Archive for February, 2020

Photo Observation

1) Photo by Louis from Pexels

2) THEME: Single artificial light source

3) DESCRIPTION: The lighting in this photo is very dramatic and leaves you wondering what is happening in the room that this person is wandering into. The red light is practically spilling out of the door frame and onto the the individual walking hesitantly through the entrance as if someone doused him with a bucket of red paint. The color red creates an ominous and alarming glow, yet it is not intense enough to deter curiosity.    

Lighting Observation

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: 2-19-2020, around 7:00PM, my room

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: My yellow desk light illuminating my fish’s bowl.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: I sat down at my desk to eat dinner with my fish Finneas. I was having noodles, he was having his usual artisanal store bought fish food. As I dropped a few flakes into the water above him I was taken aback at how the light was creating this beautiful sparkle along the top of the water. The water was literally crystal clear; allowing the light to penetrate to the bottom of the bowl and make the little pink rocks twinkle. 


Light Observation #4

1) DATE/TIME/LOCATION: 2/20/2020, 3:30pm, Room 300 School of Communications

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The sun beams gleamed the the window of the gloomy classroom. The lights inside the classroom are shut off and our only other light source besides the peaking beams is the powerpoint presentation being presented.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: I get easily distracted and bored when I’m in class. When there’s a boring presentation on the screen, anything could take my attention away. As the beams gleamed into the classroom, I planned out my outfit in my head for the night to come.

Photo Observation #4

This picture was taken by me in my bedroom off-campus.

THEME: Single Artificial Light Source

DESCRIPTION: My laptop screen is previewing the show I was watching last night (Forensic Case Files). I used this light source in order to eat my Popeyes in the dark without making a mess in my bed. Success.


Photo Observation #4

This picture was taken by me in my dorm room.

THEME: Single Artificial Light Source

DESCRIPTION: A transparent pink vinyl record, backlit by a bright pink neon sign that reads “girls girls girls”. The entire image glows in different shades of pink.

Lighting Observation #4

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: Feb 20, 2020. 5:45 PM. Outside Lowe.

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: A mixture of a soft, cool blue dusk with orange-yellow artificial light.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: I had stepped out of the costume shop, distracted by my phone. Typically leaving the shop at this time or later, I had expected it to be the much darker night it had been a few weeks ago. Instead, the cool blues mixing with the warmth of the lights outside Lowe caught me off guard. The sun had only just finished setting, and the sky was still painted with the last remnants of daylight. It was pretty enough to take my eyes away from whatever message I was sending to really appreciate the moment. The sun was setting later, the days will continue to lengthen, and, soon enough, the spring will arrive.

Light Observation

DATE/TIME/LOCATION: 2/20/20, 12:05 AM, Netherlands North

OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: Netherlands lamps lighting the path from the core to the end of the Netherlands (specifically Hague), with circles of light periodically 

SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: Some people were crossing within these circles of light and seeing them and the branches that crept into the pathway illuminated by the light created a very warm and welcoming effect, this effect was later damaged with the replacement of a warm amber light with a harsh white light (one single lamp post)

Photo Observation

THEME: Single artificial light source

DESCRIPTION: A single light both lights the subjects (the plants in their pots) and gives life to them, doubling it’s purpose

Light Observation #4

1) DATE/TIME/LOCATION: 2/20/2020, 11:39pm, Axinn Library Ground Floor

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The florescent lights beam down onto the scanner/copier machines and water fountains in front of the desk I am sitting at. The lights are illuminating the corner of this particular section of the library. There are two panels of lights evenly spaced in the ceiling to perform this action.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The florescent lights in the ceiling make me feel like I’m at the dentist’s office. They’re muddy and gray and don’t add anything to this corner of the library. This is my view from the place I sit at work study and it’s extremely depressing. 

Photo Observation #4

THEME: Single Artificial Light Source

DESCRIPTION: This photo was taken in my friend’s room of their Brooklyn apartment. The lamp is the only artificial light in their room besides the main light in the ceiling. They just moved, so all of their belongings are scattered along the windowsill, and the lamp brings attention to it. I like the lamp because it reminds me of the Pixar intro and has a cool switch to turn it off and on.

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