Archive for March, 2021

lighting observation

WHEN? March 26th, 2021

WHERE? Hofstra dorm

OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: light shining through the blinds of my dorm window

SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The white light stamped across my sight, I lay on my sheets as the tiger strips cross my lips. The parallel lines coat my paintings and warm my room leaving a haze in my gaze.

Light Observation

  1. WHEN/WHERE: Midnight, March 24th 2021, my bedroom
  2. OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The only lights on are my roommate’s fairy lights which are on one half of the room.
  3. SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The room is as dark as night except for a few twinkling stars. The warm yellow glow is not so bright as it keeps me from falling asleep, but just light enough to allow me to wind down with ease without being sucked into blackness. This cozy wash of light reminds me of lying outside and looking at a starry sky, minus the cold.

Light Observation

WHEN? March 26th, 2021

WHERE? Hofstra Campus

OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: Sun casting shadows of trees onto the grass

SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The warmth of the sun touching my skin, the trees overhead rustling in the wind. I duck underneath the branches, finding a retreat from the day within the shadow cast along the grass. Yet I still see sun, just one step beyond the shade.

Lighting Observation

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: 3/25/2021 – 6:30pm – Uniondale

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The sunlight is dispersed through the clouds as it begins to set, creating a salmon ring that can be seen through the clouds. The clouds soften the light blurring the light.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The light tries creeping it’s way to me, filtered by the clouds, stopping it from brightening the world and tinting the sky. The clouds soften the usually blinding light of the sun, creating a gentle, pastel color, making the two a perfect pair and creating a sense of calmness.

Photo Observation 7

This is an ad for Taco Bell when they were selling “Double Stacked Tacos”

Theme : Advertisement/Desire

This is an ad for limited edition tacos. The light is set up to make it appear that they are on a stage being showcased. It appears as though there is a light hitting it from overhead as well as in the front of where they’re facing. The tacos look great.

Photo Observation 6

This photo was taken by me on May 24th, 2020 on Hofstra’s campus.

Theme : Spring

This is a picture of freshly bloomed flowers at the peak of the day when the sun is almost straight above. The light is hitting them directly, allowing them to nearly glisten. The angle of the light perfectly models the flowers and adds contrast to their shape.

Photo observation

Attribution- Topo chico Instagram. This was taken at the ACL music fest

Theme: advertisement


The natural light gives the perfect effect for the quench of this drink. Topo Chico is most appetizing whenever you are having fun on a long hot summer day. The way the light is not just glowing but shining through the water, and how the light highlights the condensation of the water outside the bottle. The light created the important essence of Topo Chico, the feeling you get while drinking it. This picture hit home, and I wanted to drink one immediately after looking at this picture.


Chanel ad from 1980.


The model stand looking at something in the far distance. Light comes above and is bright and clean. Her white outfit glows in contrast of the dark walls behind her. She is waiting for something or someone.

photo observation

This photo is from a Starbucks Ad circa 2016

3) THEME: Advertisement/DesireĀ 

4) DESCRIPTION: The red cups stood on the countertop backed by the soft yellow light coming from behind the bar. The cups meant the holidays were near and that special drinks customers longed for year-round were soon to come.


Photo Observation


ATTRIBUTION: This photo was taken Monday night. Time unknown

THEME: Advertisement/Desire

DESCRIPTION: The warm yellow light cascades across the glass of the small cup and bottle. The dull gray walls accent the wood from the table to bring the bottle to the forefront of the viewing. The focus becomes on the bottle and the desire it causes, the wants to drink more and become infatuated with the taste of the liquor.

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