Archive for the tag 'Light lab'

Lighting Observation 7

Lighting Observation

  1. 1. Light lab Wednesday 9pm
  2. 2. I was working on my 179 project in the light lap. I was working on a fire effect for one of my scenes and I accidentally created the perfect hue for fire. It had orange and a light yellow mixed in. Then the red from the LEDs up top added in the red accents. The fire light come in from the rear window and hit the actors from USR.
  3. 3. The fire scene created a feeling of intense fear. The stage was beaming red from the window and the set felt like a hot burning oven cooking the cast inside. The light creeped in over time until it hit full intensity.

Four Seasons Light Lab

  1. Fall Sunset in Hawaii

I chose this picture and the lights I did because I really like the purples and dark reds, and oranges that are made up in the sunset in Hawaii. I’ve never gotten to experience a sunset that has purple or creates purple and it really made me want to be right there.

  • Light Used:
    • Gel: P35600
    • Intensity: Full
    • Angle/Type: -37 degree elevation angle, direct back light
    • In relation to model: Centered on model, 8’ downstage of model
  • Light Used:
    • Gel: R347
    • Intensity: 50%
    • Angle/Type: 24 degree elevation, 37 degree side angle
    • In relation to model: 12’ SL of model, 16’ DS of model
  • Light Used:
    • Gel: AP3180
    • Intensity: 75%
    • Angle/Type: 13 degree elevation, 21 degree side angle
    • In relation to model: 6’ SL of model, 16’ DS of model
  • Light Used:
    • Gel: No color
    • Intensity: 25%
    • Angle/Type: 54 degree elevation, direct back light
    • In relation to model: centered on model, 8’ DS of model
  • Light Used:
    • Gel: G270
    • Intensity: 50%
    • Angle/Type: 13 degree elevation angle, 21 degree side angle
    • In relation to model: 6’ SR of model, 16’ DS of model
  • Light Used:
    • Gel: 67/95
    • Intensity: 60%
    • Angle/Type: 24 degree Elevation, 37 degree side angle
    • In relation to model: 12’ SR of model, 16’ DS of model
  • Backdrop:
    • Top: G290 Full, AP3180 20%,
    • Bottom: G280 20%, G980 50%


  1. Spring Sunrise on Long Island

I chose this picture because I really liked the contrast between the yellow and the blue and the way they blended together so seamlessly. I tried to incorporate that into the way that the model is lit.

  • Light Used:
    • Gel: AP6900
    • Intensity: 75%
    • Angle/Type: 37 degree elevation angle, direct sidelight
    • In relation to model: 12’ SL of model
  • Light Used:
    • Gel: R321
    • Intensity: 75%
    • Angle/Type: 13 degree elevation, 21 degree side angle
    • In relation to model: 6’ SL of model, 16’ DS of model
  • Light Used:
    • Gel: G870
    • Intensity: Full
    • Angle/Type: 37 degree elevation, direct sidlight
    • In relation to model: 12’ SR of model
  • Light Used:
    • Gel: R384
    • Intensity: 50%
    • Angle/Type: 0 degree elevation, direct sidelight
    • In relation to model: 12’ SR of model
  • Light Used:
    • Gel: RE008
    • Intensity: 75%
    • Angle/Type: -31 degree elevation, 37 degree side angle
    • In relation to model: 6’ SR of model, 8’ downstage of model
  • Backdrop:
  • Top: L104 75%, L716 25%,
  • Bottom: G848 75%


  1. Noon on a hot Summer day in New England

I chose this because I really liked the warmth that these colors provided me event though they are cool colors. There may be a lot of blue and white but the brightness of it makes me feel warm just looking at it.

  • Light Used:
    • Gel: 0/13
    • Intensity: 25%
    • Angle/Type: 0 degree elevation angle, direct sidelight
    • In relation to model: 12’ SL of model
  • Light Used:
    • Gel: G720
    • Intensity: 75%
    • Angle/Type: 37 degree elevation angle, 56 degree side angle
    • In relation to model: 12’ SL of model, 8’ DS of model
  • Light Used:
    • Gel: R2006
    • Intensity: 50%
    • Angle/Type: 13 degree elevation angle, 21 degree side angle
    • In relation to model: 6’ SL of model, 16’ DS of model
  • Light Used:
    • Gel: L021
    • Intensity: 75%
    • Angle/Type: 13 degree elevation angle, 21 degree side angle
    • In relation to model: 6’ SR of model, 16’ DS of model
  • Light Used:
    • Gel: AP7400
    • Intensity: 75%
    • Angle/Type: 37 degree elevation angle, 56 degree side angle
    • In relation to model: 12’ SR of model, 8’ DS of model
  • Light Used:
    • Gel: 67/67
    • Intensity: 75%
    • Angle/Type: 0 degree elevation, direct sidelight
    • In relation to model: 12’ SR of model
  • Backdrop:
  • Top: AP4300 50%, R69 80%,
  • Bottom: No color 75%, AP3900 50%


  1. Winter afternoon in Alaska

I chose this picture because I liked how you cans see the yellow light coming from the side and just dusting the picture while the blue and white are also there. They accent each other nicely and the colors make and way it I lit my model make me feel cold.


