Archive for the tag 'cvstarr'

Lighting Observation

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: 4/7/2021 – 5:40 – road leading into CV Starr

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The sunlight shines from the right of the sky, barely behind the top corner of the building, yet illuminating the entire structure. CV Starr’s windowed side walls glow from the white light that shines upon it, reflecting it around the surrounding areas and lighting the freshly blossomed petals of the University’s trees.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The windows make the structure of the new building turn into rays of light themselves as the sunlight hits them, making for a stunning, sparkling effect. Although the building is not brand, brand new, the way the light the corners of the building makes it look sparkling. This building looks completely different in the Spring.