Archive for the tag 'Wild Card'

Wild card

Photo taken by me in Florida over spring break

I chose this picture because I really love all of the colors you can see so clearly in the sky. The colors were so vibrant in real life and they translated beautifully on camera. We all watched the sky get more and more bright as the sun set and it is a really nice memory.

Wild Card

Taken by me on December 31st 2022 around 3:30PM at the Capital One Arena.

Description: Ice Hockey is the only sport I really follow. Last year on New Year’s Eve some family friends invited my parents and I to box seats for the final game of the year. While in this picture the lighting just seems like regular overhead lights, throughout the night visibility was constantly changing, energy rising and falling in the crowd. The game itself was incredibly fun to watch, and it’s an incredible experience to watch live sports from some of the best seats in the stadium.

Photo Observation: Wild Card

2) Attributes: Google

3) THEME: Wild Card

4) DESCRIPTION: This is an image of the Gaffney Peach, also known as the Giant Butt, in Gaffney, SC. I chose this image because I think the lighting and the shadows make it look and feel very intimidating. Its curves are hugged by the shadows, letting the Peach embrace and enhance that daunting feeling. In the image, it stands quite tall, making the trees appear small and insignificant in the background. The light also doesn’t really touch the trees quite as much, making them seem less important. Overall, the lighting and composition of the image exude power and create intimidating feelings for the viewer.

Photo Observation

NYC Winter 2019

THEME: Wild Card

DESCRIPTION: A cold winter’s night. The warm yellow headlights of the cars reflect off the city street, contrasting the cold blue string lights wrapping around the tree like melting snow creates an interesting atmosphere that I can’t quite put my finger on.

Photo Observation

ATTRIBUTES: This photo was taken by my friend Joe and showcases me posing in Pride Park.

THEME: Wild Card (Cartoony)

DESCRIPTION: Although the photo was not enhanced or edited in any way, the lighting makes it seem like I Photocopied myself onto the background. There are almost no harsh shadows in the photo and therefore no harsh lines to separate myself from the background. The bright lighting paired with the basic colors within the photo make it look almost like a cartoon.

Photo Observation

THEME: wildcard

ATTRIBUTION: January 2021

DESCRIPTION: a man kneels in shock as he is covered with whipped cream. He contemplates his life choices.

Photo Observation

ATTRIBUTES: This photo was taken by my friend Joe and showcases me posing in Pride Park.

THEME: Wild Card (Cartoony)

DESCRIPTION: Although the photo was not enhanced or edited in any way, the lighting makes it seem like I Photocopied myself onto the background. There are almost no harsh shadows in the photo and therefore no harsh lines to separate myself from the background. The bright lighting paired with the basic colors within the photo make it look almost like a cartoon.

Photo Observation (Wild Card/Dealer’s Choice-Irony )


2) ATTRIBUTION: taken by me, 2018 Decatur, Georgia (I think)

3) THEME: Wild Card/Dealer’s Choice (Irony)

4) DESCRIPTION: The light from the streetlamp perfectly illuminates the words “Cool Stuff” on a wall that is covered in bubbly characters. Perhaps the only thing edgy or cool about this painting is the word itself as the characters are undoubtedly designed by a talented artist, but cute and adorable rather than fresh and hip.

Photo Observation

  1. ATTRIBUTION: Photo taken by me on 8/27/19, afternoon
  2. THEME: Dealer’s Choice/Wild Card (my theme: Heaven)
  3. DESCRIPTION: Looking out my window I see a shimmering ocean. A whole rainbow of blues is before me, from the vibrant sky to the world down below. A white ray of light appears to divide this place from what lies underneath the clouds. Among the white puffiness are wisps of pink, giving warmth in the frigid air.