  • Light Used:
    • Gel: LHT132
    • Intensity: 75%
    • Angle/Type: 27 degree elevation angle, Direct sidelight
    • In relation to model: 12’ SL of model
  • Light Used:
    • Gel: L101
    • Intensity: 80%
    • Angle/Type: 43 degree elevation angle, direct sidelight
    • In relation to model: 12’ SL of model
  • Light Used:
    • Gel: R07
    • Intensity: 75%
    • Angle/Type: 35 degree elevation angle, direct back light
    • In relation to model: centered on model, 16’ DS of model
  • Light Used:
    • Gel: L285
    • Intensity: 60%
    • Angle/Type: 54 degree elevation angle, direct back light
    • In relation to model: centered on model, 8’ DS of model
  • Light Used:
    • Gel: L279
    • Intensity: 75%
    • Angle/Type: 43 degree elevation, direct sidelight
    • In relation to model: 12’ SR of model
  • Light Used:
    • Gel: L781
    • Intensity: 40%
    • Angle/Type: 17 degree elevation angle, 37 degree side angle
    • In relation to model: 12’ SR of model, 16’ DS of model
  • Backdrop:
    • Top: L159 80%, L767 10%
    • Bottom: 130 80%, L161 75%

Four Season Pictures

All colors are Rosco gels.

Fall Sunset in Hawaii:

(Background at

Discussion: I liked the colors that Hawaii is able to reveal through its sunset. The deep purples and reds truly shine through the sun, with the trees only formed through shadows.


  • Bottom R20 25%, R19 25%, R59 50%
  • Top RED 25%, R21 25%, R2009 75%

Model: Ray.

  • R27 FULL at a 0% elevation angle, 56 degree side angle, 6ft above deck, 12ft SR, 8ft downstage, 14 foot throw.
  • R49 50% at 43 degree elevation angle, 17ft above deck, 12ft SR, direct sidelight, 16 foot throw.
  • NC 50% at 23 degree elevation angle, 56 degree side angle, 12ft above deck, 12ft SL, 8ft downstage, 16 foot throw.


Spring Sunrise in Long Island:

(Background at

Discussion: What was most interesting was the how these drastically different colors of grey and yellow are shown. Long Island’s lowland beach and misty environment give the sun its contrasting grey-blue shade.


  • Bottom Blue 25%, R21 50%, R313 75%
  • Top R65 full, R97 50%, R14 25%

Model: Lucy-sit-side.

  • R20 FULL at 0 degree elevation angle, 56 degree side angle, 6ft above deck, 12ft SR, 8ft downstage, 14 foot throw.
  • R97 75% at 37 degree elevation angle, 15ft above deck, 12ft SR, direct sidelight, 15 foot throw.
  • R66 FULL 23 degree elevation angle, 56 degree side angle, 12ft above deck, 12ft SL 8 downstage, 16 foot throw.


Summer Noon Day in New England:

Discussion: For me, this is a typical day you would see in any place. The only difference is that New England has less clouds in the sky and has the waterfront and light landscape.


  • Bottom: R97 75%, R74 50%
  • Top R74 50%, R98 25%, R65 FULL

Model: Pair3-side.

  • NC FULL at 54 degree elevation angle, direct back light, 17ft above deck, centered, 8ft downstage, 14 foot throw.
  • NC 50% at 27 degree elevation angle, 12 ft above deck, 12 SL and SR, direct sidelight, 13 foot throw.
  • R65 25% at 23 degree elevation angle, 56 degree side angle, 12ft above deck, 12ft SL and SR, 8ft downstage, 16 foot throw.
  • R26 25% at 23 degree elevation angle, 56 degree back angle, 12ft above deck, 12ft SL and SR, 8ft upstage, 16 foot throw.


Winter Afternoon in Alaska:

Discussion: The snow in the afternoon was turned purple-blue from the lowering sun. Most of the sky is white except  for a light-yellow sun.


  • Bottom R351 50%, R384 50%, R97 50%, BLUE 50%
  • Top R65 50%, R10 50%, R397 75%

Model: Pair3-angle.

