
Photo from

Dim light was the first thing I think of when I hear romance. The dim lights in this photo accent the reds of the roses and plates. Romance to me at first feels like something you see in movies. The camera focused on just two people, lights all on them. The dim light sets an intimate mood,  so the only person you can see is who you are with. the tree lights in the back reflecting off the mirror complement the yellowness of the light over the table.

Romance Photo

Theme: Romance

Romance is what individuals make of it, and for a wedding it takes two people in love to make a marriage work. From lots of movies and shows weddings are fairly commonly shown on the beach at dusk. Coming from someone who hates the beach during the day, one of the most romantic things in my mind is meeting your partner at the beach as the sun is setting, the air is turning cool and the torches are lit, and you can just sit there and watch the sea as it slowly fades away into night, that to me is romance.

Romance Photo

Picture taken by me at July 4th,2022

Theme: Romance

I took this photo when I was watching the fireworks show of Independence Day. This is the first time that I watch Independence Day fireworks, it was so huge and astonishing. Despite the reason of this fireworks, I think this photo is very romantic. I like the how pink is so strong and the smoke makes it more vague, which upgrade the pink color. And the little fireworks are just like flowers blooming in the sky. At the same time, the trees covered some parts of fireworks, the silhouette is like a romantic lover, makes this photo much more romantic.

Romance Photo

Theme: Romance

Attribution: Léonard Cotte

I was struggling with finding an image for this theme, but after scrolling through many images, this one caught my eye. To me, romance is more than just romantic love – it’s a feeling about anything, whether that’s a person or a place or a situation, and the lighting of this image feels very romantic to me, on many levels. The street lamps lining this bridge are the perfect brightness for maintaining a romantic tone without obscuring the people or view present. The rippling reflection of those lamps draw the eye away from the total darkness under the bridge and out into the gorgeous open air. And the sky ties it all together with this soft, delicate lilac color, more periwinkle in some places and more cotton candy in others, but neither too bright nor too dim. There’s a visibility in this image that can get lost in efforts to “set the mood,” as romantics are wont to do. You can see everything happening here, but you see it gentler thanks to the warm glow of the lamps and the lavender haze of the sky. It’s an image that feels nice to look at, and one I could easily romanticize.


Romance Photo

Theme: Romance

Attribution: Megan Axton 11/17/23

Description: This was an assignment from Drama-005 where we were given a concept and had to make a lighting scene based off of it; my concept was love. Love and romance are usually associated with pink and red. It can also seem like the rest of the world falls away, hence only the subject being lit and not the rest of the stage.


Picture taken by my friend at our senior prom June 8th, 2022.

Theme: Romance

The lighting in this photo reminds me of romance because of the pinks and purples normally associated with love. Rather than seeing the fiery red colors often associated with passion, this moment conveys the feelings of warmth and wholesomeness. The pink tones come across as soothing and gentle, that of a kinder love, in which people are genuinely happy and comfortable together. Additionally, the distribution of pink color being evenly washed over the entire room adds to the comfort of the moment, rather than an isolated light creating harsh lines.

Romance Photo

Photo from


Dim, warm light, to me, is romantic lighting. I can imagine a couple sitting down to dinner and just talking about life in this lighting. The soft light makes this space feel very intimate and safe, and this is how romantic lighting is often portrayed in movies.

Lighting Observation

Feb. 12th 2023, 11:12pm, dorm in Vander Poel Hall

Objective: The white-yellow overhead lights of my dorm room are the only source of light. These overhead lights are both above me and also on my roommate’s side of the room. Mine is centered on the ceiling. On top of that there’s also a small red light on my power strip to indicate that it is on, and some flashes of white street lamp light visible below through the slats in my lowered blinds. Neither of these are illuminating anything in my vicinity but they are visible.

Subjective: The overhead light feels somewhat harsh, not on the eyes but on the colors of everything. It is the only light source, so it rules the room – it’s late and it’s dark outside, meaning without the overhead lights, nothing would be visible. While it does a good job of illuminating everything in the room, all corners and surfaces, it’s unforgiving in its brightness, particularly when held up against the darkness outside, lit intermittently by street lamps I would be able to see if I had my blinds open.

Lighting Observation

  1. My bedroom located in the attic, 2/9/23, around 11:30 pm
  2. The bedroom has no lights on. The only light is coming from a small window and staircase directly below. The light from the staircase reflects off the many items placed alongside the main wall and creates these large shadows in the shape of these items.
  3. The lighting is not enough for me to see anything else in the room other than shadows and part of the staircase railings. The large shadows instilled a sense of fear and eerie into me. The low lighting adds to a level of uncertainty and fear of the unknown.

Lighting Observation

Outside Estabrook window 2/3/2023 5:56 pm


Objective: Sunset in the distance with trees and city lights in the foreground.

Subjective: The way the sun is setting in the distance instills a sense of warmth. The street lamps and the city lights add a calm and serene feeling. The silhouetted trees add a sense of the unknown.

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