Single Source

Single Source

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When I think about a single light on in a room, I think back to when I would stay up late with a desk light on while I read. Because the lamp is the only source in the room, the dark ominous background contrasts with the bright white light on the subject. The angle of the light also creates shadows across the subject, so as to barely light her, and have the full intensity of light on the pages of the book.


Photo Observation

Single Light Source Photo

A Thoughtful Moment 228/365: Single Light Source Portrait

This photo is from a photo shoot that only had one light source and I picked it because I felt I could easily identify which side of his face was light and how steep the angle of the light was.

Lighting Observation

Date: 3/10/2023

Time: 9am

Objective: The sunlight shining through the blinds casting light streaks across the wall

Subjective: It gives me a sense of warmth. The light through blinds wakes me up and helps me get ready for the day  ahead.

Lighting Observation

Date: 03/06/2023

Time: 3:00 pm

Location: outside Schaeffer’s Black Box

Objective: I was sitting on the bench and it was a very sunny day. The sky was a solid light blue with little to no clouds. I had finished drinking the chai latte from my glass french square bottle and settled it down on the bench beside me. The sun was reflecting on the glass and highlight the edges and rims of the glass bottle. The sunlight was also hitting me straight on the face.

Subjective: The sunlight reflecting off the glass bottle created for some interesting shadows and beautiful wavy highlights. The sunlight hitting me straight on the face made my skin look smooth but it also completely erased most of the dimension on my face. This moment reminded me of the what we learned earlier about lighting positions and angles and how having a direct light on your face will wash out most of your features. Overall this moment felt very positive and happy because of the bright light and blue skies.

Lighting Moment

Date: 3/10/23

Time: 8:54 P.M.

Location: the Playhouse

Objective: there’s a string of paper lanterns and a single spot on an actress on the otherwise dimly lit stage

Subjective: I run the spot for that scene and spotting that actress on that stage for that scene brings me much joy

Lighting Observation 3

Date: 3/10/23

Time: Noon

Location: women’s changing room in the Fitness Center at Hofstra

Objective: fluorescent square lighting tiles lining the ceiling make the entire room brightly and evenly lit. The floor has a reflective property that makes it shinier directly underneath the ceiling lights.

Subjective: I know this sounds obvious, but it feels like a gym changing room. There are no shadowy spaces, nowhere for anything to get lost, just tons of locker-covered walls and floors and benches. It’s comfortingly bare and the kind of place where you might want to hunker down in case of an apocalypse, or go to avoid nightmares. Everything is aggressively illuminated. No secrets here.


Lighting Observation

March 10, 2023; 8:00pm; Connecticut Highway

The lampposts and headlights were shining on the highway.

The night sky was completely black and yet, on this small section of highway there were individual lampposts staggering alongside the road, lighting our way home. The car headlights shined similar to a kid holding a flashlight in the woods. Though the lamppost dissapeared into the distance, the headlights continued to keep our immediate surroundings lit and safe.

Lighting Observation

Date: 3/4/23

Time: Middle of the afternoon, around 2PM

Location: Philadelphia flower show

Objective: Grounded lights shining up through the flower petals.

Subjective: Nature is a beautiful thing. Creating a show to show off the splendor and magnificence makes it even more beautiful. The lights shining through the petals bring out the colors, each arrangement telling its own story. Everyone you see wonder and excitement, color and vibrance, taking the time to see and enjoy nature is a beautiful thing.

Photo Observation

Theme: Bizarre

Description: Bizarre means unusual and out of the ordinary, and I think this image of a perfume bottle does a good job of expressing that. The colors in this photo are very vibrant and are complimentary colors(cyan and red). Complimentary colors such as these create an interesting image but also creates discomfort. Also the shapes created in the background remind me of the use of gobos. The use of gobos can create shapes that are not shapes you can see normally in everyday life.



Bizarre Photo


Theme: Bizarre

This is a photo of an aurora borealis and I feel that it fits the description of bizarre since its not something you are completely used to seeing and often times has light colors in it you wouldn’t associate with nature such as the strong green.

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