  • R97 FULL at 54 degree elevation angle, direct back light, 17ft above deck, centered, 8ft downstage, 14 foot throw.
  • R97 FULL at 23 degree elevation, 56 degree side angle, 12ft above deck, 12 ft SR, 8ft downstage, 16 foot throw.
  • R65 75% at 37 degree elevation angle, 56 degree back angle, 17ft above deck, 12ft SR, 8ft upstage, 18 foot throw.
  • R66 FULL at 7 degree elevation angle, 56 degree back angle, 17ft above deck, 12ft SL, 8ft upstage, 18 foot throw.
  • R132 75% at 0 degree elevation, 56 degree back angle, 6ft above deck, 12ft SL, 8ft upstage, 14 foot throw.

Four Seasons Lighting Lab Project

Fall Sunset in Hawaii

I chose this picture as an example of a Fall Hawaiian sunset because of the warm colors accented by the tall dark palm tree.  I could feel the warmth of the Hawaiian sun, and felt the colors of the sunset melded together nicely in a way that would make for a nice lighting moment.


-AP8350 75%

*37 degree elevation angle

*12 ft. SR of model

*Direct sidelight to model

-AP7450 75%

*27 degree elevation angle

*12 ft. SR of model

*Direct sidelight to model

-AP8350 FULL

*0 degree elevation angle

*12 ft. SR of model

*Direct sidelight to model

-AP7450 25%

*37 degree elevation angle

*12 ft. SL of model

*Direct sidelight to model

-No Gel Color

*54 degree elevation angle

*Direct back light centered on model

*8 ft. DS of model


-Top: G345 90%, G250 FULL, G390 0%, G250 FULL

-Bottom: AP7450 25%, G382 FULL, AP8350 70%, AP7330 10%

Spring Sunrise on Long Island

I chose this picture as my Long Island sunrise inspiration because the blush and rose colored beams peaking over the horizon remind me of cherry blossoms in bloom during springtime.  The colors also complemented each other nicely through their soft, pastel tones.


-AP4720 50%

*37 degree elevation angle

*12 ft. SR of model

*Direct sidelight to model

-G410 50%

*27 degree elevation angle

*12 ft. SR of model

*Direct sidelight to model

-G250 FULL

*0 degree elevation angle

*12 ft. SR of model

*Direct sidelight to model

-No Color, 60%

*54 degree elevation angle

*Direct back light centered on model

*8 ft. DS of model

-AP6400, FULL

*52 degree elevation angle

*21 degree back angle

*3 ft. SL of model

*8 ft. US of model

-AP7450, 0%

*37 degree elevation angle

*12 ft. SL of model

*Direct sidelight to model


-Top: Blue 90%, AP4300 FULL, AP4100 FULL, Blue FULL

-Bottom: G325 75%, G388 10%, G323 25%, AP8840 0%

Summertime Noon in New England

I chose this photo because I think of green grass and nature when I think of New England.  The vibrant colors of the grass, trees and puffy cloud-filled sky felt fresh and relaxing, just like summertime.


-No Color, 50%

*37 degree elevation angle

*56 degree side angle

*12 ft. SR of model

*8 ft. DS of model

-AP4720 FULL

*0 degree elevation angle

*12 ft. SR of model

*Direct sidelight to model

-G740, 50%

*-23 degree elevation angle

*12 ft. SR of model

*Direct sidelight to model

-G390 FULL

*54 degree elevation angle

*Direct backlight entered on model

*8 ft. DS of model

-No Color, 50%

*42 degree elevation angle

*48 degree side angle

*9 ft. SL of model

*8 ft. DS of model


-Top: AP4300 FULL, G850 25%, G855 50%, AP3540 50%

-Bottom: G870 50%, GHT254 75%, AP410050%, G83525%

Winter Afternoon in Alaska

I chose this photo because I felt it reflected two major parts of Alaska: fishing and snow.  I really love the way the sun contours and reflects off of the snow covered mountains, and used that angle of light as inspiration for my lighting.


-No Color FULL

*54 degree elevation angle

*Direct back light centered on model

*8 ft. DS of model

-G870 FULL

*43 degree elevation angle

*12 ft. SL of model

*Direct sidelight to model

-G810 50%

*27 degree elevation angle

*12 ft. SL of model

*Direct sidelight to model


-Top: G810 25%, G810 50%, G810 25%, G810 50%

-Bottom: G810 FULL, G785 FULL, G810 FULL, L174 75%

Virtual Light Lab: Four Seasons

1.) A Fall Sunset in Hawaii 

I used the picture above as inspiration. I loved the wide range of colors in Hawaiian sunsets. In the light lab I wanted to bring out the purples and orange colors seen in the sunset.


