Archive for the tag 'Light Observation'

Light Observation – #4

  1. February 26, 2021 4:34pm
  2. Location: on the mat by the window in LA Fitness in Garden City
  3. I was working out near the window in my gym and the light was shining in and reflected off against one of the pieces of metal equipment. The reflection caused a light streak across the tan wall in a  corner that otherwise is quite dark. I like this area of the gym normally for the more natural lighting (as opposed to the harsh fluorescent lights away from the windows), but the way the sun reflected against the equipment made it more opinion!

Lighting Observation #3

Date/Time/Location – 2/25/22 at 9:33pm on the windows of Vanderpoel

Objective Description – The lights reflected around Hofstra are reflected off of the windows of Vanderpoel

Subjective Description – The light reflecting off the windows of Vanderpoel directly across from my building looks like a miniature night sky. They twinkle and glow like stars seem to on a slightly cloudy night and the different colors of the lights look like the different colors of the stars when you look through a really good telescope. Some of the lights are really big and bright, but some you can only see the tiniest hint of, just peeking out through the brightness of the other lights surrounding them. There are smaller clusters of lights that look a little like unnamed constellations and pieces of the window that look dark like they’re affected by light pollution. We may not be able to see the stars from here, but by looking at those windows I can get a glimpse of the night sky from home

Lighting Observation – #3

  1. 2/24 8:44am
  2. Location: On campus Dunkin Donuts window
  3. The reflection of  a line of three light bulbs against the window, warm light against cool colors of outside world. Gloomy gray day, but the warm Dunkin light, not harsh fluorescent like other overhead lights in most Hofstra buildings.

Lighting Observation #2

Date/Time/Location: 8:06 on February 17 in my dorm

Objective Description: The lights outside through the fog

Subjective Description: The lights I can see from my window at night are generally really crisp, bright, and clear. Tonight, though, their glow is dimmed slightly because of the fog rolling across the area. They’re still clearly visible, but they look a little blurred and fuzzy, and almost like they’re fading in and out instead of keeping steady. Across the skyline, the clouds lighten up just a little bit with a slightly warm-tinted glow and if you look just to the left, you can see some of the lights of the city very faintly in the distance.

Light Observation

Date/Time/Location: Feb 14th, 4:48pm, Holliswood (driving to LI from Brooklyn)

Objective description: The sun is lower in the sky and situated behind me. The low light is causing the blue sky to brighten.  The light is reflecting off of the road and cars in front of me and the lane lines and signs are illuminated and shimmering. The moon is softly visible ahead.

Subjective description: The trees, dirt, and road no longer seem only brown and instead have an orange and yellow glow lifting off their edges. The sky looks as saturated as an ice blue gatorade while the warmth from the sun contrasts cool tones of the end of a winter day. The atmosphere is calming and nostalgic.

Lighting Observation – #2

  1. 2/15 8:15pm
  2. My bedroom, the ceiling light
  3. I desperately need to change the ceiling lightbulb in my bedroom (or I may have an electrical problem, I’m honestly not sure), because recently, the lights own’t turn on when I flick the switch. Instead, they randomly will flicker in and out for about fifteen minutes before coming on. In the pitch black of my room, I had no other lighting on. Having forgot I turned the switch on, I was laying peacefully in my bed when random surges of light began shining in my room and breaking the darkness. The artificial lighting sparking in and out reminded me of a lighting strike i the mild of a bad storm, providing just enough light to quickly see silhouettes of my room’s landscape before once again engulfing them in darkness. This unpredictability provided the room with an incredibly eery feeling. particularly because I was home alone.

Light Observation

Date: 2/10/22

Time: 10:00pm

Location: Parking lot behind Breslin

Objective Description: The moon shining through a small hole in the quickly moving cloud coverage. The entire sky was cloudy but there was a small hole that showed the moon.

Subjective Description: Little light was coming through the dark gray cloud coverage. There was a faint glow of the moon behind the clouds that gave the impression of its location but was otherwise lost. The clouds were quickly moving yet remaining a covered canopy-like sheet. All of a sudden, a hole opened in the clouds and the moon shone through like spilling white paint on coal. It was only for a moment as the clouds quickly closed again but while it was out, the sky brightened to a silvery gleam.

Light Observation

  1. DATE: 02/11/2022
  2. TIME: 12:35 pm
  3. LOCATION: The parking lot behind the Netherlands
  4. OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The light posts that light up the back parking lot at night illuminate the dumpsters with a dim yellow light. There is a slight mist in the air which allows you to see the beams of light coming down from the light posts.
  5. SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The lights coming down on top of the trash cans gives an earie, almost creepy ambiance. The inability to see all the way down the road creates a sense of not knowing or unknown, which in turn adds to the eeriness of the light. The lights almost seem like spotlights, shining down on the dumpsters as if they where on a stage during a solo performance.

Light Observation

  1. DATE / TIME / LOCATION: February 10, 2022, 10:06 pm, from my dorm in Constitution
  2. OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: A jar of fairy lights sitting on the top portion of my desk. The brightest source of light in my room
  3. SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The light from the jar is very dull, but it gives the whole room a warmer, cozier feel. The gentle, yellowish light emanating from the jar and the tiny size of each light makes it seem like I’ve somehow trapped a multitude of tiny fairies. The light actually escaping the container is somewhat distorted by the imperfections of the jar, making the projected light on the wall misshapen and strange to look at

Lighting Observation #1

  1. 2/7 5:45pm
  2. The studio lighting of the dance class I was teaching.
  3. The overhead fluorescent lights were turned off, with just the small lightbulbs lining the mirrored front wall of the room turned on. Because it is winter, the sun had nearly been set, so minimal light comes in through the back wall of windows. The dancers I teach are improvising around the room, creating shadows as the approach different areas of the room. Those nearest the back wall are much less visible than those close to the mirror. Just as they dance with each other, they too appear to dance with the light.

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