Archive for the tag 'Nightlife'

Marry The Night



This photo that I found on the web reminds me of (many) a drunken night spent in the city with friends. The slant, of course, creates the uncentered feeling that a few hours of partying will cause on the body. I love how the headlights from the cars make us feel like everything is in motion. Even at 3am, NYC is not sleeping — or even close to being quiet. The warm lights from what looks like a late-night diner are welcoming to many a soul who would regret not eating after the night’s debauchery. And even though it is a subtle addition, the few apartment lights on make me wonder what everyone was up to at this hour. Walking the city streets at night makes me feel larger than life, but something about this picture makes me feel small. Perhaps it is that I know that I will just be another apartment light that is on, or off, to anyone passing by.



This is another one of my own photos.

THEME: Nightlife

DESCRIPTION: This is a photo taken of the NYC skyline from Long Island City. The lighting was amazing, and I’m glad I was able to capture it in a photograph. I think it’s pretty safe to say that the orange and green lights in the foreground are the star of the image. The way the lights reflect off the ground is incredibly captivating. I also love the way the two colors bleed out into the shadows, as well as how the two colors meet in the middle. In the background is the NYC skyline which you can see in the night sky and in the reflection of the water. The photograph seems festive and alive, but at the same time there’s a sense of stillness and peacefulness in the night.

Neon Night Lights

Theme: Night Life



I chose this picture because it invited me into a fun story. The intense neon colors, the cracks in the pavement and walls, the steps leading into the dark–all of it screams debauchery and vice. What I see here is a trashy hole-in-the-wall venue that may be fun, scary or both. The picture is taken in such a way that the “WATCH YOUR STEP” is shown, but the actual letters on the sign aren’t. The irony of those words combined with the blur of the sign and the blackness of what’s beneath make this photo feel dangerous, but the myriad of color suggests a fun danger. This is enticing. The lights create a clever color fade effect, as they get colder the farther down you go. I think walking through this would feel like walking from a pink daylight (a time of routine and structure) into a blue night (a time of fun and release).

Photo Observation #3




2.  Theme: Nightlife

3.  The lighting in this photo accurately portrays “nightlife” in a variety of different ways. The neon street signs in a huge array of colors are a huge point. They show off the city’s street and advertise the life within the city. The brightness of the signs and buildings juxtaposed to the black sky create a contrast that emphasizes the colors and shapes. The signs and light all try to sell you to the exuberant life within that city.

Photo Observation – Max Cerci

Screen shot 2014-02-13 at 8.15.25 PM

2) Taken by me at Madison Square Garden

3) Nightlife

4) This photo epitomizes the nightlife theme. The lights hitting the stage illuminate the singer (Ed Sheeran) in mid performance, clearly high in energy, with a warm, intense feel. The crowd, is illuminated with a cold blue and a spotted (gobo?) texture giving a feeling of a bunch of little things (people) making up a whole, bigger entity (crowd). Lastly, I though the white rays of light at the top of the stage protruding out into the audience was symbolic of the energy and music being thrown out into the crowd.

Photo Observation #3



3. Nightlife

4. Nightlife implies movement, color, intensity and this picture incorporates it all. The blurry movement lines are what really creates the mood of a lively night in the city. The lighting of the buildings in the back really illuminate the purple sky creating an orange halo around the city.


Photo Observation #3



3. Nightlife

4. The hint of light in the far background of the dense woods is like a glimmer of false hope. The small light in the night gives just enough of a glow to get the feeling of the surroundings, and to realize that there’s almost no way you can get out of this predicament. The small glow highlights the thickness of the trees and gives them a foreboding and dangerous feel. All the light is doing here is giving you hope, but quickly taking it away and replacing it with fear. This kind of lighting embodies the feeling of nighttime, because even though it may look peaceful at first glance, further evaluation lets you sense the danger of not truly knowing your surroundings. Night brings with it this oppressive nature of the dark, essentially robbing you of one of your most primal senses. These woods with the light slowly trying to filter its way through the thick branches illustrate the double standard of the night.

Photo Observation #3



3) Nightlife

4) The dark room enveloped in a sea of deep blue light with a large crowd of people allows for feelings of exciting and mysterious nightlife. The bright, white light near the center of the picture looks like a incredibly bright planet; it’s almost as if ice is shooting out of the moon or planet somehow. There’s a paradoxical feeling for this image when it comes to temperature because the colors are incredibly cool and icy, but knowing that there are so many dancing bodies in the club, I feel sweaty and hot. The moving light promotes instability and uncertainty, which also leans toward unpredictability and mystery. This image serves an excitement for venturing into the unknown.

Photo Observation 5

1) Lightning Bugs


3) THEME: Nightlife

4) DESCRIPTION: For me, there are a lot of concepts that come to mind at the phrase ‘nightlife’. I feel like this one picture manages to capture and mimic all of them. It brings up memories of what nightlife meant when I was young; chasing lightning bugs on the front stoop on a warm summer evening. But these particular lightning bugs also seem reminiscent of a city skyline late at night. They also look quite similar to the intense and wild lights you find in a club, which is another thing I associate with ‘nightlife’.

Photo observation 5

led bot×644.jpg

theme: night life

I found this to instantly remind me of night life in a city. It combines darkness with party like led lights and glass bottles all into one. the various color lights are like the neon lights that come on at night in big citys and the glasses  remind me of the partys that happen at night.

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