Archive for the tag 'sterile'

Light Observation

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: 2/10/20 at 1:10pm in Room 285 of Hagedorn Hall

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The standard lights from the ceiling were on in the classroom.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The prison-esque ceiling lights in the classroom instated a sterile feeling, as if there was no life or excitement to be had there. 

photo #2


While trying to find a picture for this assignment I had trouble thinking of the right words to use as synonyms for cold, so I looked up a definition. The one that best described what I was thinking is this one:

a : marked by a lack of the warmth of normal human emotion, friendliness, or compassion ; also : not moved to enthusiasm

I feel as if this picture really embraces most of this definition. It feels sterile. The light is bright on their faces and there are no major shadows. It gives me a sort of unsettling feeling when i look at it too long. It feels like most of the colors are shades of blue and the photographer used a similar color deprivation (no red) like what we discussed in class.