Archive for the tag 'mooreawalker'

Light Observation

Date/Time/Location: Feb 9th, 5:11pm, Target parking lot

Objective description: The sun is low in the sky. There are thin lines of clouds in the light blue sky above a thin yellow-orange line. There are silhouettes of tree branches behind a large pile of leftover snow and geese grazing on the grass.

Subjective description: The colors illuminating the short remainder of the day time are the perfect balance of warm and cool tones. They reflected off of the greens and blues on the geese’s feathers and the snow reflected the colors back like mirror of the sky above. I don’t usually pay much attention to the birds on the side of the roads near school, but something about the lighting drew me to appreciate their presence.

Photo Observation

1. January 6, 2022 4:29pm

2. Rosarito, Mexico

3. Sunrise/Sunset

4. The sun is setting over the ocean and creating  path of light leading directly to the shoreline. It’s light is projecting far into the sky in a circular pattern despite sinking further and further out of sight. There is a green orb in the corner and only a faint cloud illuminated by the remaining rays. The photo seems warm despite it having been very cold.

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