Archive for the tag 'lighting moment'

Lighting Observation #4

  1. Wednesday, March 2nd. Around 11:20am in Lowe 216.
  2. Our 15 minute break after drafting had just ended and David asked somebody to turn on the overhead lights that I hadn’t realized were off to begin with.
  3. I was sitting in my seat at the front of the classroom when the natural light coming in through the windows changed to fluorescent lighting all of a sudden. I was caught off guard because the difference between the soft natural light is a lot different than the harsh light from the overhead lights. The whole room changed colors, and it felt like where the room was originally absorbing light, it began reflecting it.

Lighting Observation #3

  1. Thursday, February 24th. At the Public-Martinson Theater.
  2. I was in the audience watching Out of Time. There was a lighting cue where all of the upstage amber lights on the ground were lit, then unexpectedly a led was lit shining a bright white light, backlighting the actor onstage.
  3. The led light was only used once during the whole show, and it was for this moment. I didn’t even realize the light was there until it was turned on. Because of its intensity and  quick movement, it was unexpected and when it first tuned on, I felt like everything stopped for a moment. I wasn’t paying attention to anything but that light. Then once my brain processed that the actor was speaking again, I wasn’t focused on the light anymore.

Lighting Observation #2

  1. Wednesday, February 16th, 2022, around 7:30pm
  2. I was sitting in one of the booths in the core on the left side when you first walk in. As I was eating my food, a fire truck pulled in and I watched the flashing red and blue lights against the wall of glass leading to Netherlands North.
  3. Normally when I see the flashing lights of an emergency vehicle, I’m either driving past them, or they’re driving past me. I don’t remember the last time I looked at them and really took in the colors. As the red and blue lights kept flashing, there would be a second where they blended to create a beautiful deep purple. The contrast between the bright lights hitting the wall and the almost pitch black night sky was really a sight to take in, and allowed me to really appreciate the way different colors of light mix together and the new light they create.

Lighting Observation #1

  1. Saturday, February 5th, 2022, 6:45 am
  2. Laying in bed waiting to fall back asleep while staring at my closet doors, which had the shadows of the swinging tree branches that was caused by either the sun rising or the street lamps.
  3. I was still half asleep because I woke up a couple of hours before I had planned to, and as I was laying there I noticed the shadows coming in through the window on my closet, looking like it could be a scene from a noir film. When I first saw them, it felt eery, like the beginning of a horror or suspense movie. However, as I kept observing them, it began to feel calming from the consistent swaying of the tree’s branches.

Lighting Moment Observation

DATE/TIME/LOCATION: 2/5/21 / 3:57 PM / Mall Parking Lot

OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: Light on the snow casting shadows.

SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The white snow pure except for the gravel, gasoline and other gross resources brought to you by humans. The mound leering over my car as I pull up closer and closer to it. Imperfectness plagues this snow heap as we see in the disturbed surface. Indents and objects casting a hazy filter of blue over those places the sun can’t quite reach. I sit there for a moment, amazed at the beauty and confused by the question: Is it soft or hard? The world may never know as I drive off, still thinking of that forbidden snow cone.

Lighting Moment

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: Third Floor Library Study Room, February 20th 12:30 

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: lights coming through the clouds as I look out the window over the rooftops 

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: As I looked through the window through the dark cloud,y I felt this shutdown feeling. I’ve been feeling stressed about life and where I’m going recently,y and the gloomy clouds were keeping me in the same funk. In that quick moment’s something change,d and I saw some brightness coming through the darkness, and it started to pick up my spirits

lighting Observation

  1. Thursday Morning in my dorm room.
  2. Sun light shining under my blinds and hitting my coffee in just the right way.
  3. I despise mornings, I need an hour and about 4 coffees to really feel human, but I’ve decided I need to wake up earlier.  So, Thursday I woke up with enough time to make coffee in my dorm instead of buying on my way to class.  My blinds are all the way down but the golden sun light is creeping under the lower edge and landing in a sharp oblong trapezoid shape on my desk. I set down my coffee in the pool of morning sun light and the way the light hit the curve of the cup. It looked so soft and cozy, it was everything that was right about mornings.

Surreal Photo Observation

Spoopy Observation

IMG_1884.JPG Screen Shot 2016-03-18 at 2.20.29 AM

Photo taken by: Me, Myrtle Beach, SC August 2014

Theme: Spooky

I managed to get a picture of the lighting striking out over the ocean. There were three storms taking place on the sea lighting up the sky, and the water. The shadows of the clouds appeared calming yet terrifying from such powerful storms.

Photo Observation 6



Photo taken by Me, February 2016

Theme: Shadow

Usually shadows can be found during the day time, where light is more abundant and common. But in our modern world where so much is lit at night time, it is easy to find shadows even in the dark. Shadows have the ability to create more tension at night, given humans are generally afraid of the dark and unknown. The less we can see, the worse.

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