  • AP2200 FULL

27 degree elevation angle

Direct sidelight

12′ stage right of model

  • AP2190 FULL

13 degree elevation angle

21 degree side angle

6′ stage right of model

16′ downstage of model

  • AP8440 25%

14 degree elevation angle

direct backlight

16’downstage of model

6′ stage right of model

  • AP3700 50%

13 degree elevation angle

21 degree side angle

16′ downstage of model

6′ stage left of model


  • Palm tree silhouette
  • Top:  AP3700 Full, AP8440 25%
  • Bottom: AP2190 50%, AP2190 Full


2.) Spring Sunrise on Long Island 

I loved the contrast between the calm blue sky and the yellow/orange that is starting to peak through. I put orange light at the bottom to mimic the sun rising into the blue sky.


  • AP4700 76%

35 degree elevation angle

direct backlight

16′ down stage of model

centered on model

  • AP2190 72%

13 degree elevation angle

21 degree side angle

6′ stage right of model

16′ downstage of model

  • AP7400 25%

14 degree elevation angle

direct backlight

centered on model

16′ down stage of model

  • AP7350 14%

13 elevation angle

21 degree side angle

16′ down stage of model

6′ stage left of model


  • Top: AP4680 Full
  • Bottom: AP2190 50%, AP6400 25%, AP2190 50%


3.) Noon on a hot Summer day in New England

I used all blue light to show the clear, cloudless day by the shore that one may have in New England on a nice afternoon.


  • AP2220 FULL 

43 degree elevation angle

direct sidelight to model

12′ SR of model

  • AP3500 50%

13 degree elevation angle

21 degree side angle

16′ downstage of model

6′ stage right of model

  • AP2100 75%

14 degree elevation angle

direct backlight to model

centered on model

16′ down stage of model

  • AP2010 FULL

43 degree elevation angle

direct sidelight to model

12′ stage left of model


  • Top: AP1900 full
  • Bottom: AP4750 25%, AP4750 full

4.)Winter afternoon in Alaska

I decided to use a more icy blue for this image, found just above the trees in the photo I used for inspiration. The blue fades up into white to mimic light shining off of the top of the snow covered mountain.


  • G320 25%

31 degree elevation angle

29 degree side angle

16′ down stage of model

9′ stage right of model

  • G343 75%

37 degree elevation angle

56 degree side angle

8′ downstage of model

12′ stage right model

  • G780 75%

43 degree elevation angle

direct sidelight to model

12′ stage right of model

  • G431 50%

13 degree elevation angle

21 degree side angle

16′ down stage of model

6′ stage right of model

  • G430 FULL

43 degree elevation angle

direct sidelight to model

12′ stage left of model


  • Top: G785 full, R

Four Seasons: A Visual Study on Cycles

1) A Fall sunset in Vermont


November sunset ambient light over Lake Champlain in Shelburne, Vermont.

Source photo by Paul O. Boisvert in November 2012, and can be found here. 14 lights used, detailed as follows.

# Type of light & Direction (re: model) Gel Used Intensity Elevation Angle Side/Back Angle
1 DSR front-sidelight L120 Deep Blue 46% -19º 56º
2 USR back-sidelight L198 Palace Blue 46% -19º 56º
3 SR direct sidelight AP7350 Fools Gold Amber 30%
4 USR back-sidelight AP7770 Hot Wings 13% 56º
5 DSR front-sidelight R10 Medium Yellow 28% 32º 56º
6 SR direct sidelight R12 Straw 39% 37º
7 DSC direct backlight L104 Deep Amber 30% 54º
8 CS direct downlight AP2190 Apollo Orange 2x CTO 74% 90º
9 USC direct backlight AP6500 Bikini Yellow 49% 54º
10 SR direct sidelight AP7570 Trick or Treat 39% 27º
11 SR direct sidelight L179 Chrome Orange 24%
12 DSR front-sidelight L198 Palace Blue 46% -19º 56º
13 USC cyclorama down light Ap2190 Apollo Orange 2x CTO 82%
14 USC cyclorama up light RE198 Palace Blue 35%


2.) Spring Sunrise in Montauk

Spring_MontaukSunrise_VLL Spring_MontaukSunrise2

Source photo by Edward Reese in March 2014, and can be found here. Source photo (enlarged) used as backdrop. 18 lights used, detailed as follows.

