Archive for the tag 'Cassidy Reed'

Photo Observation 2

Attribute: Michigan Bulb

Theme: Romance

Description: I chose this photo because the blooming flowers are a bright and vibrant pink against the dark green background. I appreciate this warm and cool contrast. The flowers are called bleeding hearts and represent passionate love. I think it’s romantic in the way the “hearts” are dripping from the branches.

Lighting Moment

Date: 2/10/22

Time: 1:45pm

Location: The grass/lawn in front of Lowe and the Playhouse

Objective Description: The warm sun rays peak over the trees across the parking lot. The sun also illuminates the snow leftover from the remains of our latest nor easter. The brightness creates a shadow over the steps of the playhouse. The air is crisp and the sun feels refreshing.

Subjective Description: The warm glow of the sun is welcoming and embraces those who stand in its path. The light bouncing off the snow creates an illusion that it’s brighter outside then it actually is. This creates a feeling of hopefulness and an uncommon break from the chaos then normally fills our days, as college students.

photo observation #1

Title: “Sunset on Lake Owasco, July 2020” -taken by me

Theme: Sunset

A radiant golden ball drifts closer to the dark trees in the distance. As the sun begins to dip the rays water color the clouds lingering from an earlier storm. The dark waters are ominous but the warm colors from the sun ripple across the surface create a welcoming aura.

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