Archive for March, 2022

Lighting Observation- Charlese

  1. DATE-TIME-LOCATION: March 11, 8:00am- Starbucks Student Center
  2. OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: An early sunrise. The sun was shining in through the front doors and gleaminhg through the windows.
  3. SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: It was the end of a rough week, as they all are in your senior year of college. I just finished a shift from 4 to 8 am and was enjoying a well deserved coffee when I saw the sun shining though and the first day of spring show its face in the sunrise.


Lighting Observation #6

  1. Thursday, March 17th. Around 10:30pm outside the Metropolitan Opera, looking at the hotel across the street.
  2. The hotel across the street had a red lit up “H,” “T,” and “L” with a barely visible blinking “O.” The Fountain outside the Met was lit with amber light.
  3. There was an ironic juxtaposition between the hotel’s lit up letters and the Met’s lit up fountain. On one side of the scene there was an almost ominous flickering of red block letters that could have been out of a murder documentary. On the other side there was a pleasant lit fountain allowing the water to sparkle, which is an inviting background for photos with family or friends. The contrast between the two sides of the scene was quite striking and I really appreciated how two moods could be depicted in a single “lighting moment.”

Lighting Observation #6

03/18/22 – 1:54pm – At home Office

Objective description – White sunlight shining in through the window, cascading onto a gold drama trophy from the side.

Subjective description – The ironically cool-toned sunlight shown through the screened window onto a trophy sitting upon a stand. The Comedy and Tragedy faces lit up from the side displayed a juxtaposition between either side of each face. One side glowed glittery while the other a dull gold waiting to be shined.

Lighting Observation

  1. Date / Time / Location: March 12th , 6:08 pm , Pig Beach
  2. Objective Description: Before work this past Saturday, I stopped at a neighboring  restaurant and bar called Pig Beach to grab some dinner. The venue was large and full of people but still appeared spacious, since it was just one large room with a bar and kitchen along one wall. The room was well light with a bright yellowish color. There were no other colors present but there were lights strung along the ceiling above every other table.
  3. Subjective Description: The vastness of the space as well as the warm glow from the overhead light bulbs gave the bar a “home-ish” feeling. Not one corner was too dark or too bright, and the consistent lighting throughout made me feel as though I were never out of place, no matter where I stood. Furthemore, the calm lighting helped establish a calm mood for the people present at the bar, whereas loud and rambunctious bars have colored lights or dim brightness.

Light Observation #6

DATE – TIME – LOCATION : March 17, 2022 at 12:24, Bits


OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION : In the back room of Bits, all the window blinds are shut, so the only light in the room is provided by the yellow artificial light of the overhead lights.


SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION : The harsh yellow light creates an uneasy atmosphere in the dining seating as students cram for their midterms. The artificial sense of the lights pulls attention to the forced behavior of the students to deprive themselves of fun in order to work towards good grades. The light is centered in the middle of the room, leaving the corners of the space slightly darker, creating a feeling of seclusion in the heavily busy area.

Light Observation Eve Alas

  1. DATE: 03/17/22
  2. TIME: 10:00 pm
  3. LOCATION: Hofstra University Dempster studio
  4. OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: When I was in the studio last week, the weather was really dark and rainy/snowy so there was barely some light in the studio plus I did not put the lights on. What I have not noticed before is that usually when you are tired you want some calm and neutral light. The studio really dark and one little spot light coming from the outside was going through the window.
  5. SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The feeling that this lighting gave me was a sense of calmness, very serious, neutral, emotionless, and more inward/introverted feeling. I am a very extroverted person but for some reason this lighting was making me feeling very inside my thoughts and I wanted to be alone. It also gave me a sense of reflection about things I had in my head. The light was coming mostly from the left upper windows but it was really light and not heavy at all and the color was white.

Saint Patricks

  1. DATE: 03/17/22
  2. TIME: 10:30 am
  3. LOCATION: Ireland
  4. THEME: Saint Patrick’s Day
  5. DESCRIPTION: I have never really celebrated Saint Patrick’s Day but I loved this photo because of the balloon and the small car with all of the decorations because it shows the liveliness of the celebration and the party mode people get into when it comes to this day. Also, the fact that it is in Ireland gives it an even bigger meaning because this celebration is from this country.

Lighting Observation – #6

  1. March 17, 8:20am
  2. Location: in my fridge
  3. Fridge lighting isn’t all that aesthetically pleasing to me. When I opened my fridge to grab some leftover food this morning, the harsh lighting was not super pleasant, especially compared to the window-lit kitchen. I appreciated the contrast between the two kinds of light after going into my fridge.

Photo Observation

Attributes: article

Theme: St. Patrick’s Day

Description: I chose this image because I found it interesting that there is lighting both from below and above yet the subject is so large that there is still a dark band around the center. I also really like how cool the green light is and how it’s more on the blue side. To me, this makes me think of those pictures of ships at the bottom of the sea that are being excavated or photographed which adds an eerie and forgotten nature to the photo.

St. Patrick’s Day



Theme: St. Patrick’s Day

Description: I found this really cool neon four leaf clover on Etsy. The way the cooler green and warmer gold bounce off of the wall and photos was really interesting. This is a very literal interpretation of a “St. Patrick’s Day Photo,” but I thought that it was a really awesome way of bringing light to an art piece.



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