Posted by previousstudent on March 31, 2022 02:08 am
under Light Observation
- Date / Time / Location: March 28th, 9:35 pm, My bedroom
- Objective Description: I just recently adopted a baby gecko and moved him into his tank in my bedroom. Part of his little set-up consists of a blue heating lamp that hangs above the grated top of his enclosure. Although the light is not very bright, it provides an efficient amount of light to the gecko as well as the plants / caves / wood inside. However, there are still several dark spots for him to hide.
- Subjective Description: I was sad at first that he preferred to be alone and hide under his plants, but when he does come out into visibility his colors look amazing under the light. He is mixed colors of bright yellow and white with black spots. However under the light his sunshine / happy colors appear more warped and pastel. It’s also strange how the lamp is utilized for heat but the blue color creates a colder facade for the little space. I also like that the light allows me to see him without so much intensity that he feels like he has no privacy. The log and cave provided are quite dark once he enters them.
Tags: #siobhancrosby, lightobservation