# Type of light & Direction (re: model) Gel Used Intensity Elevation Angle Side/Back Angle
1 SR direct sidelight RE162 Bastard Amber 54%
2 DSR front-sidelight LHT007 Pale Yellow 40% 17º 37º
3 DSR front-sidelight AP8200 Scandalous Scarlet 66% 23º 56º
4 SR direct sidelight L176 Loving Amber 39% 27º
5 USR back-sidelight AP6900 Butterscotch 51% 23º 56º
6 DSR front-sidelight RE108 English Rose 18% 24º 37º
7 DSR front-sidelight AP6400 Pilsner Yellow 29% 32º 56º
8 SR direct sidelight L104 Deep Amber 54% 37º
9 USR back-sidelight L105 Orange 43% 32º 56º
10 DSR front-sidelight L102 Light Amber 50% 37º 56º
11 SR direct sidelight L159 No Colour Straw 25% 43º
12 USR back-sidelight L103 Straw 48% 37º 56º
13 DSC direct back light L101 Yellow 9% 14º
14 SL direct sidelight L048 Rose Purple 26% 27º
15 SL direct sidelight AP1900 Blue Diffusion 45%
16 USL back-sidelight AP3700 Groovy Grape 43% 56º
17 USC cyclorama down light N/A 100%
18 USC cyclorama up light N/A 100%

3) Noon on a hot Summer day in Hawaii



Source photo by Dennis Oda in August 2013, and can be found here. Backdrop image source here. 9 lights used, detailed as follows.

# Type of light & Direction (re: model) Gel Used Intensity Elevation Angle Side/Back Angle
1 SR direct sidelight L212 LCT Yellow 36% 61º
2 DSC direct back light L205 1/2 CT Orange 74% 54º
3 DSL front-sidelight L203 1/4 CT Blue 58% 34º 11º
4 DSL front-sidelight L007 Pale Yellow 71% 52º 21º
5 DSL front-sidelight L020 Medium Amber 39% 13º 21º
6 SL direct sidelight G885 Blue Ice 45% 61º
7 DSL front-sidelight LHT053 Pale Lavender 41% 42º 48º
8 USC cyclorama down light NC 100%
9 USC cyclorama up light NC 100%

4) Winter afternoon in Maine


WEB low res

Source photo by Thomas Schoeller in December 2012, and can be found here. 18 lights used, detailed as follows.

# Type of light & Direction (re: model) Gel Used Intensity Elevation Angle Side/Back Angle
1 DSR front-sidelight R4307 CalColor 7.5 Cyan 36% 32º 56º
2 USR back-sidelight L725 Old Steel Blue 39% 37º 56º
3 SR top-sidelight L724 Ocean Blue 48% 51º
4 DSR front-sidelight L702 Special Pale Lavender 24% 13º 21º
5 DSC direct back light R163 Powder Frost 24% 14º
6 DSL front-sidelight L750 Durham Frost 14% 52º 21º
7 DSL front-sidelight L247 Lee Minus Green 4% 48º 37º
8 DSL front-sidelight L253 Hampshire Frost 24% 42º 48º
9 DSL front-sidelight G525 Lime Sun 18% 37º 56º
10 SL direct sidelight G870 Winter White 55% 43º
11 USL back-sidelight L205 1/2 CT Orange 12% 37º 56º
12 DSL front-sidelight L169 Lilac Tint 14% 32º 56º
13 SL direct sidelight R62 Booster Blue 27% 37º
14 USC cyclorama down light NC 10%
15 USC cyclorama down light GRN 56%  –
16 USC cyclorama down light BLUE 80%  –
17 USC cyclorama up light NC 62%
 18 USC cyclorama up light CYAN 88%  –



Fall Sunset in Vermont

Cyc Top: Red 75%

Cyc Bottom: Yellow 60%

G450 75% Side house right 51 degree elevation

AP5700 50% side house left 37 degree elevation

What I wanted to incorporate was the vibrant reds and oranges that are known to occur within the leaves during the fall, as well as some that have yet to undergo the change of seasons. Along with the sunset theme, I place the back drop to symbolize more of the trees during sunset and the model herself exhibits the sun’s rays upon herself.


Spring Sunrise

Cyc Top: AP5600 50%, Blue 75%, AP6150 29%

Cyc Bottom: NC 25%, AP5800 25%

NC: Top light 75%

AP6400 House left 50 elevation 50%

AP7750 House left 50 elevation 61%

AO5600 House right 29 elevation 50%

With this, I wanted to incorporate the clear blue skies along with the blooming green grass and plentiful colors from the flowers. Sadly, to my best ability I managed to get the grass vibe down and trying to get varied colors within the cyc proved to be challenging. Still, I feel I did a great job at portraying a spring sunrise as most of the light comes from the left.


