Archive for the tag 'Photo Observation'

St. Patrick’s Day Picture

  1. I found this on google images
  2. Theme: St. Patrick’s Day
  3. I chose this picture partially because of the color and partially because of the juxtaposition between the light and the surrounding area. I also like how the green of the light is so much brighter than everything else. There’s no other light at all in the picture, so it’s really clear what the focus of the image is

St. Patrick’s Day Picture

  1. I found this picture through Google, by searching “st. patricks day rainbow”
  2. Theme: St. Patrick’s Day
  3. The Sun is giving a nice front light that allows there to be a contrast between the green plant life and the grey clouds. Also, because of the way the Sun is shining, the vibrant colors from the rainbow provide nice unity, or a meeting ground for the clouds and greenery.

Photo Observation

Untitled document

  1. Source: I found this through a google search
  2. Theme: Single Artificial Light Source
  3. I chose this image because my go-to thought with this assignment was a side light or a frontal light so I wanted to do something different. I like this one in particular because the back light is so barely apparent that there is just a white line of light around the subject’s head. I think the relation of source to subject in this picture is really interesting and not something that is seen very often. I also like the slight color on the hair because it normally wouldn’t be seen but because there is such an absence of color in the rest of the picture, the color there is more apparent.

Single Source Photo

2) I found this photo on Pinterest.

3) Single Source Artificial Lighting

4) DESCRIPTION: The person in the photo’s focus is backlit by a light source invisible to the viewer. Beams of light cut through the haze that adds an eerie feeling to the image. The light is bright white, leaving the figure colorless, just a shadow.

Single Artificial Light Source

  1. I found this image on google
  2. Theme: Single Artificial Light Source
  3. The flower is lit by a single purple light. There’s no haze or anything, so the beam of light is only apparent because of how it lights the petals up. The wider wash of the light gives the image a bright purple glow

Single Artificial Light Source Picture

  1. I found this picture on Google by searching “fun single lighting moments”
  2. Theme: Single Artificial Light Source
  3. The actor is being lit by a single spotlight. Because of the haze/fog, you are able to actually see the direct beam of the light and how it shines through space rather than appearing as a flood.

Photo Observation

  1. March 9, 4:00pm, Home
  2. Singular artificial light source
  3. I chose this photo because the light from the lamp is actually sort of harsh in color and brightness but the resulting light on the table and the book and wall, is much softer and warm while still being bright. I think it’s interesting that a light itself can look one way and the way the items are lit can look completely different.

Photo Observation – Single Artificial Light Source

  1. ATTRIBUTES: Photo by Y on film on Pinterest
  2. THEME: Single Artificial Light Source
  3. DESCRIPTION: I chose this photo because it is a very clear single artificial light source of a spot. I like that you can see the source within the photo and that the placement of the light is to the right of photo. The beam of light that expands to fill more space that is otherwise black. The use of fog and red light creates a very distinct mood, and, with the silhouette of the microphone, makes one curious as to who is approaching to speak in the light.

Photo Observation

Attributes: “Neon Underground” image on imgur

Theme: Night Life

Description: I chose this image because when I think of Night Life I think of harsh neon lights as well as a dirty or grimy aspect and I think this image captures both. The pink/magenta is complementary to the green in terms of complementary lights but visually the specific hues of green and pink used do not mesh well and create an eerie feeling. The interspersed black lights change the punk rock images on the walls from normal drawings to illuminated scary glowing figures which add to the effect. The pink lights also emphasize the dirty and wetness of the street which adds to the idea of night life

Night Life

Attributes: Time Square (google)

Theme: Night Life

Description: I chose this because I think the really bright lights from the screens and reflecting off the ground perfectly display night life. The many colors across the scene combined with the number of people in the picture really remind me of a party, especially the way each of the colors reflects off the ground. Those vibrant, but blurry reflections really embody the lights in a party or a club to me

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