Archive for the tag '#evealas'

True colors Light

DATE: 04/28/22

Time: 11:27 pm

OBSERVATIONS: I loved how it showed purple on the leaf when the actual color is green. It kind of plays with the idea of two whole new worlds in one object. I loved it because it has a meaning that is translated to through the light.

Light Observartion Eve

  1. DATE: 04/17/22
  2. TIME: 6:30 pm
  3. LOCATION: Wantagh Park
  4. OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: On Sunday it was Easter, so my boyfriend and I went out for a walk to the park near his house. The colors of the sky where yellow near the skyline transitioning slowly into blue. The sun was shining located to the right side (while we were sitting down on a bench). The colors were pretty but my boyfriend had the idea to stand up near the river and what amazed me was the beautiful shadow that created on him and the many houses. The water was still blue it was just the structures that were turned into shadows which I thought was very interesting.
  5. SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: This picture I was looking at gave me a feeling of satisfaction. It made me feel good and I think the reason why was because the shadows went along so well with the baby blue and the light yellow in the sky. It made everything look unreal and perfect.

Surreal Photo Observation Eve

  1. DATE: 04/20/22
  2. TIME: 9:00 pm
  3. LOCATION: Google
  4. THEME: Surreal
  5. DESCRIPTION: This paint has so many things to say despite the fact that as viewers we know that it is a fantastic idea that we are looking at. I was able to see the inside and outside perspective of the paint: inside meaning that a woman as a whole is beautiful but also has to maintain certain character to be strong enough in society. On the other hand, the outside perspective depicts organization, physical beauty but also that matched the wonderful colors from the sky. The lighting of various pink tones combine with the blue and a little of yellow and brown created a soft and delicate feeling.

Light Observation

  1. DATE: 04/04/22
  2. TIME: 10:00 pm
  3. LOCATION: Hofstra University Bill of Rights
  4. OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: I was in my bed and because it has been winter for so long I totally forgot how it felt to wake up to a window full of brightness. I opened my eyes and the sun was bright, intense, and going directly to my window. The sky was pink, orange, and a little blue and I was able to see a little bit of the moon. I thought it was a very pretty landscape to watch specially when it is the early morning.
  5. SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: As the sun hit directly my window it was also going directly to my right eye. Even though it was bright, it made me feel warm and gave me a sense of hope. It made me feel ready for the day and wanting to wake up because it is so hard to wake up with a very cloudy and cold weather. It made me feel better overall.

  1. DATE: 03/29/22
  2. TIME: 8:00 pm
  3. LOCATION: Picture of Cave in El Salvador
  4. OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: There is this beautiful beach back in my country called Playa “El Tunco” where we go with my family every year. I was looking at a picture of it and there is this cave that me and my siblings always go to and it was really nice to remember how the inside of the cave and being in the shade felt. From the angle that we were standing it seemed the light was coming from the front but it was actually coming from the left side.
  5. SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: Being in the shade brought a feeling of calmness and peace. I also thought that it made everything that was outside the shade even brighter. Because of the angle of where we were standing it made it seem that the light was coming from the front (in relation to where we were standing) but instead it was coming from the left side. When you are in a darker space and looking to a place with more light the contrast makes everything that is bright even brighter and same goes to the dark side of it.

Photo Observation Coca Cola Ad

  1. DATE: 03/29/22
  2. TIME: 10:30 am
  3. LOCATION: Online Advertisement
  4. THEME: Coca Cola Ad.
  5. DESCRIPTION: The image was really hard to represent on the lab because of the way the light is displayed and where it is coming from, in this case from the very back. I took a really long time to see how I could make it work with the lights from the top and some of the sides so that the lights could brighten the stage from the back.

Light Observation Eve Alas

  1. DATE: 03/17/22
  2. TIME: 10:00 pm
  3. LOCATION: Hofstra University Dempster studio
  4. OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: When I was in the studio last week, the weather was really dark and rainy/snowy so there was barely some light in the studio plus I did not put the lights on. What I have not noticed before is that usually when you are tired you want some calm and neutral light. The studio really dark and one little spot light coming from the outside was going through the window.
  5. SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The feeling that this lighting gave me was a sense of calmness, very serious, neutral, emotionless, and more inward/introverted feeling. I am a very extroverted person but for some reason this lighting was making me feeling very inside my thoughts and I wanted to be alone. It also gave me a sense of reflection about things I had in my head. The light was coming mostly from the left upper windows but it was really light and not heavy at all and the color was white.

Saint Patricks

  1. DATE: 03/17/22
  2. TIME: 10:30 am
  3. LOCATION: Ireland
  4. THEME: Saint Patrick’s Day
  5. DESCRIPTION: I have never really celebrated Saint Patrick’s Day but I loved this photo because of the balloon and the small car with all of the decorations because it shows the liveliness of the celebration and the party mode people get into when it comes to this day. Also, the fact that it is in Ireland gives it an even bigger meaning because this celebration is from this country.

Journal Entry Eve Alas

  1. DATE: 03/07/22
  2. TIME: 10:00 pm
  3. LOCATION: Garden City
  4. OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION:  I was coming back from a restaurant and then I saw these beautiful Christmas Lights that were still on from last year all over the house; it made it seem as if it was like a Disney movie. They were varied in colors such as green, yellow, orange, blue, red, pink, and purple and changed the combinations too.
  5. SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: A dark background with colorful lights is really interesting to watch because it really highlights all of the colors coming from the small bulbs so that they can be seen from far distances. The overall feeling that these lights created were happiness and joy. When the lights would change colors to new combinations it definitely made it more interesting because I was not watching the same thing over and over again.

Single Light on Stage

  1. DATE: 03/07/22
  2. TIME: 2:20pm
  3. LOCATION: Stage (from the internet)
  4. THEME: Single Light
  5. DESCRIPTION: I had a meeting with some film majors and we were talking about amazing moments that artists can build on the stage. One of them said that single lights on the stage are really powerful and I never thought about it but this type of lighting coming from above the stage has been used a lot in many movies (Flashdance where all of the water is falling on the main character and others). It definitely creates an intimidating, focused, and serious feeling. In this case the blue light makes it more serious because of the color, tone, and also because it makes the dark background become even darker.