Archive for April, 2020

Light Observation #8

DATE/TIME/LOCATION: 4/4/2020, 2:15pm, Street corner in Brooklyn

OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The sunlight shone brightly against the concrete. The light reflecting off of window panes and car windshields was landing heavily along the empty block. There was nothing much but a bright, white light sensation throughout the street.

SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: I hadn’t been outside in days. Since I needed to buy food, I had no choice but to go across the street, barely making it because of how bright the sun was that day. Everything was bright and had a white tone to the street, cars, and the few faces I glanced at briefly. It was honestly really painful.

Photo Observation #8


Theme: Isolation

Description: I felt this image fit the theme well considering what we are all experiencing. The reflection of the environment through the window is what captured my attention most, pulling the focus of the image to the outside world. I thought this was a great way to convey a subtle but direct message as to what we all might be feeling, which is clearly isolation from our daily lives.

Lighting Observation:

DATE/TIME/PLACE: 4/2/2020, 7:00, On a hill behind the old people’s home

OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The sun begins to set over the hills

SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: I needed to get outside to get some air and breath. What I ended up stumbling upon was a perfect spot to watch the sun set, and I did. The sun turned a bright orange then set into a deep red, it was quite beautiful, and made me feel that maybe this virus epidemic will be over soon. 

Photo Observation

I took this photo on winter break on Centralia PA’s Graffiti Highway
Theme: Isolation
Description: I went on a trip over winter break to an abandoned highway in central PA. It was covered in graffiti and left to rot in the middle of the forest. This was a moment that made me feel very far away from society, due to the gray tones in the lighting as well.

Photo Observation #8

2) This is a BTS photo from my senior thesis 

3) THEME: Isolation 

4) DESCRIPTION: The scene is a rollerskating party. Just moments prior dozens of extras skate around the three characters. Now, hear they all scurry away and these three are left in a blinding spotlight. It is hard to make out each other and the space feels claustrophobic. Even within the same ray of light each character feels isolated.

Photo Observation

Photo taken by me, out my bed room window sometime this past week.

THEME: isolation

DESCRIPTION: this photo portrays the isolation as the light from the outside world creeps through the window, drawing our attention to how we are stuck inside alone not able to experience the world outside us.

Photo Observation #8

  1. Norfolk, Massachusetts. Thursday, April 2nd. 9PM
  2. Isolation
  3. It’s not like I got out much before, but now that we’re forced to be inside I want to all the more. My daily dose of freed usually comes in the form of an hour drive around my town (its still social distancing if I don’t leave my car, right?) I stopped by one of my fav locations, an abandoned airfield 15 minutes away from my house. Just a week ago, it would have been occupied by dogs and families, but now a warning was tacked at the entrance bearing the words “Covid 19 Epidemic”. My headlights threw a stark light onto the empty field, reminding me of the isolation we are all currently facing. 

Photo Observation #8

Taken in my bedroom in Chandler, Arizona on April 2nd.

Theme: Isolation

Description: I am so tired of doing the same things every day and making myself get into a routine. I am the type of person that enjoys thrill and change. The fact that I am trapped inside of my house is driving me absolutely insane and its only a matter of time before one of us murders another. At least I have Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+ to take my mind off things.

Lighting Observation #8

DATE/TIME/LOCATION: April 3rd, 12:30 AM, my room

OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The television screen is lighting up my entire room.

SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The television is my main means for entertainment, especially at night. There is are many different viewing platforms with endless amounts of content on each. I look forward to getting into bed after a day full of homework and treating myself with a nice show and a glass of wine.

Lighting Observation

DATE/TIME/LOCATION: April 2nd, 7:30 AM, my bedroom

OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: A bright, morning sunbeam shining into a dark room, casting the whole thing in shades of blue

SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: the bright sunlight woke me up in the morning and, while very bright sunbeams three hours before your alarm aren’t the most pleasant things to wake up to, the light was… refreshing. Being cooped up for so long has made me miss the sun. It made me want to spend hours basking in the light that filled my tiny bedroom. Perhaps it made me feel hopeful.

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