Archive for the tag 'Lighting Observation'

Lighting Observations

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: A few days ago, evening time, in my 12th floor Enterprise dorm room.


3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: My 12th floor room gives me a beautiful view of the sunset. Bright white/yellow light floods the sky as the sun begins to set over New York City. White rays from the sun burst through the clouds, creating an angelic feel. As the sun begins to dip below the horizon, the sky turns shades of orange and pink. Although the sun disappears, the light coming from it does not. Beams of light remain, illuminating the sky.

Lighting Observation

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: Last night (May 11th 2021), sometime before 12AM, in my 12th floor Enterprise dorm room.

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The artificial light coming from my Windows laptop.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The artificial blue light stings my eyes as I race to finish my forensic science lab report. The light is bright enough to burn my eyes, but not bright enough to illuminate my keyboard. The bright laptop screen makes for a stark contrast with the dark room around it. The glowing rectangle is engulfed by shadows.

Lighting Observation

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: Last night, sometime past 12AM, in my 12th floor Enterprise dorm room.

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The light coming from my LED desk lamp.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The harsh light coming from my LED desk lamp is the only thing that illuminates my room. The light is extremely harsh and bright. Although the light appears white, it seems to have slight blue/green undertones. The small light creates a powerful beam of light that helps me find my way through my dark dorm room.


Lighting Observation

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: Sometime 1-2 weeks ago in my 12th floor Enterprise dorm room.

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The sunlight shining on the side of Vander Poel that faces my building.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The sunrise casts beautiful orange light on to the side of Vander Poel. The light itself is so bright that it makes the building itself appear orange. The light offers warmth and comfort against a contrasting blue/purple sky.

Lighting Observation

WHEN? May 10th, 2021 3:00pm

WHERE? Hempstead, NY Self-Storage

OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: Fluorescent lights hanging above the aisles of storage units

SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: As I walk down the dark hallway, surrounded by metal and concrete, overhead lights begin to flicker on. The harsh coldness of the light makes the metal doors shine, ominous and clean.

Light Observation

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: 4/29/2021 – 12:00 pm – Bits n’ Bites

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The light from the ceiling fixtures and from the food display case shines off the fresh, glossy fruits on the counter in Bits n’ Bites.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The fresh vegetables and produce sparkle next to the packaged, overeaten meals in the display case. The lighting enables the new addition to the dining area to call my name as I reach for a variety in my constant food habits, ready to make a meal.

Light Observation

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: 4/14/2021 – 10:00am – the tent in front of Lowe

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The sunlight bled through the blue and yellow pattern of the top of the tent, tinging the freshly planted grass and dirt between a sunflower yellow.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The sheets of cloud cleared as I was immersed in a strong yellow lighting, immediately lifting my spirits and mood. The heat from the light encompassed me, keeping me warm on a brisk, Spring day, providing me with comfort as I tried my best to get everything that needed to get done for the week, done.

Lighting Observation

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: March 29th 2021, 6:14 PM, my dorm room.

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The sunlight bouncing off of my roommates makeup bag that is covered in silver sequins.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The sunlight bounces off of each sequin, casting tiny dots of light on the wall above the bag. The dots start out tiny and then get longer and more dim the further they move away from the bag. The small speckles of sunlight remind me of twinkling stars in the night sky. The silver makeup back reflects the sunlight in a way that makes it look like a mushed disco ball.

Lighting Observation

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: 3/25/2021 – 6:30pm – Uniondale

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The sunlight is dispersed through the clouds as it begins to set, creating a salmon ring that can be seen through the clouds. The clouds soften the light blurring the light.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The light tries creeping it’s way to me, filtered by the clouds, stopping it from brightening the world and tinting the sky. The clouds soften the usually blinding light of the sun, creating a gentle, pastel color, making the two a perfect pair and creating a sense of calmness.

Light Observation

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: March 19th 2021, 8:55PM, Constitution Hall booth, on facetime with my best friend.

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The light coming from my best friends phone and shining on his face.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The bright artificial light shines on my best friends cheeks, nose and forehead, casting the rest of his face in shadow. The artificial light continues to change hue, from red to blue to white. Each color creates different highlights and shadows on his face. The contrasting colors represent the alternating society in which we live in, constantly dictated by the everchanging nature of social media and technology.

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