Archive for the tag 'funeral'

Photo Observation: Surreal


This is a photo I took during a production of Fuerza Bruta in NYC.

Theme: Surreal

Description: Bodies suspended in mid-air. A curtain of luminous and reflective foil-like material encasing the audience as a whole. The color’s, cools and warms of deep blues and entrancing pinks silhouette the bodies running horizontal to the ground against the backdrop effortlessly hung. The focus is solely on the bodies defying gravity while all other visionary senses seem overwhelmed, and an ethereal atmosphere takes over. Enchanting music relaxes the soul even more as you begin to feel as though you too are floating. The closest experience to a dream-like state while completely awake.


Lighting Moment

Saturday 9am, Funeral Parlor in Westbury

The lights in the funeral parlor were very dim and some of the flowers were blocking the view of the lights

The lighting at the funeral parlor was most likely unintentional but still reflected the mood very well. it was a very sad time and the dimness of the room just made it sadder. I am sure they intentionally made it dim but the shadows casted by the plants was probably unintentional but added to the mood