Noon Summer

Cyc Top: AP4450 83%

Cyc Bottom: AP2120 23%,  NC 61%

NC Full Top

AP7570: backside house left 20 elevation 16%

AP2120: Top Right 68 elevation Full

NC: 75%

AP6400: House right 52 elevation 75%

With this, I thought of more of a beach vibe, like day off from work and hitting the beach with the friends. I feel it accompanies the theme well because as it’s noon the majority of the lights are really high and offset as (depending on location, primarily NY) the sun isn’t directly overhead at noon.



Winter Afternoon

Cyc Top: Blue 54%

Cyc Bottom: NC 84%

AP3100: 40% House left 34 degree elevation

AP6800 50% House right 52 degree elevation

With this one, I wanted to depict the frozen, almost barren wasteland that a winter afternoon seems to bring. With the sky just barely blue, almost engulfed by the whiteness of the clouds, the snow on the grind bring a stark contrast to the sky. With this, the lighting of the sun through the clouds is absorbed and the light shown on the model is significantly less than it’s true output.

waimea-bay hawaii sunny noon

Sunny day in Hawaii at noon

I chose to use different shades of blue and green for my cyc to represent the different hues in the ocean and in the sky, pair with sandy tan and yellow tones focused on the actors to represent the warm, pleasant sun light and sand.

Cyc light: top light at full intensity with a Gam 740 gel, bottom light at 50% intensity with a Gam 570 gel, light at 50% intensity with a Gam 690 gel. light at 50% intensity with a Gam 790 gel

  • Light at 25% intensity with an Apollo 2120 gel at 29 degree elevation angle, 37 degree side angle
  • Light at 50% intensity with a Rosco 388 gel at a 31 degree elevation angle, 29 degree side angle
  • Light at 50% intensity with an Apollo 2140 gel at a 33 degree elevation angle, 21 degree side angle
  • Light at 50% intensity with a Lee 159 gel at a 34 degree elevation angle, 11 degree side angle
  • Light at a 25% intensity with a Rosco 321 gel at a 33 degree elevation angle, 21 degree side angle
  • Light at a 25% intensity with an Apollo 2100 gel at a 29 degree elevation angle, 37 degree side angle
  • Light at a 25% intensity with a Rosco 370 gel at a -31 degree elevation angle, 37 degree side angle

maine_winter__s_day_by_wraith55 maine winter afternoon

Winter afternoon in Maine

For this scene, I used blues, whites, and gray gels in my lights to show the cold temperature of the scene. In addition to this, I used a gobo in two of the light fixtures, which made it appear as if snow was falling onto the actors.

Cyc light: Top light at a 75% intensity with a Lee 710 gel, light at a 25% intensity with a Lee 299 gel, light at a 25% intensity with a Permacolor 43208 glass gel. Bottom light at full intensity with a Permacolor 43208 glass gel.

  • Light at full intensity with a Gam 870 gel and a gobo at a 31 degree elevation angle, 29 degree side angle
  • Light at 25% intensity with a Gam 920 gel at a 34 degree elevation angle, 11 degree side angle
  • Light at 50% intensity with a Gam 870 gel and a gobo at a 14 degree elevation angle, direct back light
  • Light a 75% intensity with an Apollo 3200 gel at a 34 degree elevation angle, 11 degree side angle
  • Light at full intensity with a Lee 201 gel at a 29 degree elevation angle, 37 degree side angle


montauk sunrise final BISunRise043013

Montauk Sunrise

For this scene, I chose to focus primarily on the cyc, portraying light climbing up from the horizon and the sky still partially dark from the nighttime before. In addition, I chose to place my lights primary from the side, as to imply the sun rising from one direction and casting a shadow across the actor’s face.

Cyc Light: Apollo 3850 at full on top, Apollo 2190 at 70% and Apollo 3520 at 25% on bottom.

  • Light at 50% intensity with an Apollo 3520 gel at a 37 degree elevation angle, 56 degree side angle
  • Light at 50% intensity with an Apollo 3180 gel at a 37 degree elevation angle
  • Light at 25% intensity with no color gel at 23 degree elevation angle, 56 degree side angle
  • Light at 50% intensity with an Apollo 2120 at a 0 degree elevation angle
  • Light at 25% intensity with an Apollo 2220 at a 0 degree elevation angle, 56 degree side angle
  • Light at 75% intensity with a Lee 441 gel at a -19 degree elevation angle, 56 degree side angle

33-800Vermont Sunset

Vermont Fall Sunset:

For this scene, I used backlight to create a silhouette on the actor, as if they were looking at the sun setting in the background. I chose to use different hues of orange and red, to show the light fading into the horizon line.

