Archive for the tag 'light'

Lighting Observation – Max Cerci

1) 2/19/14 4:40 Walking back from the Student Center to the Netherlands.

2) The sunlights reflection off of the sidewalk.

3) As I left the student center to go back to the Netherlands, I was immediately blinded by the setting sun over the roof of the core. I couldn’t continue to look at it so I was forced to look down. It had just rained and the sunlight was reflecting off of the sidewalk like a white “red carpet” spanning from the shadow of the netherlands core, all the way to the student center. I found it very interesting that the rays of light created this one pathway along the sidewalk but no where else.


Photo Observation 4



3) Lonely

4) The single spotlight struggles to shine its light through the blackness from above. All around it is just the darkness. It is completely alone, isolated from everything by the darkness which overwhelms the scene. Even still, it shines it light, and does the job for which it was intended. The light appears almost alive, and to me, seems almost melancholy for its lack of companionship with other light. Even still, it continues to shine.

Light Observation 4

1) February 18th, 2014 on the Hempstead Turnpike around 8:30 PM

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: Driving back from the Emergency Room, I noticed the light streaming from a stoplight.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: In my sick state of mind, it seemed to me like my vision was enhanced. The congestion had caused my eyes to become watery, through which all light was heightened. I noticed in particular, one stoplight, with its tricolor, ever changing light. As the light switched from red to green, I noticed the beams of light streaming out from all around the source. The green light pierced through the cold, dead night, like a light crown around the circular lamp. In the background there danced beams of light coming from all of the street lamps, the harsh orange color with which we are all too familiar. The scene was beautifully painted in my mind: the colors of night on a busy highway.

Lighting Moment #3

1. 2/12/14, 12pm, Outside Emily Lowe

2. Stepping outside from interior lighting into broad daylight

3.  Having been inside for the better part of four hours, my eyes were well adjusted to the fluorescent lighting of Emily Lowe’s all too familiar hallways and classrooms. However, I was unprepared for the blinding light that was waiting for me outside. I stepped into the blustery air, and was met by brilliant sunlight filling every corner of my vision, reflecting off of the snow and awakening my eyes to the world around me.

Photo Observation #3

nightlife (1)


3) THEME:Nightlife

4) DESCRIPTION: Watching from the side of the club, I watched as the lights danced on the faces of the other guests. The floor was washed with a harsh red, looking almost like fire against the club’s deck. A single blue light flashed around the club, like a searchlight looking for a lost criminal. It was flanked with two smaller lights, like eyes penetrating the red. Green lasers shot around the room, piercing the light with a sharp beam. They gave an almost surreal feel to the club, like the bottom on a spaceship, landing on Earth. 



Lighting Observation 3

1) 8:27 AM, 2/10/14, outside Liberty/Repulic Halls

2) Snow falling from a tree in front of a newly risen morning sun.

3) As a cool breeze blew through the air, the branches of the tree shook. From the crisp green pine leaves fell the dusty powder of a new snow. From behind, the bright, fresh rays of a new sun hit the snow, making the snowflakes look like shiny crystals falling through the air. The yellow rays reflected off of the snow around it, giving a golden shine to the buildings and cars in the background. The whole scene was surreal.  This is the beauty of winter.


Lighting Observation #2

1. February 4th 2014 at around 7:30 at Take-One Theaters.

2. A bright white light coming from an ellipsoidal reflector spotlight. It is a warm, circular and luminous spot.

3. When I stood under the spotlight, the atmosphere was overwhelming. I felt like a star. The long, white beam of light shone down on me and suddenly, I was the center of attention. I was the most important actor on that stage. As the brightness of the light rose, so did my confidence. As I moved on stage, the shimmering glow of the spot followed my every footstep. This simple, conical strand of light put me on top of the world.

Photo Observation #2 – Max Cerci

Screen shot 2014-02-06 at 1.52.20 PM

2) Taken by me on the Boston harbor. 

3) Cold

4) The dark clouds in silhouette combined with the blue part of the sky conjure feelings of coldness. The sunset while bright does not have that dark redish color often associated with heat in a sunset but instead has a very bright, light color supporting the cold theme in this photo. The ripples in the water, visible due to the bright reflection, help to illustrate the wind that was ever so prevalent while I was taking this picture.  The most interesting part of the picture however, is the reflection of the sunset in the water contrasting the sunset in the sky as it looks more warm then the actual sunset.


Lighting Observation 1

1) Thursday 1/30/14, 7:41 AM, my dorm room

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: At the back wall of our dorm room, there is a window which looks out to Oak Street. This morning, the light from the newly risen sun was streaming in through the blinds.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: As I looked at the window, I noticed a bright white light streaming in through between the blinds. The light stretched its fingers across the floor, creating a magnificent piece of artwork on the stained blue carpet on the floor. The light appeared pure white, like the color of a freshly fallen snow. To wake up to this beautiful image was a sign that today was going to be a good day.

Lighting Moment #12

1) April 24, 2013, 8:58am, Professor Curtiss’ class

2) I am talking to some of my classmates and I look down at the floor and see from the reflection of the sun, a circle white glare with many different lines around it. It is a circle in the middle and look like a reflection of a crystal glass or fancy glassware with all the different lines and indents around it.

3) When I looked down at the floor and saw this, I was amazed to see a reflection from the sun like this. It was very cool and I have never seen anything like that before. The way the light was passing through the window and ended up creating an image like that was definitely unique and different.

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