Archive for the tag 'Four'

Photo Observation #11

1. colorspotlights


3. Amusement.

4. Theatre has always been amusing to me. The one element in theatre that always makes me think is the lighting design. Why is the designer doing this? That’s the question I ask regarding this picture. Why would four sharply lit spotlights be lit and positioned this way? Regardless of the reason, it is wonderful to look at. The sharply lit red overlaps the piercing orange and the radiant green. Completing the design is the faint blue, overlapping the orange and green. The small overlapped parts create four odd white colors that lay in between the shining colors aside them leaving this ascetically pleasing display of lights. This set-up of lights isn’t normally used but it make you wonder why it would be. Despite it’s abnormality, it is still a wonder to look at.


Photo Observation #8

1. Stage Lighting II


3. Desire.

4. It’s no secret that almost everyone’s desire is to be on the big stage. The bright, white lights that surround the enthusiastic singer from ten different angles around him. These lights make him the center of attention. Four blue spotlights hang from the very top of stage, beaming down on the stage, giving it a serene and “cool” feel. All the lights on stage illuminate the action on stage and light up the darkness that surrounds the wild audience. The lighting on the singers and the stage indicates that it is their time to shine.

5. Capture

Beja Light Lab:

Fall Sunset, in Vermont:

Backdrop top: RED @ 10%, GRN @ 30%, BLUE @ FULL

Backdrop bottom: RED @ FULL, GRN @ 50%, BLUE @ 25%

-R38 @ 25%, 12’ above deck, 12’ SR, 16’ DS of model, 21’ throw, 17 degree elevation, 37 degree side light

-AP5850 @ FULL, 17’ above deck, 6’ SR, 8’ US of model, 15’ throw, 48 degree elevation, 37 degree back angle

-YEL @ FULL, 17’ above deck, 6’ SL, 8’ US of model, 15’ throw, 48 degree elevation, 37 degree back angle

-NC @ 25%, 12’ above deck, 12’ SL, 16’ DS of model, 21’ throw, 17 degree elevation, 37 degree side light

Here the backdrop is used to accentuate the fade from blue down to a orange and pink glow. It is made to appear that the light is shining from behind Lucy and Ray, from the sun in the uploaded image. The lighting for the models uses back lights and sidelights, making sure not to be above their heads yet, due to the “lighting source’s” location. Color choices were based upon the backdrop light choices, with similar colors of the suns orange.


Easter Sunrise, in a gothic cathedral:

Backdrop top: NC @ 90%, GRN @ FULL

Backdrop bottom: NC @ FULL

-R313 @ 50%, 17’ above deck, 12’ SR, Direct sidelight to model, 16’ throw, 43 degree elevation

-AP5700 @ 50%, 15’ above deck, 12’ SL, Direct sidelight to model, 15’ throw, 37 degree elevation

-40/27 @ FULL, 17’ above deck, 12’ SR, centered on model, 8’ upstage of model, 14’ throw, 54 degree elevation, direct back light

-L153 @ 50%, 17’ above deck, 3’ SL, 16’ DS of model, 20’ throw, 34 degree elevation, 11 degree side angle

For this one, my intentions were to create a general white wash of the cathedral backdrop, with tints of yellow close to the top to display the sun shining through. According to the backdrop there are window lights from the stained glass shining onto Lucy. I chose warm colors due to the sun aspect and stained glass colors.


Noon on a hot summer day, in the Caribbean:

Backdrop top: RED @ 10%, GRN @ 50%, BLUE @ FULL

Backdrop bottom: RED @ FULL, GRN @ FULL, BLUE @ FULL

-G980 @ 50%, 17’ above deck, 9’ SR, Direct sidelight to model, 14’ throw, 51 degree elevation

-G980 @ 50%, 17’ above deck, 9’ SL, Direct sidelight to model, 14’ throw, 51 degree elevation

-AP6100 @ FULL, 17’ above deck, Centered on model, Direct downlight on model, 11’ throw

-AP6100 @ 25%, 10’ above deck, 6’ SL, 16’ DS of model, 18’ throw, 13 degree elevation, 21 degree side angle

In this stage design, the backdrop fades from a harsh blue to a vibrant white. This emulates the noon sunlight coming from the sky above Ray. The model is being lit directly above himself with two additional lights on both sides of him. Another light is used SL to define some more of his side so we have more dimension. The colors used were whites with hints of yellow in them, and whites with hints of purple. These lights give the effect that ray is being lit from above him at noon.


Winter afternoon, just before the snow:

Backdrop top: RED @ 10%, GRN @ 25%, BLUE @ 50%

Backdrop bottom: RED @ FULL, GRN @ FULL, BLUE @ FULL

-G820 @ 75%, 15’ above deck, 12’ SR, Direct sidelight to model, 15’ throw, 37 degree elevation

-NC @ 50%, 15’ above deck, 12’ SL, Direct sidelight to model, 15’ throw, 37 degree elevation

-G885 @ 26%, 17’ above deck, 3’ SR, Direct sidelight to model, 11’ throw, 75 degree elevation

-G980 @ 50%, 17’ above deck, 3’ SL, Direct sidelight to model, 11’ throw, 75 degree elevation

This stage design captures the mist and dull shades before a snowstorm. The backdrop is lit from a dull blue to a plain white. Waltzing Ray and Lucy are lit with whites, dull blues, and a dull purple to give some dimension, but remain capturing the integrity if the setting.