Cyc light: Top Light at full intensity with an Apollo 2190 gel, light at 50% intensity with an Apollo 3000 gel, and a light at 10% intensity with no color gel. Bottom light at a 50% intensity with an Apollo 2190 gel and a light at 75% intensity with an Apollo 1800 gel

  • Light at 75% intensity with an Apollo 2220 gel at 90 degree elevation angle
  • Light at full intensity with an Apollo 2190 gel at a 37 degree elevation angle, 56 degree back angle
  • Light at full intensity with an Apollo 2120 gel at a 37 degree elevation angle, 56 degree back angle
  • Light at 50% intensity with a Rosco 22 gel at 32 degree elevation angle, 56 degree back angle
  • Light at 50% intensity with a Rosco 22 gel at 32 degree elevation angle, 56 degree back angle


Photo Observation 11

  1. Fall Sunset in Vermont

fall vermont light

This photo has four back lights. The one on the far left is at a 37 degree elevation angle with a 56 degree back angle. It is at 60% intensity with AP7770 gel. The second light is a 52 degree angle elevation with a 21 degree back angle. It has 50% intensity with gel G385. The next light has a 52 degree elevation angle with a 21 degree back angle. It has a 100% intensity with gel G430. The last and far right light has a 37 degree elevation angle with a 21 degree back angle. It’s intensity is at 50% with AP7750 gel color. The top cyc light (in order from left to right) R127 at 25% intensity, R21 at 10% intensity, R15 and 10% intensity, LHT 118 at full intensity. The bottom cyc light has RE019 and RE022 both at full intensity, as well as LHT0119 at 50% intensity, and LHT026 at 75% intensity.

I looked up a photo of a sunset in Vermont and it had a lot of bright orangey colors that blended into the blue of the sky. Also since it was sunset, I liked the idea of silhouetting the model as if she was watching the sunset and I was behind her and captured this image.

2. Noon on a sunny day in Hawaii

noon in hawaii light

This photo uses 3 lights. The farthest left is front light with a 42 degree elevation angle and a 48 degree side angle. It has gel AP2080 at 75% intensity. The middle light has a 90 degree elevation angle with gel L140 at 50% intensity. The last and farthest right light has a 42 degree elevation angle and a 48 degree side angle. It has gel G515 at 75% intensity. The top cyc light has (in order from left to right) LHT713 at 75% intensity, LHT716 at 75% intensity, LHT363  at 75% intensity, and LHT721 at 75% intensity. The bottom cyc light has R369, LHT118, R66, R367 all at full intensity.

When I think of a nice day in Hawaii, I automatically think of the beaches. I wanted to show that it was a clear blue sky and used the same teal colors you might find in their clear ocean water. I also lit the model very well with top and front light, as if it were a bright day with the sun overhead.

3. Spring sunrise in Montauk

sping sunrise light

This photo uses 5 front lights. The farthest left has a 42 degree elevation level with 48 degree side angle. It has gel G480 at 50% intensity level. The next light has a 52 degree elevation level with a 21 degree side angle. It uses gel L135 at 25% intensity. The next light has a 54 degree elevation level and is direct front light. It has no color and it at 75% intensity. The next light has 52 degree elevation angle and a 21 degree side angle. It uses gel L101 at 25% intensity. The last and farthest right light has a 42 degree elevation angle and a 48 degree side angle. It uses gel G388 at 50% intensity. The cyc top light in order of left to right uses gel R85 at 75%, P35400 at 50% intensity, RE5085 at 50%, and P34200 at 70% intensity. The bottom cyc uses gel G420 at 25%, G350 at 40%, LHT778 at 25%, LHT022 at 50% intensity.

The image I used for inspiration was of the sun just coming up over the horizon lighting up a beach. I wanted to show that the night time was leaving, which is why I used darker blues and some purples at the top. I also wanted to show the bright intensity of the sun just coming up which is why I used a lot of strong orange.

4. Winter afternoon in Maine

winter maine light

This photo uses 5 lights. The first farthest left is a top light at a 51 elevation angle. It has gel G885 at 50% intensity. The next light is a front light at a 52 degree elevation angle with a 21 degree side angle. It has gel G920 at 25% intensity. The next light is a top light at a 54 degree elevation angle with no gel at 50% intensity. The next light is a front light at a 52 degree elevation angle with a 21 degree side angle. It uses gel L202 at 25% intensity. The last and farthest right light is a top light with a 52 degree elevation level. It uses gel L061 at 50% intensity. The top cyc light from left to right uses gel RE341 at 75% intensity, R76 at 50%, R77 at 50%, and RE344 at 50%. The bottom cyc light uses R63 at 75% intensity, R62 at 50%, R60 at 25%, and G842 at 25% intensity.

