Archive for the tag 'Aaron'

Lighting Observation #5

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: 3/6/22, 6:12 PM, Costume shop

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: There were a few rows of fluorescent lights that lit up the entire room.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: I looked up during the Revolutionists strike and noticed 3 long rows of fluorescent lights in the costume shop. I noticed that each light was a little dimmer at the ends, and there was no light in between the fluorescent light fixtures. I wonder why this effect didn’t transfer to the floor. Even if the lighting overlapped, shouldn’t the dim spots still be dimmer since the lighting would not overlap there?

Single Artificial Light Source


(Drawing is in plan view)

2) ATTRIBUTE: From Encyclopedia Brittanica’s definition of a desk lamp.

3) THEME: Single Artificial Light Source

4) DESCRIPTION: The room is being lit by (at least) two light sources, but the desk lamp is uniquely separate from the others, creating a small pool of light on the desk.

Lighting Moment #4

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: 3/1/22, 6:42 AM, Constitution Hall

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The orange sunrise was shining through the window shades.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: I normally wake up to a harsh, cold, dull, blue light shining through the window, but when I went to sleep earlier, I was rewarded by waking up earlier to a refreshing, warm, bright, orange sunrise peeking through the window shades. The light was so bright that it encouraged me to get out of bed much faster than I normally do, and I wondered how I had never woken up to that light before.

Night Life

2) ATTRIBUTE: This is a photo taken by Ian J. Stark in a night club.

3) THEME: Night club

4) DESCRIPTION: This photo is mostly dark with a few very bright lights. The dark represents night, and because it is so dark the lights are highlighted and represent life. If this were a video, the lights would be very active, flashing on and off and changing colors. Additionally, the general blurriness of the photo represents the mysterious and exciting nature of night life.


2) ATTRIBUTE: Still from IUERTA e’s video of their snowy walk around Manhattan in January 2021.

3) THEME: Cold

4) DESCRIPTION: The lights in this photo are highlighting the snowstorm, since the tiny flakes would be much more difficult to see without the light. The absence of light in the sky sets the photo after nightfall, meaning even without the storm, the air would be much colder.

Lighting Observation #3

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: 2/18/22 5:47 PM somewhere in Staten Island

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: A series of street lamps all turned on at once.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: I had already been driving home for over 2 hours and the sun was finally setting. I realized that when I left the sun was out, but as I was driving the sky had become cloudy, clear again, and now dark except for the row of street lamps in front of me illuminating the road. I looked around me and realized that almost all of the other cars had turned their headlights on, but since my eyes were adjusting with the light I did not realize that I should turn mine on too. (Oops.) I turned mine on and also observed that the GPS on my phone had switched itself into dark mode.

Lighting Observation #2

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: 2/15/22 10:00:04 PM

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: At a concert, strobe lights quickly flashed, forming parallel lines around the keyboard player.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: While the other spotlights and phone flashlights were competing for attention, four strobe lights struck the red washed stage like lightning, forming two sets of parallel lines that crossed each other. The keyboard player was trapped inside the lower set for a moment, but the lightning quickly disappeared soon after and he was freed.


Source: Stock photo from Getty Images

Theme: Romance

Description: I chose this photo because there is only one small dim light illuminating the entire room. The darkness represents the fact that romance and love is not exclusive to anyone. The women in the picture don’t need to be able see each other to feel love. The way the whole room is pictured but the small light draws our eyes is symbolic of how romantic people are distracted from the rest of the world by one light.

Light Observation #1

1) Monday, February 7th, 7:13 PM.

2) Sitting inside the back section of the Student Center, the lights on the ceiling provided soft lighting evenly to the entire room.

3) Even though it was likely due to the sun setting, it felt like the lights in the room were starting to get tired, as they seemed to turn dimmer as I finished my meal and started wrapping up my evening. The lights were inviting – the temperature and white noise in the room were just perfect enough to take a nap, and the lights lowered themselves to complete the atmosphere.



2) This is a photo of a sunset taken by Richard F Staples, Jr. and submitted to the “Light: Beyond the Bulb” image collection project by the Chandra X-ray Center at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

3) The photo theme is Sunrise/Sunset.

4) The photo depicts a pink and purple sunset, which Staples Jr. explains is a result of the sun’s distance from Earth. Since the sun is at a specific distance, the light is spread out in such a way that the blue and purple wavelengths of the light spectrum are visible. The colors in the image are also pleasingly symmetrical because of the ocean’s reflection of the sunlight.

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