Archive for the tag 'Music'

Photo Observation #6

  1. I was on instagram and saw this ad. I really enjoyed the music and the colors in the background

2. I love music a lot so I follow a lot of pages. I see all the music festival as they pop up and I really enjoyed the colors and the layout of this advertisement.

Lighting Observation 2: Radio City

Date: 1/31/16

Time: 6:12 pm

Location: Radio City Music Hall

Objective Description: Driving into the city, various lights can be seen through the car window. Headlights, taillights, street lamps, traffic lights, bicycle lights, marquee lights, billboard lights, and store display lights all seem to flood any and every section of the city. However, once we approached Radio City Music Hall, the bright glow of the Christmas lights covering the trees next to the magnificently lit water fountain held my attention. We first passed by the same exact type of tree covered in red which gave me a really uneasy feeling. Then, however, we reached the the section of trees with the traditional white lights and the effect was more calming. The source of light was simply the Christmas stringlights and the lit water fountain.


Subjective: The massive concrete buildings reaching into the dark nigh sky glowed warm with an inviting white tint. The soft beams bouncing off of the pavement revealed a welcoming glimmer from the amiable stings of white lights hugging the trunks and branches of each proud tree. A collection of trees dressed eloquently as if a masquerade was to prompt each tree to dance. Extreme joy and excitement filled the air as the glamorous glow from each individual adorned with the sparkling strings of light gently greeted each guest. Flashes could be seen by spectators anxious to take pictures with the famous trees. A pool of light blue, shimmering water danced triumphantly as fountains of white light  and foaming blues took center-stage, adjacent to its charismatic friends. The party of the century.

Photo Observation #8

1. Stage Lighting II


3. Desire.

4. It’s no secret that almost everyone’s desire is to be on the big stage. The bright, white lights that surround the enthusiastic singer from ten different angles around him. These lights make him the center of attention. Four blue spotlights hang from the very top of stage, beaming down on the stage, giving it a serene and “cool” feel. All the lights on stage illuminate the action on stage and light up the darkness that surrounds the wild audience. The lighting on the singers and the stage indicates that it is their time to shine.

5. Capture

Photo Observation – Max Cerci

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Taken by Me at my house.

3) Inspiring

4) This picture reminds my why I am involved in theatre. The one single light illuminated the  sheet music and piano while leaving all else in blackness makes it clear that music is the sole focus of this photo. It reminds me of how I feel when I play piano or do anything in theatre: All else seems to disappear and it is the only thing that matters at the moment.

Photo Observation – Max Cerci

Screen shot 2014-02-13 at 8.15.25 PM

2) Taken by me at Madison Square Garden

3) Nightlife

4) This photo epitomizes the nightlife theme. The lights hitting the stage illuminate the singer (Ed Sheeran) in mid performance, clearly high in energy, with a warm, intense feel. The crowd, is illuminated with a cold blue and a spotted (gobo?) texture giving a feeling of a bunch of little things (people) making up a whole, bigger entity (crowd). Lastly, I though the white rays of light at the top of the stage protruding out into the audience was symbolic of the energy and music being thrown out into the crowd.