When I think of a snowy, winter day in Maine, I think of a grey, bland sky. Almost everything is grey with just a bit of blue sky trying to peak out. I tried to keep true to that image without it looking too flat and washed out.

fall sunset
I used mostly pinks and oranges in this to give a warm and peaceful feel rather than a scorching summer heat.
G960 full
-19 degree elevation angle
56 degree back angle
1 foot above deck
12 feet stage right of model
8 feet upstage of model
15 foot throw
G315 75%
23 degree elevation angle
56 degree back angle
12 foot above deck
12 feet stage right of model
8 feet downstage of model
16 foot throw
L193 full
37 degree elevation angle
56 degree back angle
17 foot above deck
12 feet stage right of model
8 feet downstage of model
18 foot throw
AP7350 25%
52 degree elevation angle
21 degree side angle
17 foot above deck
3 feet stage right of model
8 feet downstage of model
14 foot throw
AP7350 25%
52 degree elevation angle
21 degree side angle
17 foot above deck
3 feet stage left of model
8 feet downstage of model
14 foot throw
G960 full
-19 degree elevation angle
1 foot above deck
12 feet stage right of model
Direct sidelight to model
13 foot throw
AP7200 full
AP8200 full
spring sunrise
I chose to emphasize the blue sky in harmony with the warm lilacs and pinks of a spring sunrise.
AP2030 25%
-19 degree elevation angle
56 degree back angle
1 foot above deck
12 feet stage left of model
8 feet upstage of model
15 foot throw
AP2030 25%
-19 degree elevation angle
56 degree back angle
1 foot above deck
12 feet stage right of model
8 feet upstage of model
15 foot throw
AP3180 50%
0 degree elevation angle
56 degree side angle
6 feet above deck
12 feet stage left of model
8 feet downstage of model
14 foot throw
AP3180 50%
23 degree elevation angle
56 degree side angle
12 feet above deck
12 feet stage left of model
8 feet downstage of model
16 foot throw
L725 75%
52 degree elevation angle
21 degree side angle
17 feet above deck
3 feet stage left of model
8 feet downstage of model
14 foot throw
LHT036 75%
48 degree elevation angle
37 degree side angle
17 feet above deck
6 feet stage right of model
8 feet downstage of model
15 foot throw
AP2220 75%
0 degree elevation angle
56 degree side angle
6 feet above deck
12 feet stage right of model
8 feet downstage of model
14 foot throw
AP2220 75%
23 degree elevation angle
56 degree side angle
12 feet above deck
12 feet stage right of model
8 feet downstage of model
16 foot throw
AP3180 full
AP4700 full
summer noon
I used intense, warm colored lights to show the radiant summer heat. The backdrop shows a dry, desaturated sky permeated with the heat rising from the earth.
AP7700 full
23 degree elevation angle
56 degree side angle
12 feet above deck
12 feet stage right of model
8 feet downstage of model
16 foot throw
AP2140 25%
0 degree elevation angle
56 degree side angle
6 feet above deck
12 feet stage right of model
8 feet upstage of model
14 foot throw
R30 50%
48 degree elevation angle
37 degree side angle
17 feet above deck
6 feet stage right of model
8 feet downstage of model
15 foot throw
R17 50%
61 degree elevation angle
17 feet above deck
6 feet stage right of model
Direct sidelight to model
13 foot throw
AP2190 75%
23 degree elevation angle
56 degree side angle
12 feet above deck
12 feet stage left of model
8 feet downstage of model
16 foot throw
LHT020 50%
0 degree elevation angle
56 degree side angle
6 feet above deck
12 feet stage left of model
8 feet downstage of model
14 foot throw
AP2010 full
AP2100 full
winter afternoon
I used cool greys and blues to cast a chilly light on the subject.
g525 75%
32 degree elevation angle
56 degree side angle
15 feet above deck
15 feet stage left of model
8 feet downstage of model
17 foot throw
g790 50%
0 degree elevation angle
56 degree back angle
6 feet above deck
12 feet stage left of model
8 feet upstage of model
14 foot throw
g910 25%
52 degree elevation angle
21 degree side angle
17  feet above deck
3 feet stage left of model
8 feet downstage of model
14 foot throw
g970 75%
52 degree elevation angle
21 degree side angle
17  feet above deck
3 feet stage right of model
8 feet downstage of model
14 foot throw
g525 75%
23 degree elevation angle
56 degree side angle
12 feet above deck
12 feet stage right of model
8 feet downstage of model
16 foot throw
g785 50%
0 degree elevation angle
56 degree back angle
6 feet above deck
12 feet stage right of model
8 feet upstage of model
14 foot throw
AP2180 full
AP4700 full

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