Archive for the tag 'grey'

Lighting Observation

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: 2/3/2020 at around 7:45am in my room in Vander Poel, facing East

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The sky looked like a line of grey clouds, but then it abruptly ended right above the horizon when the sun was rising. 

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The sky was a wall of opaque grey clouds, but there was a stark line of demarcation on the horizon where the golden sun was rising over the Nassau Collesium. Despite the light, the clouds remained dominant. 


lighting observation

  1. my dorm room, midday Monday
  2. I had pulled an all nighter Sunday into Monday. I needed some sleep to get me through the day so I laid down in between classes.
  3. Coffee was brewing just out of sight. The lights were off but the room was still fully lit by the window even with the blinds fully closed. The room is filled with a quiet grey light. I don’t sleep so much as meditate, just laying in the calm cool light. It’s like I was trying to absorb the light as an energy source that coffee and sugar couldn’t fill.

Photo Observation 2

  1. 123RF Stock Photos
  2. Cold
  3.  I thought this photo did a decent job in showing how the lighting changes based on the season. By comparing the bright sunny and warm lighting of the ocean scape during the warmer months to the dark depressing and frigid winter months, it really makes the winter picture feel colder to me than it would on its own.

Lighting Observation: 3/18

Date: 3/13/2016

Time: 1:19 AM

Location: Lahey Hospital: Burlington, Mass.

Obye give Description: The family waiting room area was placed directly inside of the central and critical care area. Because it was right next to the nurses station, it had to be lit 24/7, although the windows in the family waiting room were frosted to reflect less light, it seemed similar to the sun trying to peak through the clouds on an impossibly cloudy day.


Subjective Description: A dark night, but a dimly-lit room. It felt lighter earlier in the day, however, that would have been impossible since the windows were far anew isolated from that general location. It became clear that as more people left, and the more the hours passed, the darker the light felt through the cold frosted windows. A panel of clear glass framed the dim of the grayed out glass allowing just a bit of light to peak through to an otherwise dark world. A square room of light penetrating through a grey abyss keeping that last ray of Hope as the rest of the world around it turned dark.

Lighting Observation #12

1.) Thursday Mar. 10 2011, 2:45 P.M. Outside the Student Cetner.

2.) The bleak light through the clouds.

3.) Thankfully I’m in a great mood today, or the lighting outside would depress the hell out of me. Walking back to my room this afternoon, I realized that the light was completely dispersed by the clouds, and since it was to early for any kind of artificial lights to be on, there was an empty feeling in the air because of the total lack of visible light source. It was just kind of a grey glow that I associate with depression and sadness. The all-0ver, unfocused nature of the light made everything look flatter since there was no really visible natural modeling. The whole campus felt bleak.