiglass cubicles and computers in the alumni house.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: As I sit down in my swivel chair for work, my head darts up as the lights flicker from old electrical wiring. The building itself is already creepy, but as the overheads switch on and off it forces my head up to see the reflections of the light bouncing off the plexiglass, creating multiple orbs of light in each panel– something that I had never noticed before. I could not help but be a little nervous as I am the only one working in the worn down building tonight.

Photo Observation


2) ATTRIBUTION: taken by me in California in 2018

3) THEME: Summer

4) DESCRIPTION: The amber colors beaming out of the sky remind you of iced orange juice on a hot summer afternoon as the sun silhouettes the palm trees, instantly making me think of the dry heat on this family trip to California. The wispy clouds are a sign of beautiful summer weather, even as the sun begins to down.

Lighting Observation

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: 3/25/2021 – 6:30pm – Uniondale

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The sunlight is dispersed through the clouds as it begins to set, creating a salmon ring that can be seen through the clouds. The clouds soften the light blurring the light.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The light tries creeping it’s way to me, filtered by the clouds, stopping it from brightening the world and tinting the sky. The clouds soften the usually blinding light of the sun, creating a gentle, pastel color, making the two a perfect pair and creating a sense of calmness.

Photo Observation (Advertisement/Desire)


2) Google (The Essentialist – Fashion Advertising Updated Daily: Dior Beauty Ad Campaign Spring/Summer 2013)

3) THEME: Advertisement/Desire

4) DESCRIPTION: The shadows of Natalie Portman’s face entice the audience, exaggerating the darkness of her lashes on the right side of her face in an attempt to embellish the mascara brand. The light draws attention to her eyes and the lighting of the backdrop illuminates and outlines her body, creating a heavenly, angelic effect. The beauty highlighted by the lighting makes the audience want to look like her, buy the product, and hope to feel like her.