Light Moment

Date: 3/16/23

Time: 9:19 P.M.

Location: the Playhouse

Objective: two actors down center stage. there is a dark blue wash over the stage and a spot on each actor

Subjective: it’s a very calming scene. the characters sing a song about falling in love and everything is at ease

Brennan Single Source Artificial Light Photo


From: My camera roll, taken March 4th 2023. Jaden leaning out a window in East Hampton, NY


Theme: Single Source Artificial Light


This photo is actually BTS from a film set I was recently working on. Our schedule was pretty tight and we had to film a daytime interior scene after sunset, and since the room had a window it came down to the lighting team to make it work. I was the Best Boy Electric, so myself and a few extra hands ran the biggest light we had out to the driveway and sent it up on a stand above the height of the window. This shot was taken a few minutes after the light had fully turned on, but before we sealed the windows and added a diffusion layer to the inside. It sure did the trick. It doesn’t quite show on camera, but the immense output from this light (and the lack of adjustment from our eyes at the time) made it seem like Jaden was glowing, and his hair looked especially angelic so we all asked him to pose while we took some pictures.

Lighting Observation

6:57 pm outside Bits walking towards the Stu

The sun shining on the library building and casting an orange color on the stone.

The orange glow on the building reminded me of the sky during a sunset. The sunlight turned the library into a mirror, reflecting the orange sky to the West of it. The usual tan stone was a calm, beautiful orange.

Single Source Photo Observation


Theme: Single Source Artificial Light

Description: Looking for an image of a single source artificial light reminded me of when I used to to do still life studies, most often with fruit. In this image, the apple is being lit from directly above.

Photo Observation

Date: 3/15/23

Time: 11:10pm

I took this photo using my phone flashlight and a Dr Pepper bottle in the drounge. I used the light as footlight, casting a shadow of the bottle behind it.

Single Source Light

Theme: Single Source Light

Description: I keep getting stand up comedy videos recommended to me, so for a single source theme I figured I would use an actor on stage with a single spotlight creating frontlight with no horizontal angle.

Single source artificial light

Theme: Single source artificial light

Photo from google search

This photo is a man sitting in front of a lamp, and the whole room is dark, only this lamp shines, so I think it is a good example of single source artificial light.

However, I did not come to the last class, so I’m not sure if my angle color and lighting key diagram is right or not.

Single Source Photo

Photo taken by me on August 1st, 2019.

Theme: single source artificial light

The man in this picture was my supervisor at the summer camp where I worked, Tel Yehudah, for the summer of 2019. His name is Teague. We were on a “shmira” shift, which meant we were part of the group responsible that night for making sure campers stayed in their bunks past lights out. Part of the shmira equipment was this huge flashlight that we were supposed to use to spot and identify campers. On this particular night, for whatever reason, we had balloons. Teague pressed the industrial flashlight against the balloon and it glowed this cool neon green as seen above. I love this picture so much. The color and glow created by the flashlight combined with the balloon is so slimy and unusual and it reminds me of how much fun it was to work with Teague.

Single Source

December 8th 2019- picture taken by Rene Micheo in Cincinnati, Ohio

Theme: Single Source of Light

This is a photo from my senior year where I was performing in the Nutcracker at my high-school. This photo comes from the final moment in our show where the Cavalier and Sugar Plum Fairy pose together and a single white spotlight above them is the only thing on.

Single Source

Theme: Single Source

Attribution: bing

Description: two cars on a street light by a single street lamp

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