Archive for April, 2022

Lighting Observation #11

DATE – TIME – LOCATION : April 29, 2022 at 11:36 am, Jones Beach


OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION : The sky is clear blue, and the sun is brightly reflecting off the ocean. The wind blows the sand around, creating a haze-like illusion. 


SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION : The dusted sand creates the feeling of extreme heat as it blurs the vision of the ocean. Replicating an almost heat stroke like mirage, the sand distorts the view of the vast expanse before me. The bright blue of the sky flows uninterrupted by even a single cloud, making me feel at ease, staring into the vast expanse. Both the ocean and the sky seem to lead on forever. The washed natural lighting of the sun leaves not a single shadow behind. It is as if the space continues on forever. There is nothing to worry about, and I am able to relax, knowing that whatever troubles that I may have can be ignored for the next few hours.

Lighting Observation #11

4/28/22 – 10:41 am – Netherlands Core

Objective: looking out the big windows in the Netherlands core is a perfect view of a tree with pink flowers and green trees around it in the natural sunlight. The comparison between the sunlight shining in and the artificial lighting of the core highlights the pink of the tree.

Subjective: An ocean of pink flowers surrounded by greenery pops in the beautiful beams of sunshine. From the inside looking out into this isolated, magnificent tree I am envious. This tree is the one getting admired every day while the others fade into the distance. The light makes this tree pop and noticeable while the others simply create shade. This tree is made of magic and sparks creativity, and all the other trees highlight its beauty.

Light Observation #11

  1. Wednesday, April 27th, around 9pm. My friend’s dorm in Tilburg in Netherlands North.
  2. The street lamps in the Netherlands North quad coming in from the common room windows.
  3. I was laying on the couch watching a show when I looked up at the ceiling and noticed an angled, amber light coming in through the window and hitting the wall that is perpendicular with the wall the windows are on. Across the room, on the wall parallel to the windows, there was more of a white light and had a complete shape of the windows and the shadow of the blinds. I enjoyed seeing these different lights coming in through the window because it was very obvious they were two different lights, and I was able to imagine in my head where they were outside of the window without actually looking out into the quad.

Lighting observation – #12

  1. April 28, 2022 1:28pm
  2. Outside of Calkins, walking towards the quad
  3. As I was walking outside towards the quad by Calkins Hall, I noticed how beautiful the scenery looked from afar. The different colorful trees lined up with one another in really interesting, overlapping patterns. The sky was bright and helped illuminate the greens and pinks of the trees and flowers surrounding it.

Photo Observation – Summer

  1. Theme: Summer
  2. Attributes: vista Today
  3. Description: This is a photo from the “Dining Under the Stares” event in Media, PA. Every Thursday, they block off the streets in the city and all of the restaurants set up outdoor dining for their patrons. I used to go to this all the time in high school, and this photo reminds me of summer. I love the way the warm bright lights of the restaurant light up the otherwise dimming alleyway. The sky shows the sun nearly set, with a great whisk of white clouds still flooding the skyline. I love how saturated and bright the colors appear.

Photo Observation

Theme: Wild Card

Attributes: I took this photo at 7:12pm on April 17th at home

Description: I like all of the different soft shadows and geometric shapes. There is a beaded bird hanging on the lamp that is also reflecting the light. I just find all of the different  lines on the wall to be exciting and also a bit confusing because there wasn’t more than one light source in the room- only a window to the right so I wouldn’t have expected the shapes being created.

True colors Light

DATE: 04/28/22

Time: 11:27 pm

OBSERVATIONS: I loved how it showed purple on the leaf when the actual color is green. It kind of plays with the idea of two whole new worlds in one object. I loved it because it has a meaning that is translated to through the light.

Frestyle pick-Charlese

Photo Observation

Attribute: Google

Theme: Wild Card

Description: My self-given theme was horror as I find lighting related to horror so interesting but I didn’t want the classic black and white so I found this image. I really like how there is color but the photo still is kind of scary. I think its really cool how there are the three different colors shining in but there is very little spillage between the colors, they are all in their distinctive sections. I also think the angle and texture of each lighting block is really interesting as the streakiness and elongated angles add a horrific element to the photo. Finally, I like how the angle elongated the shadow of the man because it twists it into something even more terrifying.

Photo Observation: Wild Card

2) Attributes: Google

3) THEME: Wild Card

4) DESCRIPTION: This is an image of the Gaffney Peach, also known as the Giant Butt, in Gaffney, SC. I chose this image because I think the lighting and the shadows make it look and feel very intimidating. Its curves are hugged by the shadows, letting the Peach embrace and enhance that daunting feeling. In the image, it stands quite tall, making the trees appear small and insignificant in the background. The light also doesn’t really touch the trees quite as much, making them seem less important. Overall, the lighting and composition of the image exude power and create intimidating feelings for the viewer.

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