Archive for the tag 'Samantha Rich'

Photo Observation

  1. ATTRIBUTION: Photo taken by my friend, August 28th 2016
  2. THEME: Summer
  3. DESCRIPTION: The Sun’s angelic rays shine down from the cloudless sky. They warm my skin and protect me from the icy ocean I’m standing in and the harsh winds. The waves almost look like a staircase up to the sky, with the shimmering waters making it too beautiful not to climb.

Light Observation

  1. WHEN/WHERE: Friday, April 23rd, 2021; Noon; Lowe 106
  2. OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: It’s bright and sunny outside and the windows are half-open, but all the lights are off.
  3. SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: There is a sort of peacefulness that comes with the studio being dark. The sunlight shimmering through the windows offers just enough for the room to feel alive but at rest. Work can still be done, but there is no need to stress or panic. All is calm.

Photo Observation

  1. ATTRIBUTION: Photo taken by me on 8/27/19, afternoon
  2. THEME: Dealer’s Choice/Wild Card (my theme: Heaven)
  3. DESCRIPTION: Looking out my window I see a shimmering ocean. A whole rainbow of blues is before me, from the vibrant sky to the world down below. A white ray of light appears to divide this place from what lies underneath the clouds. Among the white puffiness are wisps of pink, giving warmth in the frigid air.

Photo Observation

  1. ATTRIBUTION: Taken by me at my house in SF, September 9, 2020, 8:18 AM
  2. THEME: Surreal
  3. DESCRIPTION: I wake up to find myself surrounded by darkness, as if it is the middle of the night or too early to be awake. The harsh white light from my phone shows that it is actually 8 in the morning. I get up and look outside my dining room window to see the apocalypse. A blanket of smoke covers the city, blocking the sun’s rainbow of light. The world is made up of flames and yet there is only black.

Light Lab Project

Fall sunset in Vermont

3 Altman cyc lights: R27-Medium Red, R80-Primary Blue, R15-Deep Straw

Front light: One 26 degree Source 4: R20-Medium Amber

Sidelight: Two 36 degree source 4s: R27-Medium Red, R22-Deep Amber; Leaves Realistic

When I think of Fall I think of very warm colors with red and orange leaves everywhere, hence the choice of gobos. I wanted it to look like the Sun was shining right on the person. I chose to make the background pink to contrast with the orange and yellow tones but still maintain the warmth.

Easter Sunrise in a Gothic Cathedral

2 Altman cyc lights: R80-Primary Blue, R15-Deep Straw

Sidelight: Four 36 degree Source 4s: R80-Primary Blue, R336-Billington Pink, R58-Deep Lavender, R92-Turquoise; Gobo: Church Window

Backlight: 1 PAR can (64mfl): L102-Light Amber

Churches tend to have a lot of stained glass, and considering the gobo is called “Church Window” I think it’s quite fitting. I chose colors that are in the typical Easter color scheme. Since this person is standing in the cathedral, I wanted the “sunlight” to be less harsh.

Noon on a hot summer day in the Caribbean

2 Altman cyc lights: R80-Primary Blue, R126-Green Cyc Silk

Front light: One 26 degree Source 4: L102-Light Amber

Sidelight: Two 36 degree Source 4s: R130-Medium Blue Green Silk, Gobo-Foliage Jungle; R72-Azure Blue, Gobo-Water Shimmering

Top light: One 6” Fresnel: L102-Light Amber

Back light: One 8” Fresnel: 8450-Spanked Pink

The bright yellow light shows how intense the sun is. Cyan is a rather tropical color, and the pink is as well (it also adds some warmth to contrast from the cool blues and greens.)

Winter afternoon just before the snow

2 Altman Cyc Lights: R80-Primary Blue, R15-Deep Straw

Front light: One 26 degree Source 4: R55-Lilac

Side light: Two 36 degree Source 4s: R57-Lavender, R78-Trudy Blue

Top light: One 6” Fresnel: L102-Light Amber

I wanted there to be a lot of cool tones to represent the cold weather and winter, but I didn’t make the color too white since it is not snowing yet. There is just the tiniest bit of sunlight left.

Light Observation

  1. WHEN/WHERE: Thursday, April 15, 2021; 1:15 pm-my room in Suffolk Hall
  2. OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: It is gray and rainy outside. There are no lights on in my room
  3. SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: I wish so badly that I could survive without the warmth from my lamp or the gentle glow from my fairy lights. Even though there’s a blanket of clouds outside my window the sun is lost underneath it somewhere. However, the darkness in my room is overwhelming. The dim white light that is washing my room is not enough for the middle of the afternoon.

Photo Observation

  1. ATTRIBUTION: Getty Images
  2. THEME: Inspiring
  3. DESCRIPTION: As the blaring white sun rises from the sea, a new dawn begins. The reflection of the light on the water almost looks like a pathway to heaven. The man climbs the rocks and stands with his arms accepting the world, ready to take it on. His shadow stands strong against the gentle blue and orange light from the sky.

Lighting Observation

  1. WHEN/WHERE: Monday, April 5th, 2021; 2:15pm; outside of Roosevelt Hall
  2. OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The sky is completely clear. The cherry blossoms are blooming.
  3. SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: Spring has sprung. The warm pink flowers glow in the sunlight and look magical against the cool blue sky. The shadows of these magical trees provide a safe haven from the brightness.

Photo Observation (Light Lab)

  1. ATTRIBUTION: Brian Ach on Getty Images; LX Beams
  2. THEME: Romance
  3. DESCRIPTION: Lighting instruments used:

    2 cyc lights, R27-Medium Red; and R80-Primary Blue

    2 front lights: Two 26 degree source 4s, R32-Medium Salmon Pink

    4 side lights: Two 50 degree source 4s, L104-Deep Amber

    Two 36 degree source 4s, L029-Plasma Red; Gobo-Breakup Roses

    1 top light: 6” Fresnel, L104-Deep Amber

Lighting Observation

  1. WHEN/WHERE: April 1, 2021: 7pm – my dorm room in Suffolk Hall.
  2. OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The overhead light is off. My roommate’s desk lamp is providing the most light. Her fairy lights are on and my lamp is on as well.
  3. SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: Chaos. On one side of the room, it is warm and gentle. On the other, a blaring white void. There is a happy medium, but it is difficult to focus when there are bright stars everywhere that are not uniform.

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